Читать книгу Victorious Living - E. Stanley Jones - Страница 4




Publisher’s Preface

Foreword: So Much the Better by Leonard Sweet

Author’s Introduction

Week 1 Sunday: The Question That Halts Our Quest; Monday: Follow a Life of No or a Life of Yes?; Tuesday: Is Life a Bubble or an Egg?; Wednesday: In Which We Look at the Alternatives; Thursday: In Which We Continue to Look at the Alternatives; Friday: In Which We Still Continue to Look at the Alternatives; Saturday: In Which We Make Our Choice

Week 2 Sunday: Why Are We Religious? Monday: The Divine Initiative; Tuesday: In Which Religion Is Defined for Us; Wednesday: The Central Emphasis in the Definition; Thursday: The Kingdom Written Within; Friday: The Kingdom and Life; Saturday: Are Religious People Unnatural and Strange?

Week 3 Sunday: Toiling in the Dark; Monday: How Do We Get to the Goal of Self-expression? Tuesday: How Do We Get Rid of Enemies? Wednesday: How Can We Arrive at Greatness? Thursday: How Do We Get to Happiness? Friday: How Can We Arrive at the Goal of Sex-fulfillment? Saturday: How Can We Arrive at the Goal of Inward Unity?

Week 4 Sunday: How Can I Find God? Monday: The Risk God Took; Tuesday: God’s Search for Me; Wednesday: Some Further Considerations in Finding God; Thursday: Who Can Find God? Friday: Facing the Issues; Saturday: We Apply the Tests

Week 5 Sunday: Am I Truthful? Monday: Am I Honest? Tuesday: Am I Pure? Wednesday: Am I Easily Offended or Am I Loving? Thursday: Am I Selfish or Are My Powers Dedicated? Friday: Is Confession Necessary? Saturday: To Whom Must I Confess?

Week 6 Sunday: Untangling Our Lives; Monday: Still Untangling Our Lives; Tuesday: Still Further Untangling Our Lives; Wednesday: In Which I Make the Surrender; Thursday: Thronging or Touching? Friday: What Does Faith Really Mean? Saturday: Must I Understand All Before I Follow?

Week 7 Sunday: First Steps Out of the Old Life; Monday: What Is Conversion? Tuesday: We Continue to Look at Conversion; Wednesday: Empty; Thursday: Is Conversion a Manifestation of the Sex Urge? Friday: Do Conversions Conform to One Pattern? Saturday: The Central Thing in Conversion

Week 8 Sunday: What Is the Basis of Assurance? Monday: The Assurance of the Word; Tuesday: The Assurance of the Collective Witness; Wednesday: The Assurance That Comes through New Moral Power; Thursday: The Assurance of the Creative Impulse; Friday: The Most Intimate of All Assurances: The Assurance of the Spirit; Saturday: Is This Assurance Based on Feeling?

Week 9 Sunday: The Take-off; Monday: Commit Yourself; Tuesday: Discipline Yourself; Wednesday: Establish the Prayer Habit; Thursday: Assimilate the Living Word; Friday: The Habit of Sharing; Saturday: The New Life and Recreation

Week 10 Sunday: The Corporate Fellowship; Monday: Is Christendom Living Victoriously? Tuesday: The Spirit of Nonexpectancy; Wednesday: Is Forgiveness the Best We Can Expect? Thursday: What Does the Gospel Offer? Friday: What the Victorious Life Is Not; Saturday: What the Victorious Life Is Not (continued)

Week 11 Sunday: What the Victorious Life Is Not (continued); Monday: What Is the Victorious Life? Tuesday: What Is the Victorious Life? (continued); Wednesday: Does Conversion Give Us Victorious Living? Thursday: The Inner Conflict; Friday: Can the Subconscious Be Converted? Saturday: Must We Face Another Spiritual Crisis?

