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Table of Contents

(The articles and illustrations in this volume are reproduced from the November 1916, and May, 1918,

National Geographic Magazine. The first page is numbered 385, as it originally appeared

in the Magazine The following pages are numbered in sequence.)

Text Color illustration Track illustration
Antelope, Prong-horn 452 451 611
Armadillo, Nine-banded 584 559 ..
Badger 420 419 601
Bat, Big-eared desert 603 567 ..
Bat, Hoary 598 566 ..
Bat, Mexican 599 567 ..
Bat, Red 596 566 ..
Bear, Alaskan Brown (frontispiece) 441 .. ..
Bear, Black 437 439 608
Bear, Cinnamon, or Black 437 439 ..
Bear, Glacier 437 439 ..
Bear, Grizzly 440 442 608
Bear, Polar 436 438 ..
Beaver, American 441 443 ..
Beaver, Mountain 529 534 ..
Beluga, or White Whale 468 470 ..
Bison, American, or Buffalo 461 463 ..
Blarina 593 566 595
Bobcat, or Bay Lynx 409 411 ..
Bowhead 469 471 ..
Buffalo, or American Bison 461 463 ..
Cachalot, or Sperm Whale 472 471 ..
Caribou, Barren Ground 460 422 610
Caribou, Peary 460 422 ..
Caribou, Woodland 460 459 ..
Cat, Common .. .. 487
Cat, Jaguarundi, or Eyra 413 415 ..
Cat, Ring-tailed 586 562 ..
Chipmunk, Antelope 545 539 ..
Chipmunk, Eastern 549 542 580
Chipmunk, Golden 545 542 ..
Chipmunk, Oregon 552 543 ..
Chipmunk, Painted 553 543 ..
Cony, or Little Chief Hare 494 511 ..
Cougar, or Mountain Lion 412 414 605
Cow, Common .. .. 594
Coyote, Arizona, or Mearns 424 423 ..
Coyote, Mearns, or Arizona 424 423 ..
Coyote, Plains 424 423 599
Deer, Arizona White-tailed 457 458 ..
Deer, Black-tailed 456 455 611
Deer, Mule 453 455 607
Deer, Virginia 456 458 ..
Deer, White-tailed 456, 457 458 606
Dog .. .. 596, 597
Elk, American 453 454 607
Eyra, or Jaguarundi Cat 413 415 ..
Ferret, Black-footed 571 551 ..
Fisher, or Pekan 444 446 ..
Footprints, wild folk .. .. 485
Fox .. .. 575
Fox, Alaska Red 417 418 ..
Fox, Arctic, or White 425 426 ..
Fox, Cross 417 418 ..
Fox, Desert 420 419 ..
Fox, Gray 417 419 ..
Fox, Pribilof Blue 425 426 ..
Fox, Red 416 418 ..
Fox, Silver 417 418 ..
Fox, White, or Arctic 425 426 ..
Goat, Bighorn .. .. 604
Goat, Rocky Mountain 452 451 604
Gopher, Pocket 500 515 ..
Hare, Arctic 491 510 ..
Hare, Little Chief 494 511 ..
Hare, Varying 489 507 490
Horse .. .. 610
Human footprints .. .. 609
Jaguar 413 414 ..
Kangaroo Rat 502 518 ..
Lemming, Banded 503 519 ..
Lemming, Brown 504 519 ..
Lion, Mountain 412 414 605
Lynx, Bay 409 411 ..
Lynx, Canada 409 411 612
Manati, Florida 465 467 ..
Marmot, American 533 534 578
Marmot, Hoary, or Whistler 536 535 ..
Marten, or American Sable 576 555 ..
Mink, American 575 555 586, 587
Mole, Oregon 588 563 ..
Mole, Star-nosed 589 563 ..
