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Amour 12


Some Atheist or vile Infidell in loue,

When I doe speake of thy diuinitie,

May blaspheme thus, and say I flatter thee,

And onely write my skill in verse to proue.

See myracles, ye vnbeleeuing! see

A dumbe-born Muse made to expresse the mind,

A cripple hand to write, yet lame by kind,

One by thy name, the other touching thee.

Blind were mine eyes, till they were seene of thine,

And mine eares deafe by thy fame healed be;

My vices cur'd by vertues sprung from thee,

My hopes reuiu'd, which long in graue had lyne:

All vncleane thoughts, foule spirits, cast out in mee

By thy great power, and by strong fayth in thee.

Minor Poems of Michael Drayton

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