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Birmingham Court.


JOSIAH WOOLDRIDGE, Manufacturer of Cabinet Brass Foundry, Brass Fittings, Brass Toy Cannons, Mortars, Anchors, Bells, and a variety of other Brass Toys. 38, St. Paul’s Square, Birmingham.

G. B. LLOYD & Co., Manufacturers of Lapwelded Iron Tubes for Steam Boilers, Gas and Steam Tubing, &c., Berkeley Tube Works, Gas Street, Birmingham.

JOHN C. ONIONS, Manufacturer of Smiths’ Bellows for Anchor Smiths, Machinists, and others, Patent Circular, House, Library, and every description of Fancy Bellows, Patent Water and other Tue Irons, Anvils, Vices, and Hammers, Improved Blowing Machines, &c., Bradford Street, Birmingham.

CHARLES ALLDRIDGE & SON, Cabinet and Stationery Case Manufacturers, Regent Parade, Caroline Street, Birmingham.

THE PATENT CRYSTAL WINDOW BARS, adapted for Domestic Windows, Shop Fronts, Conservatories, Skylights, Verandahs, Exhibition and Counter Cases, Aquariums, Fern Cases, &c., &c., combining perfect transmission of light, durability against rust or decay, and economy in the facility with which they are kept clean.

Aquariums with Slate or Marble Bottoms of various sizes, with or without Fountains, also of glass.

Manufactured by LLOYD & SUMMERFIELD, Park Glass-Works, Birmingham.

All kinds of Flint Glass, cut and plain, Coloured Window Sheet, Optical Sheet, Coloured Lenses, &c., &c.

GEORGE HAINES PARKES, General Coach, and Harness Furniture Manufacturer, for Home and Exportation, 10 and 11, St. Mary’s Row, Birmingham.

MESSRS. ELKINGTON, MASON, & Co., Exhibit Specimens of their Electro-Plate and Fine Art Manufactures, between the Sheffield and Birmingham Courts, in the Nave.

The Palace and Park

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