Читать книгу Think Twice: You Can Be Creative - Dr. Jasmine Boone's Renner - Страница 4
CHAPTER ONE - Out of Your Mind? : Think Twice -
Оглавление“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking it is stupid.” Albert Einstein.
You're are absolutely out of your mind!
Sally: Perhaps so, but doesn't it sound like fun?
Mark: Come on, Sally. Let's go swimming in the river.
Sally: Look at the pile of dirt in the water. Swim in it? You've got to be out of your mind!
Have you ever done or said something that elicited an immediate spontaneous reaction from those around you that went like this: “You must be completely out of your mind”? or “You must be crazy for saying or doing that!” This statement is often made when as individuals we do or attempt to do something weird, impossible, out of this world, sometimes ridiculous, way over the top or way beyond the natural realm of possibilities. But do you know that in terms of been aware of your creative potential you may be literally out of your mind? Yes I meant out of your mind.
So often one of the most insulting things someone can say to us is, “Are you out of your mind?” But what if it is could actually be one of the coolest things they have ever said? What if being out of your mind meant something positive rather than its literal connotation of surprise or negativity? Really can you be out of your mind and think that is ok? You see a fish knows that it needs to stay in the water in order to survive, a bird knows it needs to fly in order to maintain momentum, ants know they need to gather their food in summer or else they will be stranded in the fall but human beings are the last of the creator’s species to realize that if they don’t function creatively they are literally out of their zone; out of their minds.
You see human beings are predominantly wired to be creative by design because we were created by the most creative creator but the truth is that not everybody has fully grappled or recognized this fact. The imprinted image, DNA and design of the ultimate creator is reflected in every human being on the face of the earth. The question is are we aware of this or do we think it is a pathetic joke? Whether we are intimately aware of this or not does not change the fact that this is true.
Have you ever wondered how extraordinary the mind is? How it can reach heights of intellectual ecstasy to the depths of suicidal despair? It is the same mind that longs for that sumptuous apple pie or that stunning outfit; then afterwards may wonder why we ate something so rich, or let the outfit go unworn in the closet and feel guilty that you bought it in the first place.
The mind is capable of understanding the most intricate scientific and mathematical theories and can make complicated corporate decisions, yet the same mind can get caught up in trivia and nonsense, becoming upset or even unglued over a seemingly harmless remark. It runs our lives, pushing us in all directions, from attraction to repulsion, creating endless dramas that act out our insecurities and fears.
There is no denying the importance and value of our incredible mind–there is great brilliance and beauty but there is also great absurdity. Thinking, for instance, is not wrong at all, but are our thoughts constructive ones or do they generate further confusion? For no matter how intellectually astute or creative we may be, this aptitude often has little or no effect upon the habitual mind and its repetitive patterns.
It was Albert Einstein who stated:
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and forgotten the gift.
Look around you and identify the most joyful people you ever know; the people who radiate life and goodwill. Chances are excellent that you'll find them expressing themselves in significant ways.
You'll find:
a teacher connecting with students in a powerful, transforming way
an entrepreneur working long hours building a business
a dancer learning a complicated routine
a rock climber inching up a challenging crevass
a parent planning a birthday party
a lawyer researching an obscure case
a jazz pianist composing
a cook experimenting with an unusual seasoning
a fisherman trying to outsmart a wily trout
a designer sketching a fashion layout
a minister writing a sermon
a poet capturing a metaphor
an engineer tinkering with a problematic device
a twelve-year-old kid "playing" endlessly with graphics software
What all these folks have in common is that they're learning, exploring, breaking-through barriers, generating ideas, rejecting ideas, solving problems, identifying opportunities, making judgments, receiving input from others and their senses, experimenting, trying, failing, trying again. In other words, they're creating works of art, experiences, inventions, pictures, words, relationships, music, recipes, fun, and self-fulfillment.
Every one of them is exercising the art of creativity, because that's what we do. It comes with the territory of being a human being. We create. We are creative beings. We create because it helps us survive and it feels good. It brings us some type of joy and fulfillment. When we don't create, when we don't learn and grow, it brings us pain. It deadens us. When this innate urge to create is thwarted or stifled, we turn to unhealthy substitutes. Because we have the innate propensity to create, we must create. Our focus should be on baby steps and small or little -c creativity because that's all we can control and that's where the fun is. As we learn more and more ways to generate ideas and express our unique combination of talents, skills and life experiences, we might earn a big-C Creativity label.
And by the way in case you are wondering, you don’t actually need permission to create. And you certainly don’t need other people to give you permission to create.
You have innate creative ideas and a spark. You have the supplies. You have the ideas. You have the will power. Hopefully, you have the support system in place. You have EVERYTHING you need to fill your life and yourself with your creative dreams. So create!!
But you may say I am simply not creative. I am not in my God-given creative zone. I lost it.
I mentioned in my recent book: Wisdom Keys on Releasing Your Creative Potential that your mind is a divine deposit given to you by your creator. Your mind’s capacity increases enlarges and multiplies with use. Have you ever had the saying that your worth and value in life is essentially a product of the use of your mind? You see man is a unique creature and possesses unusual endowment. It is true that your thoughts hold the key to your life. Therefore the need for mental reformation and a constant realization about the incredible power of a spirited mind cannot be overemphasized.
Your mind acts as a pivot around which your whole existence revolves. It is essentially where thinking take place. It is impossible to think one thing and produce another. A happy and productive life results from correct thinking. While an unhappy and unproductive life results from incorrect or negative thinking. It is as simple as that. With the appropriate use of your mind you can produce the changes you desire. A productive life demands engaging your mind and senses positively.
Everyone is a person of great value but your value is essentially a function of the use to which you put your mind to. When you become mentally grounded you automatically become valueless. At the point of insanity a man’s entire dignity is eroded. His entire value is lost. He cannot use his mind constructively. This gives you an idea of the place of your mind in determining your value in life. Think for one second about creativity. Creativity demands and requires the use of your mind. Your mind is the factor that makes you relevant to the world.
Think for one second. How much is your mind worth to you? What will your mind do for another who is privileged to glean from it? What will your mind bring to them “if they practice what is hidden within its corridors?
Is it that hard to imagine great exploits being naturally exhibited from within you – by your inspired mind? Can you see yourself “being, doing, and creating great things and great possibilities? Have you determined how much your steps are worth? What is the nature of the lifestyles of those who seek the wisdom of your mind? What are they doing? What are they “attempting” to do? What did you invest today in your incredible mind?
There are pertinent question to start our journey in the discovery of your incredible mind.
The mind is the common creative tool given to all human beings by the creator. What is so interesting about this common creative tool given by the creator is that he himself places great importance and significance to the role of the mind.
So the next time someone spontaneously uses the phrase “you are out of your mind”? Your respond should be Yes and No. Yes because you know deep within that been of your mind simply means you are connected with other sources of yourself. You are creative and NO because no one in the material world ever wants to be out of their minds for a long time. Do you?