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What to Expect from a Breeder


Just as you expect to buy a high-quality puppy from a top-notch breeder, the breeder should expect to sell only to a reliable caretaker who will bring the puppy into a loving home. You should feel like you are being interviewed by the breeder for the privilege of taking this puppy home. The breeder should ask very specific questions to learn how you plan to care for the puppy. These questions are your indication the breeder is sincerely concerned about the puppy’s well-being. If the breeder seems more concerned about how you are going to pay for the puppy, then it is likely he/she is in the business for the wrong reasons.

When visiting, the breeder should require you to remove your shoes and thoroughly wash your hands before seeing and handling the puppies. The breeder should insist the puppy not leave her mother before eight weeks. It is important for the puppy to be close to her mother and littermates from ages four to eight weeks. She is learning how to interact, and if she’s deprived of this essential developmental period, she could develop behavioral problems. Socialization with other people and animals should take place between six and twelve weeks of age.

When touring the breeder’s home, pay attention. The environment should be clean and safe. Ask to see where the puppies sleep and play. Puppies should not be allowed outdoors until they are fully vaccinated.

The puppies should be clean and well fed but not fat, healthy, energetic, and social. If the puppies are dirty and foul smelling or have glassy eyes or runny noses, you should be apprehensive. And don’t forget to check the cleanliness of the ears and the rectal area.


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