Week 12 Sunday: The Old and the New Side by Side; Monday: The Revelation of the Central Difficulty; Tuesday: The Consequences of This Attitude; Wednesday: Group Consequences of This Attitude; Thursday: Racial Consequences of This Attitude; Friday: The Contrast; Saturday: The Secret

Week 13 Sunday: Stunted Lives; Monday: Arrested Growth; Tuesday: Tied Up through Fear; Wednesday: Tied Up through Mental Pride; Thursday: Tied Up through Moral Defeat; Friday: Tied Up through Shyness and Self-consciousness; Saturday: Tied Up by Sheer Emptiness

Week 14 Sunday: Results of the Victorious Life; Monday: The Leisured Heart; Tuesday: The Power to Live in Spite Of; Wednesday: The Strain Taken Out; Thursday: Power over Every Sin; Friday: Simplicity and Straightforwardness; Saturday: Life Creative

Week 15 Sunday: How Shall I Enter? Monday: Things to Avoid in Seeking; Tuesday: Further Things to Avoid; Wednesday: Whipping Up the Will; Thursday: The Crux of the Problem; Friday: Letting That Last Thing Go; Saturday: Compromises

Week 16 Sunday: Further Compromise; Monday: We Search Relentlessly; Tuesday: Two Welcomes; Wednesday: All I Know and All I Don’t Know; Thursday: All I Don’t Know (continued); Friday: The Acceptance; Saturday: A Personal Word

Week 17 Sunday: A Further Clarification; Monday: Fear of Not Having Emotion; Tuesday: Talk Faith to People; Wednesday: Clean through the Word; Thursday: The Cleansing of Their World; Friday: The Cleansing of the Kingdom; Saturday: Further Cleansing

Week 18 Sunday: His Declaration of Faith; Monday: Overcoming the World; Tuesday: Overcoming the World of the Commonplace; Wednesday: Overcoming the Handicap of a Mediocre Family; Thursday: Overcoming the World of the Spectacular; Friday: Overcoming the World of Haste; Saturday: Overcoming Impatience with Bungling Instruments

Week 19 Sunday: Overcoming the World of Resentment; Monday: Overcoming the World of the Irrelevant; Tuesday: Overcoming the World of Anxieties; Wednesday: Overcoming the Spirit of Withdrawal; Thursday: Overcoming the Unwillingness to Be in a Minority; Friday: Overcoming the World of Sin; Saturday: The Secret of the Overcoming

Week 20 Sunday: Sublimation of the Instincts; Monday: Sublimation of the Instincts; (continued); Tuesday: Some Old Things New; Wednesday: Sublimating the Self Instinct; Thursday: Sublimating Sex; Friday: Sublimating the Instincts of Curiosity and Pride; Saturday: Sublimating the Acquisitive and the Herd Instincts

Week 21 Sunday: Victorious Living and the Social Environment; Monday: Adaptive Organism and Suitable Environment; Tuesday: Is a Private Environment Sufficient? Wednesday: All Causes of Sin; Thursday: Some Causes of Sin; Friday: Selfish Competition: The Chief Cause; Saturday: Loving Your Neighbor in a Competitive Order

Week 22 Sunday: Famine Needed! Monday: Employer and Employee; Tuesday: Worshiping the Machine; Wednesday: Another Cause of Sin: War; Thursday: My Attitude toward War; Friday: My Attitude toward War (continued); Saturday: The War Gods’ End

Week 23 Sunday: Another Cause of Sin: Race Prejudice; Monday: Race Prejudice and Snobbery; Tuesday: Economic Inequality: A Cause of Sin; Wednesday: Causing Sin to the Underprivileged; Thursday: Nationalism: Another Cause of Sin; Friday: A Cause of Sin: Subjection; Saturday: Another Cause of Sin: Inadequate Housing

Week 24 Sunday: Other Causes of Sin: Low Wages and Unemployment; Monday: The Existence of Class; Tuesday: Another Cause of Sin: Attitudes toward Women; Wednesday: Economic Insecurity; Thursday: What Is to Be Done About It? Friday: Facing Some Half-truths; Saturday: Individuals and Their Circumstances

Week 25 Sunday: Will the Converted Necessarily Convert Society? Monday: Can You Change Society without Changed Individuals? Tuesday: A Correction;Wednesday: The Half-truth of Moral People and Immoral Society; Thursday: The Half-truth of the Coming of the Kingdom as Only Gradual; Friday: The Half-truth of the Coming of the Kingdom as Only Sudden; Saturday: The Synthesis

