Читать книгу A Search for God Anniversary Edition - Edgar Cayce - Страница 36
Evidences of Faith
Оглавление“When the day is dark and the way is obscure and we can still hold on, there is evidence that there is faith. When the sea of life is rough and we have the courage to step out boldly on the troubled waters, it is because there is still the divine gift at the very center of our being that is saying, ‘Peace, be still,’9 for ‘I am with thee and will not leave thee.’10 We have heard it. We can hear it always, if we will only take the time to listen.”
“When doubts arise and the clouds of despair are thick, do we not call out in the night, ‘My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?’11 Does not an answer come? Are we not stronger by having an experience that gives us a better understanding of our neighbor who suffers in the same manner?”
“Some years ago, I was with a party that was visiting a noted cavern. Everyone seemed very happy. After being in the cavern for a short time, I became very much frightened. The thought came to me, ‘How terrible, how dreadful it would be, if we could not find our way out!’ The very air seemed to press in upon me. Ages seemed to pass. Then came the Voice that has sustained me so often: ‘Lo, I am with you always.’12 ‘Be not afraid.’13 With these words there came the strengthening of my faith.”
“When loved ones are lingering in pain and no earthly help is nigh, are there not evidences of the faith of our fathers revived, when we pray and receive help? It brings the greatest comfort to us, not only in the trying times but at all times, to know inwardly that His promises are sure.”