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Footprints of Buddha


To the average westerner this seems fairly tame stuff and much too intellectual for his taste. He doesn’t want contemplation, he wants action. But he should understand that Buddhism is a discipline of conscious mind and is meant to accompany action, not to take its place. It is serenity of the mind which enables creative work to be done and acceptance of life to take place. The other thing the westerner sometimes fails to recognize is that death and reincarnation are as much a part of his belief system as they are that of a Hindu philosopher. What, after all, is Heaven but the prospect of rebirth on a higher plane? What is Hell but the karma of past lives?

BUFOTENIN — A hallucinogenic derived from the active ingredient in the fluid taken from toad warts.

BUSINESS ZOK — As the century draws to a close, more and more corporations, having seen the value of original research, are carrying an intuitive approach beyond research into experimental investment. Growth is less important than perfectable stability. “Business Zok” (i.e., “zero overkill”) is a futuristic trend in which organizations of all types and sizes must look to their own community service as a source of profit and loss. This does not mean responding to human weakness, but rather educating public response to and participation in metaphysical and esthetic goals. “Trade Esthetics” is financially sound insofar as it is based on eternal values, rather than fashion and so long as it seeks to harmonize with its market rather than assault or exploit it. Business is moving actively, beyond mere elitism, to integrate with the conscious individual and his New Aeon (Neon) need to transform the dying world. Industry, management, retail merchandising, etc. increasingly must reflect holistic needs, not merely through streamlined standardization and product reliability, but through transcendental agendas as well.

The Magician's Dictionary

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