Moose 461 462 602
Mouse, Beach 524 530 ..
Mouse, Big-eared Rock 525 531 ..
Mouse Field, or Meadow 505 522 495
Mouse, Grasshopper 520 527 570
Mouse, Harvest 517 527 ..
Mouse, House 529 531 ..
Mouse, Jumping 496 514 ..
Mouse, Pine 508 522 ..
Mouse, Red-backed 509 523 ..
Mouse, Rufous Tree 512 523 ..
Mouse, Silky Pocket 497 515 ..
Mouse, Spiny Pocket 498 515 ..
Mouse, White-footed 521 530 572
Muskhog, or Peccary 448 447 ..
Musk-ox 464 466 600
Muskrat 513 526 569
Ocelots, or Tiger-cats 416 415 ..
Opossum, Virginia 408 410 588
Otter 445 446 ..
Otter, Sea 432 434 ..
Peccary, Collared 448 447 ..
Pekan, or Fisher 444 446 ..
Pig, Common .. .. 571
Pika, or Little Chief Hare 494 511 ..
Polecat, or Spilogale .. .. 593
Porcupine 495 514 ..
Prairie-dog 536 538 ..
Quadruped, with biped track: Common cat .. .. 487
Rabbit, Antelope Jack 486 506 ..
Rabbit, California Jack 487 507 ..
Rabbit, Cottontail 492 510 492
Rabbit, Jack .. .. 488
Rabbit, Marsh 493 511 ..
Rabbit, Snowshoe 489 507 490
Raccoon 408 410 590
Rat, Brown 525 531 574
Rat, Kangaroo 502 518 ..
Sable, American, or Marten 576 555 ..
Sea-elephant, Northern 432 434 ..
Sea-lion, Steller 429 431 ..
Seal, Alaska Fur 429 431 ..
Seal, Elephant 432 434 ..
Seal, Greenland 433 435 ..
Seal, Harbor 433 435 ..
Seal, Harp, or Saddle-back 433 435 ..
Seal, Leopard 433 435 ..
Seal, Ribbon 436 438 ..
Seal, Saddle-back 433 435 ..
Sheep, Dall Mountain 449 450 ..
Sheep, Rocky Mountain 448 447 ..
Sheep, Stone Mountain 449 450 ..
Shrew, Common 591 566 ..
Shrew, Short-tailed 593 566 595
Skunk, Common 580 558 592
Skunk, Hog-nosed 582 559 ..
Skunk, Little, or Polecat .. .. 593
Skunk, Little Spotted 577 558 ..
Squirrel, Abert 564 550 ..
Squirrel, California Ground 541 539 ..
Squirrel, Douglas 557 546 ..
Squirrel, Flying 568 551 ..
Squirrel, Fox 561 547 581, 582
Squirrel, Gray 560 547 ..
Squirrel, Kaibab 564 550 ..
Squirrel, Red 556 546 ..
Squirrel, Rusty Fox 561 547 581
Squirrel, Striped Ground 540 538 ..
Spilogale, or Polecat .. .. 593
Stoat, or Large Weasel 572 554 ..
Tiger-cats, or Ocelots 416 415 ..
Walrus, Pacific 428 430 ..
Wapiti, or American Elk 453 454 ..
Weasel .. .. 584
Weasel, Large, or Stoat 572 554 ..
Weasel, Least 573 554 ..
Whale, Greenland Right 469 471 ..
Whale, Killer 468 470 ..
Whale, Sperm, or Cachalot 472 471 ..
Whale, White, or Beluga 468 470 ..
Whistler, or Hoary Marmot 536 535 ..
Wildcat, Texan .. .. 612
Wolf, Arctic White 421 422 ..
Wolf, Black .. 423 ..
Wolf, Gray, or Timber 421 423 605
Wolf, Prairie 424 423 ..
Wolf, Timber, or Gray 421 423 ..
Wolverine 428 427 583
Woodchuck, Common 533 534 578
Woodrat 516 526 ..
Wild Animals of North America

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