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Оглавление97 Major, R. H. Life of Prince Henry the Navigator. London, 1868. This is one of the first, and, at the same time, one of the most satisfactory biographies of Prince Henry; Beazley, C. R. Prince Henry the Navigator. New York, 1895; Azurara, Gomez Eannes de. Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea. Tr. and ed. by Charles Raymond Beazley and Edward Prestage. (Hakluyt Society Publications. London, 1896. 2 vols.)
98 D’Avezac, M. A. P. Description et histoire des îles de l’Afrique. Paris, 1848; same author, Notice des découvertes faites au moyen âge dans l’Océan Atlantique. Paris, 1845; same author, Les îles fantastiques de l’Océan occidental au moyen âge. Paris, 1845; Margry, P. La conquête des îles Canaries. Paris, 1896; Beazley. Dawn of Modern Geography. Vol. III, chap. iv.
The Canary Islands, and perhaps others in the eastern Atlantic, were known to the Romans, but appear to have been lost to the knowledge of the Europeans during the greater part of the middle ages, to be rediscovered in the period in which modern geographical exploration was being entered upon.
99 Ravenstein, E. G. The voyages of Diogo Cão and Bartholomew Diaz. (In: Geographical Journal. London, 1900. Vol. XVI, pp. 625–655.)
100 Beazley. Dawn of Modern Geography. Vol. II, chap. v; Vol. III, chap. ii; Yule, H. The Book of Sir Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. London, 1903. 2 vols.
101 Nordenskiöld, A. E. Facsimile Atlas. Stockholm, 1889; same author, Periplus. Stockholm, 1897; Stevenson, E. L. Portolan Charts, their origin and characteristics. New York, 1911; same author, Genoese World Map, 1457. New York, 1912; same author, Facsimiles of Portolan Charts. New York, 1916.
From the above-named list of works, to which numerous additions might be made, a general notion of the beginnings of modern cartography can be obtained.
102 Doppelmayr, J. S. Historische Nachricht von den Nürnbergischen Mathematicis und Künstlern. Nürnberg, 1730. pp. 27 ff. Murr, C. G. v. Diplomatische Geschichte des portuguisischen berühmten Ritters Martin Behaim aus Originalurkunden. Nürnberg, 1778; Ghillany, F. W. Der Erdglobus des Martin Behaim von 1492, und der des Johann Schöner 1520. Nürnberg, 1842; same author, Geschichte des Seefahrers Ritter Martin Behaim, nach den ältesten vorhandenen Urkunden bearbeitet. Nürnberg, 1853; Ziegler, A. Martin Behaim, der Geistige Entdecker Amerikas. Dresden, 1859; Günther, S. Martin Behaim. Bamberg, 1890; Wieser, F. v. Magalhâes-Strasse und Australkontinent auf den Globen des Johannes Schöner. Innsbruck, 1881; Gallois, L. Les Géographes allemands de la renaissance. Paris, 1890. Chap. iii; Ravenstein, E. G. Martin Behaim, His Life and His Globe. London, 1908; Harrisse, H. The Discovery of North America. London, 1892. pp. 391.
Of the above-named works, that by Ravenstein is the most satisfactory, being a most scholarly and scientific treatment of his subject. His work is indeed a monument in the field of historical geography. Of the reproductions of the globe map, none surpasses the excellent facsimile in the form of globe gores which he prepared to accompany his studies. With the utmost care he deciphered the numerous legends and place names, admitting, here and there, the possibility of inaccuracy in the readings due to the damaged condition of the globe. Vignaud, H., in his Toscanelli and Columbus, pp. 182–186, gives a list of the numerous reproductions of the globe map, with a brief word concerning each. It may here be added that an excellent reproduction of the globe, mounted as is the original, and made for Dr. W. B. James of New York, in Nürnberg, the Ravenstein gores being pasted over the prepared ball, may be seen in the map department of The American Geographical Society. A similar reproduction of the globe, with mounting of wood instead of iron, was obtained by the author for exhibition in the Santa Maria, Spain’s Official Replica of the Flagship of Admiral Columbus, which was to have been exhibited in San Francisco in 1915. It failed, however, to reach its destination, and was returned to Chicago.
104 The itemized statement of expenses, delivered to the Nürnberg Council by George Holzschuher, was first published by Peitz, J. (In: Mitteilungen des Vereins für die Geschichte der Stadt Nürnberg, Heft 6. Nürnberg, 1886.) It is of sufficient interest in the history of globe making to be cited here. The translation is Ravenstein’s, pp. 111–112. “Expenditure on the globe. Expenditure, Nürnberg, August 26, 1494. Below is to be found a statement of what I, George Holzschuher have expended by order of my lords of the city treasury, upon limning and otherwise, for making the ‘apple,’ or mappa mundi in the shape of a sphere, and also for making the map for the clerk’s office, which Mr. Marten Beham, having expended thereon his art and pains, left behind for the enjoyment of my lords of the worshipful council.
“Item first, to Glockenthon, who painted the sphere, and spent 15 weeks over it, fl. 14; to his wife, fl. 1, facit, fl. 15, lb.-dn.-(£2 10s.)
