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Body-Mind Connection


Editor's Note: The following are the entire readings with all of the details that were recorded for each.


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 19th day of July, 1938, in accordance with request made by the self—Mrs. [1632], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.


Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.


Time of Reading 10:45 to 11:30 A. M. Eastern Standard Time.…, Michigan.

(Body and enquiring mind, who seeks a Mental and Spiritual Reading, with information, advice and guidance which will enable her to solve her emotional problems and be free from conflict and confusion. Questions.)

EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [1632].

In seeking to give advice and counsel regarding the mental and spiritual body, and the application of same in relationships to others, we find that many phases of human experience and endeavor must be taken into consideration.

As with this body and mind and soul, these conditions we find are apparent and self-evident.

Hence the philosophies, duties and obligations, privileges and opportunities must all be taken into consideration.

It is well then, for this body, that the premise be set forth, from which there is the reasoning for the advice and counsel that might be given through these channels.

Then this is done in the hope and desire that same may answer within the inmost recesses of this entity, in such a way and manner that it may become a practical experience for the entity; in such measures as to free the entity from doubt and fear—which have arisen and do arise within the emotional self to the detriment of the physical body.

We find then that an entity—this entity—exists in time and space, in a material existence; with the doubts or fears as to the source of the emotions that arise within self.

There is the physical body, we find, with its attributes; its desires, its appetites; that may be so exercised (in the appetites) as to preclude the real desire.

Then we find there is a mental body, through which the physical functions as well as through which the spiritual attributes function.

Thus it is evidenced that there is a mental body, that which is the builder for weal or woe according to the judgments or the choice of the relationships in the experience of the entity as to bring the influences within the activities.

Then we find there is the spiritual body—or the soul. Of this the entity may only become aware when in those periods or conditions where anxieties respecting others become apparent within the experience of self; or that longing which is a part of each soul's experience for the continuity of that which is constructive within the experiences of the body, mind and soul.

It is from such a premise, then, that we would approach the problems of this entity in this experience.

As we find then, it becomes necessary—and behooves the body, mind and soul of the entity—to take counsel with the best that is within self; and know what is thy ideal.

What are thy hopes for eternity, as ye come to think of same? Not as in fear, not as in doubt; but in whom have ye put thy trust, thy faith, thy hope, thy love?

For it is not all of life to have the answering for the moment to the gratifying of appetite or desire, or for the bodily emotions of same.

But where, with whom, in whom have ye put thy trust? Is it able to keep thee in body, in mind, in soul, safe from all fear, all doubt?

Does it supply the love that brings peace and understanding and comprehension? Ye know, then, that it must be founded in the spiritual attributes; and that it is just as necessary to consider from whence ye came as it is to consider wither thou goest.

For what purpose are ye in materiality?

What hath given thy body these desires? Thyself and thy judgments of Creative Forces within thine own body, mind and soul? Yea—and for what? The opportunities that ye may glorify that Creative Force in such measures and manners that all of eternity becomes as the thought not of self but unto the glory of Him in Whom ye live and move and have thy being! that He may be exalted in thee and in thy desires, in thy will, in thy purposes!

“These,” ye say, “to be sure are exemplary ideals; they are idealistic. But what is the practical application of same in the experience and the position in which I find myself in the present?”

If the beings builded in self mentally have been anxiety, fear, trembling, hate, and those things that are founded in fear, then indeed there must be turmoil within thyself. For thy spiritual self, thy soul, rebels against disorder, inharmony.

For love would rule! else there would not be the fruit, the seed of thy body manifested in the material planes! else ye would not find desire running as rampant in thy inner self!

But are these desires, these hopes, these loves founded in Creative Forces that are of His making?

Know that thy mind is the builder, and that it is true, as given in the days of yore, that todaynow—there is set before thee good and evil, life and death—choose thou!

For with the will, that is the heritage of each soul, thou choosest that which is to bring, or will and does bring harmony or peace, or destructive forces with their attributes of every nature.

Know that as ye do it unto the least of thy brethren, much less flesh of thy flesh—or the choice of thy blood, ye do it unto thy Maker.

But, as ye understand, ye have come to those conditions in which different choices must be made.

Then weigh them in the balance of thy own conscience, in the light of that for which thy own mind and body calls. For no one can, no one must make those choices but self!

But today, whom will ye serve! Thyself and its own ego, its own satisfaction? Or thy brother, thy friend, thy God?

These are not as the material things, but they take hold upon that which is eternal in thyself!

Then, is the path chosen to lead to light and hope and faith—in what? Self or others?

This is the answer ye must make within thine own self.

