Читать книгу The Great Awakening of An Average Girl - E. L. Chart - Страница 2
ОглавлениеSomewhere out there is another average person just like me. Hiding their pain behind a fake smile, afraid to show themselves to the world, and scared of what the future holds for them. It is not by chance that you are reading this. In the grand scheme of things, the Universe aligned you here in this moment, ensuring that you were ready to take in a new perspective on how to expand within your reality, and how to move beyond your current outlook of life. Of course, this does sound very esoteric and bold, but I ask you to set the intention that you will read this book with an open mind. Such an open mind that you may finish reading this book with a different perspective entirely.
As you are reading this introduction, you may find yourself in a position where you do not know where life is taking you, you may find yourself ruminating over past memories like a song on repeat, and you may even find yourself feeling stuck. I wrote this book with the intention that anyone who reads it may be able to see clearly the past memories that have been holding them back, and finally move beyond the physical and emotional pain they have experienced, within these memories, to better understand their life from a higher perspective.
By the end of this book, you will better understand why the same reoccurring patterns have happened within your life, why you experienced trauma, and how it may have shaped the way you view other people, genders, nationalities, and archetypes. It will help you understand the importance of facing your fears and the chatter within your mind that holds you back.
I have been there myself, running away from my feelings, unable to find a reason that I should love myself, and continuously telling myself that I am not worthy. It did not matter how hard I worked out at the gym, it did not matter what I achieved in my personal life, as long as I was looking into that mirror and seeing the empty vessel in that reflection; I did not believe I was worthy of love.
Until one day, I had a great awakening. I realised that life was happening right now, and I was completely missing it. I knew I was not alone, and neither are you. It is time to stop standing in your own shadow and start living the life that you truly deserve.
I started learning, studying, researching, and integrating every way I have been holding myself back. Every fear I held onto and all of the reasons that I was not living my life authentically. This complete disintegration of who I was made way for a new and transformed me, one that takes risks when she is guided to, that reassures herself when she needs it, and the version of me that allows past pain to be observed and integrated.
My process of observing, healing, integrating, and shedding to become a transformed version of myself allowed for the words you will soon read to be able to pour out from my Soul, with the intention that at least one person reading this book will come out feeling the same newfound peace that I have been able to find.
As you read this book, you will hear parts of my awakening story, you will discover theories that explain why certain cycles keep reoccurring in your life, and you will uncover how to finally overcome these patterns once and for all. This book will take you through the depths of your own subconscious mind, through your childhood, up into the ether, and back into the present moment.