Week 26 Sunday: Is the Church to Take the Role of Judge? Monday: Visited and Redeemed; Tuesday: The Blending of Two Emphases; Wednesday: The Meaning of Judgment; Thursday: The Wisdom of the Just; Friday: Judgment unto Victory; Saturday: Our One Hope

Week 27 Sunday: The Halfway House; Monday: The Unity of the Ideal and the Real; Tuesday: Losing Our Ideals to Find Them Again; Wednesday: The Application of This Principle; Thursday: The Application of This Principle to the Social Order; Friday: The Unity of the Secular and the Sacred; Saturday: The Sacred and the Secular Looked at Again

Week 28 Sunday: The Unity of Body and Soul; Monday: This Is My Body; Tuesday: This Is My Blood; Wednesday: Bodily Sickness: What Attitude? Thursday: Are You Tired? Friday: How Does God Heal? Saturday: How Does God Heal? (continued)

Week 29 Sunday: Living Relaxed; Monday: More about Living Relaxed; Tuesday: Relaxed in Our Work; Wednesday: Relaxed amid Opposition; Thursday: Shall We Let Down Tensions? Friday: Relaxed under Burdens; Saturday: Distressed and Scattered

Week 30 Sunday: Fear: The Destroyer of Inner Unity; Monday: Fears from Early Shocks; Tuesday: The Fear of the Herd; Wednesday: The Fear of Failure; Thursday: The Fear of Destitution in Old Age; Friday: The Fear of Being Dependent on Others; Saturday: Negativism

Week 31 Sunday: The Basis of These Fears; Monday: Fears and Divided Loyalty; Tuesday: The Clouds over the Economic Life; Wednesday: The Cloud over Our Churches; Thursday: The Cloud over Our Churches (continued); Friday: Clouds over the Personal Life; Saturday: The Undivided in Heart See God

Week 32 Sunday: The Conquest of Anger; Monday: The Root of Anger; Tuesday: The Anger Remains; Wednesday: Meeting Criticism; Thursday: Meeting Unjust Criticism; Friday: Answering Critics; Saturday: Don’t Worry about Your Reputation

Week 33 Sunday: Victory through Suffering; Monday: Are Christians Exempt? Tuesday: What Attitudes Are We Taking? Wednesday: Do You Know What to Do? Thursday: The Pain God Is Allowed to Guide; Friday: Will Life Always Be Just? Saturday: Seizing Fate by the Throat

Week 34 Sunday: Light on Life’s Darkest Problem; Monday: Life for the Mastery of Life; Tuesday: Let the Glory Out! Wednesday: Is Trouble God’s Punishment? Thursday: Life Strikes Away Our Crutches; Friday: God’s Insulations; Saturday: Summing Up

Week 35 Sunday: Music in the Making; Monday: Some Pauses; Tuesday: The Most Solemn Pause of All: Death; Wednesday: Life’s Most Fruitful Pause; Thursday: We Pause to Consider Prayer; Friday: We Further Consider Prayer; Saturday: Making the Prayer Hour Effective

Week 36 Sunday: Communion and Commission; Monday: Does God Guide Our Lives? Tuesday: How Does God Guide Us? Wednesday: Guidance through Enlightened Intelligence; Thursday: God’s Guidance through Others; Friday: Guidance through a Group; Saturday: Guidance through the Inner Voice

Week 37 Sunday: Guidance Then and Now; Monday: The Scriptures and the Power of God; Tuesday: A Further Check; Wednesday: The Inner Voice Dependable; Thursday: More Thoughts on Guidance; Friday: Your Commission Free from Stain; Saturday: The Stain of Partial Fulfillment

Week 38 Sunday: Inwardly Bound Up; Monday: Throwing Off All Reserve; Tuesday: Magnificent Obsession; Wednesday: The Kingdom of Our Father David; Thursday: Personal Reserves in Personal Contacts; Friday: The Power That Gives Release; Saturday: Freedom for Dammed-up Souls