Each soul finds itself in body, in mind, in that place in which it—itself, as an entity, as a whole—is meeting only its own self!

Who is able then? Who hath promised then, that when ye are in doubt, when ye are set about by fears and doubts that He will answer, that He will direct?

Is it self? No—for self is inclined to forget the promises and look for the moment alone.

But thy body is the temple of the living God, and He has promised to meet thee in thine own tabernacle; for the kingdom is within and there He hath promised to meet thee!

Then seek while He may be found!

For as He hath given, “If ye will but be my children, I will be thy God—and though ye wander far, when ye call I will hear, and will answer thee speedily!”

That there are duties, that there are problems is because promises have been made within thine own conscience! and these confront thee now!

But in Him and in His ways with thee, ye may find the answer to all of thy promises, to all of thy problems, to all of thy fears, to all of thy doubts.

For indeed in Him ye live and move and have thy being.

As to whether or not ye acknowledge this, as to whether or not ye show forth by thy dealings with others that ye appreciate same, is thine own answer—and ye alone may find the answer, with Him who has promised, “If ye will but open the door of thy consciousness, of thy heart, I will enter and abide with thee.”

This is not a fancy, this is not hearsay. Ye may experience such. For it is the law, it is the way, it is life itself!

For He is life, and the author of same; yet He offers Himself as a way in which ye may approach that throne of grace and mercy in the loving Father—about Whom He has told thee! He has shown thee the Father by the manner in which He presented Himself.

Then, open thy heart, thy mind, that thy body and thy service and thy activities before thy fellow men may indeed be as the beauty of the opportunities that lie before thee in thy relationships to others.

“For as ye do it unto these ye do it unto me, saith the Lord.”

Ready for questions.

(Q) What shall I do, that will be best for my husband and children, and for myself?

(A) Analyze all of these situations, and in the light of that which has been indicated here choose thou—if that indicated answers to that something within thine own self that is eternal. If it answers, then it answers as to what ye shall do respecting them as well as respecting one that to thee would make thy life—now, in the material—a glory, at least for the moment. But analyze them all.

Then act; not as in duty, not as merely fulfilling an obligation, but as in love! For what thy Friend, thy Savior, thy Lord, thy Master has been, He is and ever will be! For He hath given, “Lo, I am with thee always—even unto the end of the world.”

So act, then, in regards them—thy children, thy husband, thy neighbor—yea, thy enemy—that ye may be able to live with that choice—for ever and ever and a day!

(Q) Would I be justified in getting a divorce?

(A) This can only be answered within self. If there are only destructive forces brought by the environs, by the activities, by the thoughts, by the purposes, by the desires in the present—then it is well to change! But think on these things in that way which has been here opened, at least, to thee.

(Q) Would it be possible for me to find emotional satisfaction and contentment here?

(A) It is! For He hath promised, “I will be all things!” This does not mean, nor indicate, nor signify that ye are to become a recluse, or that ye are to forget the joys of the material world! These ye look upon, these ye enjoy—but not as the end of thy joy, of thy purpose! For how did He give? Not as of old, as they who shut themselves away; but in their laughter, in their sorrows, in their joys, in their pleasures did He join. He ate, He drank, He lived among them—in such ways and manners that all—whether they were of the street or in palaces—were blessed by His very presence.

And so may the life of thyself be in this material plane! For there be no group, no individual that may not be blessed by thy very presence with same—if He, thy Lord, abides in thy heart, thy purpose, thy desire!

(Q) Is it this emotional conflict which is the basic cause of my headaches?

(A) This is only a contributory cause to the effect. As has been indicated, we find that there is a physical body with its attributes—some of these, the attributes of the physical, are deflected to be sure by the emotional upset. But there needs to be the physical corrections made, and a balancing in the mental attitudes, in the mental approach to not only the body of self but to the relationships of self to other bodies. And know that each body is a temple of the living God, and thus is holy! Desecrate it not!

(Q) Should I take injections of vaccine recently made from cultures? Would it help to cure headaches?

(A) We would not—until the suggestions as we have indicated have been given a thorough test, a thorough trial; with thy body, thy mind attuned to a purpose, a desire, a hope that is holy before thy own conscience and before thy Maker.

As ye take the Radio-Active Appliance, that is to quiet, that is to unify thy mental and thy physical emotions, let this be the manner of thy meditation, thy prayer, but in thy own words:

O Father, God! Let my body, my mind, be opened to the beauties of thy purposes with me! Let it be as a shining light before me!!!

“Create within me a new revelation! Renew the righteous spirit within me!”

