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I’m sure we don’t have to tell you that finding the right partner or spouse can be difficult, but what we do need to tell you is that it isn’t impossible. Many times people have bad experiences in relationships and often feel they want to throw in the towel or think that significant monogamous, healthy relationships only exist in fairy tales. We hope that this book can give you a glimmer of hope because the very thing you’re looking for is possible-- but it takes work! This is the part that most people forget and a large part of the reason why so many relationships go south after the so called “honeymoon” period ends. Is it that the entire relationship was a facade? Or is it possible that people are conditioned to take things for granted, especially if it’s always there.

A smaller scale example of this can be seen in the process of buying a new car. You probably take great care in making the final decision to buy it, and you might have been imagining yourself driving the car months or even years in advance because you liked it so much. And when you get that car, you are ecstatic. You are always worried about keeping it clean and making sure you park far away from any other cars to ensure it doesn’t get dinged.

Only a rare few maintain this fastidiousness in treating their car with such care. And for those few, their cars maintain their pristine condition. But by now most of you have probably already chuckled at the memory of yourself going out of your way like this for your car because this behavior is now only a distant memory.

The same thing happens for a lot of things in life, even in relationships. And just like the car that is no longer cared for with such love and consideration, the newness of a relationship wears off. If you had maintained the steadfast behavior that you had in the beginning, you would have noticed the little things in the relationship that needed extra care and attention but typically what happens over time is you stop listening and putting in that extra energy, care and love.

The purpose of this book is to teach you how to find a healthy partner, how to be the same in return, and how to keep that relationship alive and in existence.

Getting It Right: A Guide to Healthy Relationships

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