Читать книгу Лебеди мира. Структура и эволюция сигнального поведения - Е. Н. Панов - Страница 1


На передней обложке: церемония приветствия у лебедя шипуна (заповедник Аскания-Нова, фото Е.Н. Панова

Panov E.N. Pavlova E.Yu. Swans of the world. Structure and evolution of signal behavior. M.: KMK Scientifi c Press Ltd. 2015.164 p., табл 14, ref. 134., 56 figs, 8 color plates.

In the book, using materials on the biology of the compact group of birds, namely the subtribe Cygninae (six to eight species, according to different taxonomic schemes), taken as an example, main methodological approaches in comparative ethology are discusses, as well as principles of an analytical description of the signal behavior available for the subsequent taxonomical reasoning. Principal information on the ecology and social behavior of all swan species of the world are given. The history of their first scientific description and subsequent transformations in views on the structure of the whole taxon are treated. On the base of new, nontrivial ethological data obtained a revision of phylogenetic relationships among species is offered. In particular, authors cast doubt on the affiliation of the Black-necked Swan to the genus Cygnus, as well as on opinion of close relationship of the so-called Coscoroba Swan to the true swans.

Лебеди мира. Структура и эволюция сигнального поведения

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