Not only say that but see it, know it is taking place! and ye will find thy life, thy purpose—yea, thy friends, thy foes, thy brethren will grow and grow in beauty before thee; and Life—as the expression of the Father—will not only become more precious but more beautiful, because of all the beauty and joy and love and hope that is thine—if ye will but embrace it!

We are through for the present.


(Piano Teacher, Protestant)

This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 4th day of September, 1939, in accordance with request made by the self—Mrs. [1947], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.


Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mrs. [1947].


Time of Reading 3:30 to 4:30 P. M. Eastern Standard Time.…, N.C.

GC: You will have before you the body and enquiring mind of the entity, [1947], present in this room. You will give a mental and spiritual reading for this entity, advising her especially at this time regarding the development and expression of her own psychic abilities for service to others and her work as suggested by a previous Reading through this channel. You will answer the questions which she presents, as I ask them:

EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [1947], present in this room.

In giving an interpretation of the mental and spiritual abilities, and the use to which such may be put, it is very well—first—that there be indicated for the entity the premise from which such information may be given.

The body finds itself Body, Mind and Soul; the body with all its attributes, with the mental and material and physical desires and emotions; the mental with its hopes and fears, its aspirations and desires; the spiritual with its longings, its wonderments, its interpreting of the emotions of physical and mental being.

These, then, in the light of all that has been indicated, should be analyzed, and then the premise from which the ideal is to be drawn; and how same works with the entity as an entity.

It has already been indicated in the information given that the entity has abilities in certain directions, partaking of the mental and spiritual or soul forces; as well as much to be met in the physical emotions.

Mind is the builder; it is both spiritual and physical, and thus has its aspirations, its limitations, its fears, its hopes, its desires.

To determine, then, whether the emotions or influences which arise from one experience to another are from purely a mental aspiration of a physical desire, or from a spiritual aspect and hope in its relationships to the things desired of self, comparisons need to be drawn for the entity as to how, and in what manner judgments or choices are to be made.

The body finds itself Body, Mind, Soul; just as seen in that after which it is patterned—Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

In the choices, then, it is seen that each of these phases of spiritual experience finds its own place of activity, as illustrated in the entity's experience in materiality.

The spirit moved—or soul moved—and there was Light (Mind). The Light became the light of men—Mind made aware of conscious existence in spiritual aspects or relationships as one to another.

The mind in the entity becomes aware of longings, innate in the inner self; also the arousing of emotions in the physical attributes of the body—just as indicated as to how these came into being; as self is a part of Creative Forces or God, Spirit, the Son. These are one. The body, mind and soul are one. Their desires must be one; their purposes, their aims must be one—then—to be ideal.

What, then, has this to do with the entity in its seeking for the use of its own abilities in the psychic, the mental, the material atmosphere in which it finds itself in the present?

There are laws, then, as govern the physical, the mental, the spiritual body, and the attributes of each of these. The abuse of a physical law brings dis-ease and then disturbance to the physical organism, through which mental and spiritual portions of the body operate.

There are also promises, warnings, and governing forces, as has been indicated, for the physical and the mental and spiritual being—as given by those forces and influences which manifest in the material world as respecting each of these.

As the Mind indicated, “I and the Father are one; he that abideth in me as I abide in the Father hath eternal life.” Not will have, not may have, but hath—now—is in eternal consciousness of being at a onement with eternal influence and force!

And this is the moving of the spirit that has brought and does bring life, light, to the consciousness of the entity in whatever phase of experience it may be passing.

Then how, in what manner, does one accomplish such? Not by thoughts of self. If God had not given free will to man, or the children of men, would they have been able to be equal with Him? Rather would they be as the natural sources of the universal consciousness of group vibration—as is indicated about the entity.

“Be not deceived,” then, it was given, “God is not mocked; whatsoever a man soweth, that must he also reap.”

Then, not merely by doing does the awareness come, but by being in the doing does the awareness come of the relationships as one portion of body, mind and soul finds.

These then grow, as indicated, as do individuals. This entity as an entity grows in grace, in knowledge, in understanding.

As was indicated, the body was first a cell by the union of desire that brought activity in that influence about which the growth began.

Then of itself at birth into materiality the consciousness gradually awoke to the influences about same of body, mind and soul, until it reached the consciousness of the ability for the reproduction within itself of desire, hope, fear.

And the whole of creation, then, is bound in the consciousness of self. That influence, that force is the psychic self.

As to how same, then, may be developed within self:

Each entity enters materiality for a purpose. That all the experiences in the earth are as one is indicated by the desires, the longings as arise within the experience of that which makes for the growing, the knowing within self—mind! Thus does the entity, as a whole, become aware that it, itself, in body, mind and soul, is the result—each day—of the application of laws pertaining to creation, this evolution, this soul-awareness within, consciously manifested.

