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A Living Light


A Historical Novella in Three Chapters,Based on the Life of Hildegard of Bingen


Hildegard of Bingen, an abbess

Richardis, a nun and Hildegard’s confidant

Clementia, a nun

Irmengard, a nun

Keunegard, a nun

Sigewize, a mad girl

Adelheid, a nun

Kuno, Abbot at Disibodenberg

Volmar, a monk and Hildegard’s secretary

Guibert, a monk

Pope Eugenius

Henry, Archbishop of Mainz

Bernard of Clairvaux

Herman, Bishop of Constance

Hartwig, Archbishop of Bremen (Richardis’s brother)

Marchioness of Stade (Ricardis’s mother)

Spirit of Jutta, Hildegard’s deceased abbess

Frederick Barbarossa

Datta, Dayadva, Damyata, Dall, and Donau, entertainers

Rache, a revolutionary

Fear-of-God, a figure in a vision

Assorted nuns, priests, monks, soldiers, and folk

A Living Light

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