Читать книгу Getting Off - Эбби Грин - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

I’ve always been a compulsive magazine buyer, and still am. I can distinctly remember purchasing my first Cosmopolitan magazine and feeling as if “This is it! I’m a grown-up now.” My dedication to Cosmopolitan went as far as India, where I was backpacking as a wide-eyed culture-shocked twenty-two-year-old. My friend and I were on a tight budget, but as soon as I saw an import copy of Cosmopolitan, I had to have it. Even if it did cost the equivalent of a week’s dinners, and even though it was months out of date. I still have the photographic evidence!

I loved reading about deliciously illicit things like favorite sex positions—when I hadn’t even French-kissed yet! And then, after I’d finally French-kissed and more, getting answers to those niggling doubts we all had, like: Is it normal not to orgasm, and will he know?

My heroine, Caitlin, is a Cosmo girl through and through, fiercely independent and looking forward to the future and all the adventures to come. Yet she has her insecurities like everyone else, and unfortunately for her, she happens to tangle with a hero who sees right through those insecurities straight off the bat.

Liam, my hero, is straight out of every fantasy I’ve ever had of an American Boy. Growing up in Ireland, American men were the ultimate sexy guys, our fantasies fed by a constant diet of films, TV and music. They were, and still are, unbearably cool and confident with their ripped bodies and white smiles and that lazy accent that just curls around your nerves and sets them alight. Think Matthew McConnaughy and Bradley Cooper. I know I did when I wrote this.

I hope you enjoy reading Caitlin and Liam’s story as much as I did writing it, and here’s to many more years of Cosmopolitan rearing and informing generations of strong young women!


Abby Green

Getting Off

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