Читать книгу Salt and Light - Eberhard Arnold - Страница 3



Published by Plough Publishing House

Walden, New York

Robertsbridge, England

Elsmore, Australia


Copyright © 1998, 2014 by Plough Publishing House

All Rights Reserved.

Print ISBN: 978-0-87486-099-3

Pdf ISBN: 978-0-87486-564-6

Epub ISBN: 978-0-87486-621-6

Mobi ISBN: 978-0-87486-622-3

Chapters five, six, and seven of the Gospel of Matthew have been reprinted from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, © 1946, 1952, by Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches. Used with permission.

The verses quoted at the end of The Fight Against Mammon (James 5:1–7) have been reprinted from Holy Bible, New International Version, ©1973, 1978, 1984, by International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society.

All other Bible quotations were freely quoted in German by the author and translated by the editors.

Cover photograph: Barry Winiker/Photolibrary/Getty Images.

Salt and Light

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