What is the purpose of entering consciousness? That each phase of body, mind and soul may be to the glory of that Creative Force in which it moves and has its being.

And when this influence, this growing self becomes such, or so self-centered, as to lose sight of that desire, purpose, aim to be to the glory of its source, and seeks rather for self, then it errs in its application of the influences within its abilities for the application of mind within its own experience.

Thus we find this entity capable of arousing others, or of becoming the incentive to and the motivative force of many—in and through its application of itself in the material world; as a worshipful experience to that something within the entity itself which magnifies—by the reflections—the awareness of the attributes of body, mind and soul in the experiences of others.

Hence the great intuitive forces, the abilities to raise the vibratory influence within the lives and the experiences of others through the use or the application of those abilities within their own selves—these become a part of the entity's experience; mentally first, and it grows either to that of materiality, material desire, or to those influences that are creative, constructive, spiritual in their nature.

Those things then as may be aroused by the self, by this entity, within the experiences of those it meets—either in close association or in casual meeting—may either create something that is material (which means only temporal), or something that is spiritual, that is eternal.

Then, as has been said: There is before thee this day life and death, good and evil. These are the ever present warring influences within materiality.

What then, ye ask, is this entity to do about, to do with, this ability of its own spiritual or psychic development; that may be made creative or may bring creative or destructive forces within the experiences of others?

“My Spirit beareth witness with thy spirit as to whether ye be the children of God or not.” This becomes, then, that force, that influence for comparisons; as the entity meditates upon its own emotions, its own influences, these become very apparent within itself for comparisons.

Do they bespeak of kindness, gentleness, patience—that threshold upon which godliness appears?

Desire may be godly or ungodly, dependent upon the purpose, the aim, the emotions aroused.

Does it bring, then, self-abstinence? or does it bring self-desire?

Does it bring love? Does it bring longsuffering? Is it gentle? Is it kind?

Then, these be the judgments upon which the entity uses those influences upon the lives of others.

Does it relieve suffering, as the abilities of the entity grow? Does it relieve the mental anguish, the mental disturbances which arise? Does it bring also healing—of body, of mind, to the individual? Is it healed for constructive force, or for that as will bring pain, sorrow, hate and fear into the experience of others?

These be the judgments upon which the entity makes its choices, as it guides, directs or gives counsel to those who are seeking—seeking—What? That Light—which has become, which is, which ever was the light of the world!

What was that light? The Spirit of God moved, and there was light! That Light came—the light of men, yea, dwelt among men as mind with the ability to choose, the ability to abstain, the ability to put away desire, hate, fear, and to put on the whole armor. All of these are attributes then of those influences and forces which are a part of the entity's experience.

And as these are applied, so may the entity come to apply its psychic abilities, its love, its desire, its hopes, spiritualized in self-effacement by placing God's glory, God's love, in the place of self; bringing hope, hope and faith in the minds and hearts, the lives of others.

This is the mission of the entity in this experience; fulfilling much of that sought after, much of that at times lost in self-desire. But often seeking, knowing, applying, ye become closer and closer in an atonement with Him.

These are the purposes, these are the desires, these are the manners in which the mental may be applied for the soul and spiritual development; and in the manner, “As ye do it to the least of these, thy brethren, ye do it unto me,” saith the Lord.

Ready for questions.

(Q) Please give detailed directions for the entity regarding her mental and spiritual development through meditation. Outline the steps she should take that best fit her development.

(A) First—as was indicated to those of old—purge or purify thy body—whether this be by mental means or by ablutions, do it in that manner as to satisfy thine own conscience.

Then, enter into the holy of holies of thine own inner self; for there He hath promised to meet thee. Let thy prayer be as this:

“As I surround myself with the consciousness of the Christ-Mind, may I—in body, in purpose, in desire—be purified to become the channel through which He may direct me in that He, the Christ, would have me do;” as respecting an individual, a condition, an experience. And as ye wait on Him, the answer will come.

Then each day live, towards those ye meet, in the same manner as ye prayed.

(Q) Through what method or manner should my psychic abilities be expressed?

(A) These, as we have just indicated, will be different with varied or different individuals.

Did He teach those at the well the same as those in the mount, or by the sea? Rather as He was given utterance, so gave He to others.

As has been indicated, the entity will find there are intuitive forces aroused by these applications of these purposes and desires. To some it will be healing, cooling the brow of those who are ill. To others it will be counseling as to this or that which disturbs their mental association, their moral lives, their material concepts. To others it will be as directing them to bear their cross even as He. For in Him does the burden become light, and the cross easy.

