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Within the quadrangular area between the Canadian Court and the Central Transept, is to be found the Reading Room of the Library, which contains works of reference for those studies and Fine Arts which are exemplified in the Crystal Palace, as well as works of high class and general literature. The books are obtained for use in the Reading Room, by means of a small slip to be filled up from the catalogue. Round the room fit space is allotted to publishers, on which are exhibited the title-pages and announcements of new books, the new volumes themselves being exhibited during the season for immediate reference in an open book-case in the room. The publishers’ catalogues lie upon the table. The operation of the plan also extends to Continental literature, and the announcements of new books by Foreign publishers, as well as their catalogues, with the books themselves, will be noticed as an interesting feature not to be found elsewhere. A valuable Library has been already formed by the purchases of the Company, the free gifts of individuals, and by the addition of the new works which, having been exhibited by the publishers in the Room during the season, are then added to the catalogue. Amongst several very splendid works, the magnificent gifts of both Continental and British publishers, which enrich the Library, one deserves special notice on account of its very great rarity and value, as well as of its beauty. This is a copy of “Das Neue Testament” which was printed in 1851 for His Majesty the King of Prussia. As a specimen of Gothic typography the work is perhaps without a peer, while as a work of art, and a record of what can be achieved by the printing press in these days, it is to be highly valued. Five exquisite designs from the rich and original pencil of Kaulbach illustrate the volume; they represent the Deity, and the four Evangelists, severally, being single allegorical figures. There is also one illustration to the Revelations, by Peter Cornelius. These are printed from wood blocks. Twenty-five copies only of the book were printed when the type was broken up. Of these, five exist in England. One in the possession of Her Majesty the Queen, to whom the work is dedicated, one in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, one in the Syndicate Library at Cambridge, one presented to the Bishop of London, by Prince Frederick William, on the occasion of the recent Royal Marriage, and the present copy. This magnificent volume is the production of Herr Rudolf Decker of Berlin, Printer to the King of Prussia, by whom it was presented to the Company’s Library. In that portion of the room devoted to news, more than 100 newspapers can be found, upwards of fifty of which are London papers; the British country press is very completely represented, constituting a feature of the Room, and several leading Foreign Journals are supplied; there are 18 Magazines, and 7 Reviews (as well Foreign as English), besides Periodicals and Pamphlets, Directories, Gazetteers, Maps, &c. &c. The very latest news, by special telegraph, is exhibited immediately on its receipt, and a regular Daily Telegram is received from Paris, with the state of the French Funds, and Money Market. A Register for Appointments and Messages is kept, and a glass case in which unclaimed letters, and letters for visitors, are exhibited. There is a postage-box upon the reading-table, and one outside, from which letters are collected several times in the course of the day; and paper, envelopes, and postage-stamps can always be obtained from the attendants at a moderate charge.

The Palace and Park

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