Week 39 Sunday: Interpreters or Interferers? Monday: Heightening the Message; Tuesday: Getting the Message Through; Wednesday: The First Approach; Thursday: Barriers and the Way around Them; Friday: Further Barriers and the Way around Them; Saturday: The Most Delicate Moment

Week 40 Sunday: Facing Up; Monday: Religious but Rotten; Tuesday: The Goal Wednesday: Social Restraint: Individual Change; Thursday: God’s Will: My Meat; Friday: My Will: My Poison; Saturday: “Him unto Him”

Week 41 Sunday: Victorious Living and Temptation; Monday: Eye-Sin; Tuesday: Overcoming Temptation; Wednesday: Take Heed What You Hear; Thursday: The Temptation to Look at Others; Friday: The Temptation to Look at Your Feelings; Saturday: Outgrowing Temptation

Week 42 Sunday: Principles of Corporate Living; Monday: Principles of Corporate Living (continued); Tuesday: Corporate Living Further Examined; Wednesday: Giving Way in Small Things; Thursday: Siding Against Yourself; Friday: “Members One of Another”; Saturday: A Cross Section of a Christian Society

Week 43 Sunday: Dangers to the New Society; Monday: Victory at the Place of Money; Tuesday: Victory at the Place of Power; Wednesday: The Cross Becomes Inevitable; Thursday: The Cross in Action; Friday: Life Looked at through a Cross; Saturday: The Four Who Bore Crosses

Week 44 Sunday: The Christian’s Joy; Monday: The Song of the Lamb; Tuesday: The Power of the Resurrection; Wednesday: The Joy of God’s Presence; Thursday: The Joy of Certainty and the Open Road; Friday: The Spirit’s Law; Saturday: The Spirit’s Law: The Unfolding

Week 45 Sunday: Practical Suggestions for Growth; Monday: Grow by Taking in More Territory; Tuesday: Deliberately Planning to Grow; Wednesday: Beware of the Devil’s Atonement; Thursday: Bringing the Mind into Unity; Friday: Live Today! Saturday: Grow through Obstacles

Week 46 Sunday: Grow through Obstacles by Prayer; Monday: Growth in Quality of Life; Tuesday: Growth in Creative Faith; Wednesday: A People Prepared; Thursday: A People Prepared in Mind; Friday: Growth in Love; Saturday: Growth in the Social Application of Love

Week 47 Sunday: Developing through Collective Quest; Monday: Developing through Unity; Tuesday: Grow in Grace; Wednesday: Grow in Humility; Thursday: Development in Creative Obedience; Friday: Development in Creative Courage; Saturday: Growth in Reconciliation

Week 48 Sunday: Growth in Making the Home Christian; Monday: Growth in Appreciation; Tuesday: “Prompted by Her Mother”; Wednesday: The Lamp; Thursday: In the City and in the Home; Friday: Holding the Home Together; Saturday: “This Is a New People”

Week 49 Sunday: Cosmic Optimism; Monday: Failures; Tuesday: Dwelling in Tombs; Wednesday: “There Is No!”; Thursday: Kuchha or Puckha? Friday: “From Henceforth”; Saturday: An Inner Corrective

Week 50 Sunday: Stone That the Builders Rejected; Monday: We Look at Some Rejected Stones; Tuesday: The Love Motive: A Rejected Stone; Wednesday: The Kingdom of God: Another Rejected Stone; Thursday: The Kingdom of God Is Near; Friday: Redemption: A Rejected Stone; Saturday: The Realism of Jesus: A Rejected Stone

Week 51 Sunday: Our Central Need Met; Monday: The Modern Mood of Despair: Why? Tuesday: Made Narrow and Saved from Narrowness; Wednesday: Given Experience and Saved from Experience; Thursday: He Saves from Laziness; Friday: He Will Save His People; Saturday: “Your Hour”; “My Time”

Week 52 Sunday: “Amid All These Things”; Monday: “Conquerors”; Tuesday: “More”; Wednesday: Perpetual Parentage; Thursday: “More Than Conquerors”; Friday: The Basis of Being More Than Conquerors; Saturday: The Basis of Our Certainty

Special Meditations

Conclusion: The Fixed Abode; Christmas: The Sign Is a Babe

Victorious Living

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