(Q) Would it be possible for my psychic impressions to come through picture flashes?

(A) These may come in varied forms. Possible; but know, as has been indicated, the tempter is ever about. That influence stands. Study well that which has been indicated here, and as ye apply it ye will know as to whether these influences of flashes, influences of writing, influences of speaking, arise from creative forces or dead selves [cells?].

(Q) How may I recognize correct urges or hunches for action?

(A) As just indicated; the manner being as has been directed, as to their sources and purposes. Not merely the flower. For remember, as indicated, many poisonous vines bear beautiful flowers. But what manner of seed? In what way are they constructive? Do they give a supply? Think on these. There are few even of the foods for the body that are not of the seed of that sown for fruition.

(Q) May I develop the power to heal others?

(A) As indicated, this will oft be a part of thy experience. For, as indicated, the entity has the ability innately! As to how it manifests same, this becomes the job of the entity. To create in the minds of those it meets a desire for a worshipfulness toward the entity! What are the fruits, what are to be the fruits of these?

These depend upon what the entity does with that mind seeking—ever seeking light. Give the light—whether it is by song, by vision, by instruction, by healing.

(Q) How may I develop psychic power for warnings of danger, difficulties to be avoided and opportunities to be taken advantage of, for myself, my children and others?

(A) Let these be rather the outgrowth of the spiritual desire, rather than beginning with material manifestations, see?

For, these are—to be sure—a part of the whole, but if they are sought for only the material sustenance, material warning, material satisfaction, they soon become dead in their ability to be creative.

(Q) Explain just what was meant in my previous Reading directing me to training of children as my work, as “not only of the music but the counsel to the young, as well as in their physical and their mental activities.” and for “places and positions”?

(A) If those abilities are interpreted aright, that lie within the scope of the entity's mental forces and influences as indicated, this should be very easily interpreted.

As the entity is to all it meets as one that others would worship, this becomes a dangerous thing in the experience of those who become or who are worldly-minded.

How much more, then, lies the ability to influence or to create or to bring that atmosphere of trust, and hope, in the minds of those children who are in that developing stage, seeking—seeking to know what is this creative influence or urge that is arising within their awakening and opening minds. And thus, as indicated, the entity is peculiarly adapted, as by its own experience, to guide and direct and instruct such as to what this or that emotion is, or this or that activity in song, in music, in drawing, in dancing, in physical activities of the body itself for more perfect health as well as those instructions as arise as the awakening forces for the activity of creative influences through their bodies and minds.

Are these to become only cesspools of satisfaction of desire, or to the glory of an all-wise, all-purposeful Creator?

(Q) Have I made the right beginning?

(A) Thou art upon the path. Hold fast to Him!

(Q) Please explain in more detail the relationships and urges related to my friend [1991] and advise me as to just how our activities in the present may bring the greatest mental and spiritual development for us both without bringing disturbing influences into the lives of others. [See 1991-1, A.M. of same day, Par. 55-A-57-A regarding their present association.]

(A) As the paralleling of purposes and abilities are as answering of the positive and negative forces of any or every influence, these become as attractions one to another. But to let these become possessive is the destruction of one or both.

(Q) Would a union be advisable, considering all mental and spiritual development of those concerned?

(A) Not unless there were no hates created, no hopes shattered, no desires turned into material things alone.

We are through for the present.

TEXT OF READING 2600-2 F(Writer, Protestant)

This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 8th day of October, 1941, in accordance with request made by the self—Miss [2600], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.


Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Miss [2600] and Mrs. [2574].


Time of Reading 2:35 to 3:15 P. M. Eastern Standard Time.…, Va.

GC: You will have before you the body and enquiring mind of [2600], present in this room, who seeks a mental and spiritual reading at this time; with information, advice and guidance especially needed by the entity. You will answer the questions, as I ask them:

EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [2600].

In giving a mental and spiritual reading for this body, we find that there needs to be only those suggestions as may remind the body of the abilities of the mind to make those mental and spiritual applications—in its own self—that may enable the body to keep that attunement to the Creative Forces, which is the birthright of each and every soul.

For this entity, then, the premises from which such advice or counsel may be obtained should be well understood or comprehended—as to the sources:

One finds the body, the mind, the soul of self as a counterpart of that an entity worships in the Godhead as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

So the body, mind and soul answer to that which is the source of health, of mind, of matter, in the experience of each entity.

To this entity these in the Godhead are one. So in the body they are one; body, mind, soul.

Body is temporal, mind is partially temporal and partially holy; the soul is eternal.

The Power of Your Mind

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