Читать книгу Life's Interruptions - Dr. Ronald J.D. Thomas - Страница 3



Whether life is going well for you or collapsing around you and before your eyes, we all want freedom and success. With the continued spiraling down of our economy, the staggering rate of unemployment and terrorism seeming to be around every corner, sometimes it is difficult to be objective in life. Everyone wants a better life. Too many people settle for mediocrity in their thoughts, attitudes or actions, which has a tremendous influence on everything that comes to us.

We search for answers and sometimes a ‘quick fix’ for the problem at hand, but far too often do not recognize what is really going on in our lives.

In this book, Dr. Thomas has left no stone unturned to try to give an answer and hope to those who have been beaten up by life and find themselves in deep depression and discouragement over ‘Life's Interruptions.’ Too often, as believers, we want to blame everything on the devil, the powers of darkness, when more often than not; The Lord Himself is bringing interruption. The late great Evangelist D. L. Moody once said, God will bring Divine Interruptions to bring us about (turn us) into His plan and purpose.

Dr. Thomas has incredible insight into the human experience of interruptions. He is a prolific author, teacher, life coach and motivator of multitudes. He is pastor of an exciting growing church with a heart to see God's children mature and be equipped for service in the Kingdom of God. His heart of compassion causes his church to reach beyond the walls into the community. He is recognized in his city of Las Vegas as a master instructor. Politicians and corporate leaders alike have shown the greatest respect for this seasoned and committed Man of God.

You will need to read this book more than once to get to the meat of what the Lord is saying through this incredible servant. He is truly an Apostle of Faith raised up for this hour to bring the end time church into her rightful position and destiny. It has been my privilege to know this man and watch his life as he has increased in knowledge, power, influence and favor in and outside his sphere of ministry.

I salute you Apostle. God has truly inspired your creativity. I know that without a doubt, you are one of the ‘hidden generals’ who has been reserved for this day and hour. May you bless the multitudes as you have blessed me. It is my honor to call you friend.

Archbishop Dr. Lawrence Langston, Th.D. Ph.D.

Archbishop General of Trans-Atlantic & Pacific Alliance of Churches, London, England

Chancellor of Tabernacle Bible College & Seminary, Tampa, Florida

Life's Interruptions

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