Читать книгу Chess For Dummies - Eade James - Страница 5

Part 1
Laying the Groundwork for Champion Chess
Chapter 1
Tackling Chess Basics
Chesstacular! Understanding the Basics of the Game


Chess, simply stated, is a board game for two – one player uses white pieces, and the other uses black. Each player gets 16 pieces to maneuver (although, technically, pawns aren’t pieces, but I’ll get to that). Players take turns moving one piece at a time, with the ultimate objective of checkmating their opponent’s king.

Because chess has so many great rules and because the pieces all exercise their individuality with different moves and abilities, the game has lots of interesting nuances that you’ll want to keep in mind as you play. I cover each aspect of the game in this book, so if you’re a novice, you’ll find sufficient information to get acquainted with chess; if you already know how to play but want to hone your prowess, you’ll find plenty of information to help you do just that. This section gives you the nutshell version of all this book has to offer.

The underlying concepts

Components of a chess game can be broken down into categories that are so fundamental that they’re referred to as elements. The element of time, known as development, is one example. The element of force, known as material, is another. If one player deploys more force more quickly than the other player, it may be impossible for the latter player to defend against a subsequent invasion. The first step in a player’s progress is learning how the pieces move, so I cover the bases in Chapter 2. Gaining an appreciation of the importance of the game’s elements is usually the next step, so I describe all the chess elements in Chapter 3.

The elements are all a part of what drives a game to the desired end result: checkmate. If the king is attacked and can’t escape the attack, the aggressor has secured checkmate, and the game is over. However, checkmate doesn’t always come to fruition – sometimes a game ends in stalemate, which is one way to draw. You can also have a situation called check, which is an attack on the king. One thing to note, however, is that placing your opponent in check doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll win – check can actually happen several times in a game, and if your opponent can effectively escape from check, you may just be wasting your time. I discuss all these events in Chapter 4.

You also have some special moves at your disposal that your opponent (if a novice) may not know about – namely, en passant, promotion, and castling. To give you an edge (and a resource to help quell any arguments that may arise after you make one of these tricky moves!), I provide the inside scoop on these special moves in Chapter 5.

To make it easier to talk about what’s happening on the board, someone, somewhere, at some point in time came up with a naming system for the exact pieces and squares, and I use those conventions throughout this book. In Chapter 6, I dive into the subject of notation, which expands on these naming conventions and shows you how to write the moves of a game. You really don’t need to know this stuff to enjoy playing chess, but it does help to have the basic terminology under your belt, and throughout this book, you can read the extra notation information I give to you as I explain moves.

The finer points of the game

Holding an advantage in one or more of the elements of chess doesn’t guarantee victory. It does, however, increase the likelihood of success. When the inevitable clash of opposing armies takes place, the resulting tactical possibilities generally favor the one with elemental advantages. These clashes usually feature common tactics and combinations such as the ones that I present in Chapter 7. Tactics decide the outcome of most of the games played at a fairly competitive level, so a good understanding of the basic tactics and combinations pays off extremely well.

One of the ways an advantage can be transformed into victory is through sacrifice. A game of chess is a constant process of giving up something to get something else. Giving up some of your force makes sense, for example, if doing so allows you to checkmate the enemy king. Chapter 8 provides examples of when sacrifices are justified.

Another key to playing chess well is the ability to recognize patterns. When you spot a pattern with which you’re familiar, the right moves suddenly suggest themselves. Chapter 9 deals with building pattern recognition in chess.

Due to the starting lineup and the piece movement limitations, the only piece that can move at the very start of the game is the knight. So you have to move some pawns in order to get your other pieces out. The positioning of the pawns often determines the optimal positioning of the pieces. Certain pawn positions, or formations as players often call them, have occurred in so many games that they have their own names. Chapter 10 presents some of the more common ones and shows how the pawns guide you on where to put the pieces.

Chapter 11 illustrates a number of common ways to deliver checkmate. These types of checkmates appear so often in chess games that players refer to them as mating patterns.

There usually comes a time in every player’s development when she’s at a loss as to what to do next. Sometimes a player will see a move by a stronger player and have no idea why that move was made. At this point, the principles of play, or strategies, are necessary to make further progress. Chapter 12 provides an introduction to chess strategy.

The militaristic character of chess is undeniable, but it also holds appeal for the confirmed peacenik. Although many of the strategies of war apply equally well to chess (divide and conquer, for example), many people gain ascetic pleasure from playing or watching a well-played game. Well-known patterns can appear with an unexpected twist and delight the observer. At an advanced level, you’ll discover harmonies that lie just below the surface of the moves, and a move that breaks that harmony will feel as discordant as an off-key note in music. So take heart, consider the information this book provides, and allow yourself to get comfortable with the pieces, their powers, and all the exciting aspects of this strategic, creative game. Besides, unlike real warfare, the worst you’ll suffer in your chess career is a bruised ego.

Three parts that make a whole

Players divide the chess game into three phases – opening, middlegame, and endgame – to better understand the different demands of each one, but you really need to understand the game as a whole and not just in terms of its separate parts. Otherwise, playing the game can be a bit like eating Chinese food with one chopstick.

Here’s a quick breakdown of what each phase entails (see Chapters 13 through 15 for an in-depth look):

❯❯ The opening: The main objective of the opening moves is to effectively activate your forces. The term development refers to this type of activation.

❯❯ The middlegame: This phase is where the opposing armies most frequently clash. The terms tactics and combinations are frequently used to describe these clashes.

❯❯ The endgame: By this phase, the forces have been greatly reduced in number, but checkmate hasn’t yet been delivered.

Different ways to get your game on

If you’re the type of player who wants to be tested in competition, check out Chapter 16. Chess tournaments come in a variety of flavors, and that chapter gives you the scoop. You need to know how to act as well as how to play, so I also cover chess etiquette in that chapter.

In this day and age, you don’t need to be physically located next to an opponent in order to play, and Chapter 17 gives the lowdown on computer chess and chess in cyberspace. Chess on the Internet has blossomed, but you need to be aware that nothing is permanent. Although the web is ever-changing, the addresses I provide have proven to be very stable, so they should take you where you want to go.

Chess For Dummies

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