Читать книгу The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins - Dr. Seuss - Страница 7


All the people rushed for the pavements. They drove their carts right up over the kerbstones. Bartholomew clutched his basket tighter.

Around the corner dashed fifty trumpeters on yellow-robed horses. Behind them on crimson-robed horses came the King’s Own Guards.

‟Hats off to the King!” shouted the Captain of the King’s Own Guards.

On came the King’s carriage — white and gold and purple. It rumbled like thunder through the narrow street.

It swept past Bartholomew. Then suddenly its mighty brakes shrieked. It lurched—and then it stopped. The whole procession stood still.

Bartholomew could hardly believe what he saw. Through the side window of the carriage, the King himself was staring back—straight back at him! Bartholomew began to tremble.

‟Back up!” the King commanded the Royal Coachman.

The Royal Coachman shouted to the royal horses. The King’s Own Guards shouted to their crimson-robed horses. The trumpeters shouted to their yellow-robed horses. Very slowly the whole proces-sion backed down the street, until the King’s carriage stopped right in front of Bartholomew.

The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins

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