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7 Meditation and Synchronicity


Synchronicity (what some people call “coincidence”) is related to probability. There are events that occur in life which have a small probability of happening, yet they happen. For instance, you’re visiting with a friend, there’s a pause in the conversation, and you say something completely unrelated to the topic. The friend responds with, “I was just thinking that!” The chances of that happening are statistically small, yet it happens.

Another example: you call a friend you haven’t spoken with in a while. You happen upon their number in your address book, and decide to call and see how they are doing. When they answer, you find out their grandmother just died, and they really were needing someone to talk to. You coincidentally called them at that precise moment and were able to comfort them in their hour of need.

Because of their rare and unplanned occurrence, and because they usually happen between two people, instances of synchronicity are difficult for scientists to study. They’re outside the realm of science, but not outside the realm of our experience. Even though they aren’t scientifically provable, we find proof of them in our own lives and in hearing the remarkable experiences of other people. Sharing such experiences are a powerful way of validating their reality.

Synchronicity occurs when something happens out of the ordinary, generally between two people. The chances are miniscule, yet it happens. You see it, you experience it, it’s very real and poignant to you, but because it’s so personal it can’t necessarily be validated by others.

I’d like to share a true story to illustrate an example of synchronicity. Years ago I was working with a client who was very, very busy. I encouraged her to slow down and take time for herself. I remember telling her that if she didn’t learn to slow down, there could be serious consequences. I didn’t say that to frighten her but to try to help her understand the direction she was headed, and to make her more aware of her compromised state of well-being.

Shortly after I reminded her to slow down, she was driving on the freeway, speeding along, as always, in a hurry. A truck in front of her went out of control and started spinning around. It came within inches of hitting and killing her. As the truck spun by, this woman saw in big, bold, black letters (in her mind) the words “Slow Down!” To her, that was a message. If she didn’t slow down, there would be consequences.

Later she joked, asking if I had put that sign there to remind her. Of course I hadn’t had anything to do with it; it was one of those remarkable coincidences. This is what is meant by a moment of synchronicity.

Perhaps you, too, have had an incident where the universe or God seemed to conspire to send you a message so loudly and clearly that it got your attention. What does this have to do with meditation? The central goal of meditation is to help you slow down, quiet your mind, and be still. What may happen is that as you do this, you find that synchronicity in your life begins to increase.

Because meditation is such a powerful change agent and so helpful in a plethora of ways, I wonder if the universe or God doesn’t perhaps give back to us, in the form of synchronicity, to show us we are on the right track and to encourage us to keep on meditating. Synchronicities happen a lot more often when you’re practicing meditation.

There’s a person who can validate or disqualify this claim I’m making that when you meditate, synchronicities happen more frequently in your life. That person is you. I suggest you keep a notebook or file of things that happen that are “coincidental” or out of the ordinary. As you commit to meditation more and more, see if these synchronicities don’t happen with more frequency.

I encourage writing these experiences down because as they begin happening, we tend to notice then forget them. We may notice them, but we don’t become attached to them, which is a good thing. But keep a journal of these synchronicities to prove to yourself that synchronicities are increasing as you meditate. You will find that synchronicity is another benefit of meditation, a by-product. You will realize what a change meditation is making in your life.

Suspend judgment for a little while, and just give it a try. Meditate regularly, once in the morning and once in the evening, and see if life doesn’t flow better. See if synchronicities don’t just happen to occur more often to you.

Reflections on Meditation: A Guide for Beginners

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