“Item paid for a loam mould over which the sphere was to have been made, as a guide for Kalberger, 28 dn.; also for linen for the first sphere, 21 dn.; also for wine and beer, and other things, for the limner’s dinner whilst painting the globe, and occasionally also for Peham; and for bread for cleansing the globe, and making it nice, fl. 1, lb. 1, dn. 16; also to Gagenhart for lettering, 16 dn.; fecit, miscellaneous expenses.
fl. 1, lb. 3, dn. 21 (14s. 5d.)
“Item paid Glockengiesser for a mould broken by Kalperger, and round which Kalperger was to have made a large sphere, both through N. Gross and M. Peham
fl. 2, lb.-, dn.- (£1.)
“Item paid for white vellum (parchment) covering the sphere, 80 dn.; also for a cover lined with skin to protect the sphere from dust, 3 lb., 20 dn.; also to the smith for two iron hoops within which the sphere revolves, 4 lb. 6 dn.; also to the joiner for wooden stand of the sphere, 4 lb. 6 dn. facit, miscellaneous expenses
fl. 1, lb. 6, dn. 10 (17s. 7d.)
“Item paid to Mr. Marten Beham for a printed mappa mundi, embracing the whole world, which was used for the globe, and is to be hung in the town office, 1 fl. 3 lb.; also for painting, etc., 1 fl.; also for lining and glueing (mounting) the same, 5 lb. 10 dn.; also to the joiner for a frame and two panels, 1 fl.; also to the starch painter for painting these panels,
4 lb. 6 dn.; facit fl. 4, lb. 4, dn. 6 (£2 5s.)
“Item, Kalperger has not been paid for making the sphere: he demands 3 fl., but owes for the linen which was used for the old tent over the ‘beautiful fountain,’ in return for which he was to have made the large sphere; he had also broken the pattern or mould for which 2 gulden (20s) had to be paid to Glockengiesser; he also promised Mr. Merten that if he taught him the art of cosmography or the laying out (planning) of the globe he would make another sphere during the time.”
105 An account of October 16, 1510, reads, “Item, 1 lb. Nov for a large brass sign surrounding the map.” This doubtless is a reference to the globe. Ghillany attributes this work to Werner. See also Günther, S. Johann Werner von Nürnberg und seine Beziehungen zur mathematischen und physikalischen Erdkunde. Halle, 1878.
106 Ravenstein, op. cit., pp. 59–60.
107 Ravenstein, op. cit., pp. 75–76.
108 Ravenstein, op. cit., p. 77.
109 D’Avezac, M. A. P. Sur un globe terrestre trouvé a Laon, anterieur à la découverte de l’Amerique. (In: Bulletin de la Société de Géographie de France. Paris, 1860.)
This work contains an announcement of the discovery of the globe, together with a description of the same.
Raemdonck, J. v. Les sphères céleste et terrestre de Gérard Mercator. St. Nicolas, 1874. pp. 25 ff. Nordenskiöld. Facsimile Atlas, p. 73.
110 Britten, F. J. Old clocks and watches and their makers. New York, 1911; Berthoud, F. Histoire de la mesure du temps par les horologes. Paris, 1849.
Globe clocks, or clocks of which globes were a conspicuous feature, were not uncommon in this period. See the reference, p. 73, to the Lenox globe, the reference, p. 74, to the Jagellonicus globe, and the reference, p. 173, to the work of Dasypodius.
111 Vignaud, H. Toscanelli and Columbus. London, 1902.
This is a very remarkable piece of historical criticism. Citation is given for every statement of special importance, including a reference to those students of the question who do not agree with the author’s point of view. See also this distinguished author’s work, Histoire critique de la Grande Entreprise de Christophe Colomb. Paris, 1911. 2 vols.
112 Las Casas, Bartolomè de. Historia de las Indias. Madrid, 1875. Vol. I, p. 92.
113 Ulloa, A. Histoire del S. D. Fernando Colombo. Venice, 1571. Chap. vii, p. 15. See Churchill, Voyages, also Bourne, E. G., Spain in America. New York, 1904.
114 Las Casas, op. cit., pp. 224 ff.
115 Las Casas, op. cit., p. 48.
116 Harrisse, H. Jean et Sébastien Cabot. Paris, 1862. Doc. X, p. 324; Tarducci, F. Di Giovanni e Sebastiano Caboto. Venezia, 1892. p. 351; Winsor, J. Narrative and Critical History of America. Boston, 1884. Vol. III, pp. 54–55.
Harrisse and Tarducci print the letter of Soncino in the original Italian; Winsor gives the first translation into English (tr. by Professor B. H. Nash). A very superior work for reference to the Cabots is: Winship, G. P. Cabot Bibliography. London, 1900.
117 Moll, J. C. A. Johannes Stöffler von Justingen, ein Characterbild aus dem ersten Halbjahrhundert der Universität Tübingen. Lindau, 1877.
118 This work is referred to by Moll in his chapter on “Stöfflers Schriften.”
119 Moll, op. cit., chap. ix, “Stöffler als Mechaniker,” refers to him as globe maker and as clock maker, with special mention of his three celestial globes.
120 Günther is in error in referring to this globe as the one now in Constance.
121 Moll, op. cit., pp. 49–51.
122 Günther, S. Geschichte. pp. 250 ff.
123 Aschbach, J. v. Die Wiener Universität und ihre Humanisten im Zeitalters Kaiser Maximilians I. (In: Geschichte der Wiener Universität. Wien, 1877. Vol. II, p. 62.)