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Life of Robert Browning. By Mrs. Sutherland Orr. London: 1891.

Life of Robert Browning. By William Sharp. London: 1890.

On the whole, Mr. Sharp’s Biography will be found the more useful for the student. It contains an excellent Bibliography by Mr. John P. Anderson of the British Museum, and a Chronological List of the Poet’s Works.

Robert Browning: Chief Poet of the Age. By W. G. Kingsland. London: 1890. Excellent for beginners.

Robert Browning: Personalia. By Edmund Gosse. Boston: 1890.


Robert Browning: Essays and Thoughts. By John T. Nettleship. London: 1868. Artistic and suggestive.

Stories from Robert Browning. By F. M. Holland; with Introduction by Mrs. Sutherland Orr. London: 1882.

A Handbook to the Works of Robert Browning. By Mrs. Sutherland Orr. London: 1885.

An Introduction to the Study of Browning. By Arthur Symons. London: 1886. Intensely sympathetic and appreciative.

A Bibliography of Robert Browning, from 1833 to 1881. By Dr. F. J. Furnivall. 1881.

An Introduction to the Study of Robert Browning’s Poetry. By Hiram Corson. Boston: 1888.

Studies in the Poetry of Robert Browning. By James Fotheringham. London: 1887.

Browning Guide Book. By George Willis Cooke. Boston: 1891.

Strafford: a Tragedy. With Notes and Preface, by E. H. Hickey, and Introduction by S. R. Gardiner. London: 1884.

Browning and the Christian Faith. The Evidences of Christianity from Browning’s Point of View. By Edward Berdoe. London: 1896.

Browning as a Philosophical Religious Teacher. By Prof. Henry Jones. Glasgow: 1891.

Browning’s Message to His Time: His Religion, Philosophy and Science. By Edward Berdoe. London: 1890.


The Browning Society’s Papers, Part I. Vol. I., 1881-4, pp. 1-116 (presented by Dr. Furnivall). [1881-2.

1. A Reprint of Browning’s Introductory Essay to the 25 spurious Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1852: On the Objective and Subjective Poet, on the Relation of the Poet’s Life to his Work; on Shelley, his Nature, Art, and Character.

2. A Bibliography of Robert Browning, 1833-81: Alphabetical and Chronological Lists of his Works, with Reprints of discontinued Prefaces, of Ben Karshook’s Wisdom, partial collations of Sordello 1840, 1863, and Paracelsus 1835, 1863, etc., and with Trial-Lists of the Criticisms on Browning, Personal Notices of him, etc., by F. J. Furnivall.

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part II. Vol. I., 1881-4, pp. 117-258. [1881-2.

3. Additions to the Bibliography of R. Browning, by F. J. Furnivall. 1. Browning’s Acted Plays. 2. Fresh Entries of Criticisms on Browning’s Works. 3. Fresh Personal Notices of Browning. 4. Notes on Browning’s Poems and my Bibliography. 5. Short Index.

4. Mr. Kirkman’s Address at the Inaugural Meeting of the Society, October 28th, 1881.

5. Mr. Sharpe’s Paper on “Pietro of AbanoandDramatic Idyls, Series II.”

6. Mr. Nettleship’s Analysis and Sketch of “Fifine at the Fair.”

7. Mr. Nettleship’s Classification of Browning’s Poems.

8. Mrs. Orr’s Classification of Browning’s Poems.

9. Mr. James Thomson’s Notes on The Genius of Robert Browning.

10. Mr. Ernest Radford on The Moorish Front to the Duomo of Florence, in “Luria,” I., pp. 122-132.

11. Mr. Ernest Radford on The Original of “Ned Bratt’s” Dramatic Lyrics, I., pp. 107-43.

12. Mr. Sharpe’s Analysis and Summary of Fifine at the Fair.

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part III. Vol. I., 1881-4, pp. 259-380, with Abstract, pp. 11-482. [1882-3.

13. Mr. Bury on Browning’s Philosophy.

14. Prof. Johnson on Bishop Blougram.

15. Prof. Corson on Personality, and Art as its Vice-agent, as treated by Browning.

16. Miss Beale on The Religious Teaching of Browning.

17. A Short Account of the Abbé Vogler (“Abt Vogler”). By Miss E. Marx.

18. Prof. Johnson on Science and Art in Browning.

The Monthly Abstract of such papers as have not been printed in full, and of the Discussions on all that have been discussed. Nos. I. – X.

Illustrations to Browning’s Poems. Part I.: Photographs of (a) Andrea del Sarto’s Picture of Himself and his Wife, in the Pitti Palace, Florence, which suggested Browning’s poem Andrea del Sarto; (b) Fra Lippo Lippi’s ‘Coronation of the Virgin,’ in the Accademia delle belle Arti, Florence (the painting described at the end of Browning’s Fra Lippo); and (c) Guercino’s ‘Angel and Child,’ at Fano (for The Guardian Angel); with an Introduction by Ernest Radford. [1882-3.

Illustrations to Browning’s Poems. Part II.3 (d) A photo-engraving of Mr. C. Fairfax Murray’s drawing of Andrea del Sarto’s Picture named above. (e) A Woodburytype copy of Fredelle’s Cabinet Photograph of Robert Browning in three sizes, to bind with the Society’s Illustrations, and Papers, and Browning’s Poems: presented by Mrs. Sutherland Orr. (f) Reductions in fcap. 8vo, to bind with Browning’s Poems, of d, b, c, above, and of (g) the engraving of Guercino’s First Sketch for his “Angel and Child.” [1882-3.

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part IV. Vol. I., 1881-4, pp. 381-476, with Abstract, pp. 494-845 and Reports, i-xvi. [1883-4.

19. Mr. Nettleship on Browning’s Intuition, specially in regard to Music and the Plastic Arts.

20. Prof. B. F. Westcott on Some Points in Browning’s View of Life.

21. Miss E. D. West on One Aspect of Browning’s Villains.

22. Mr. Revell on Browning’s Poems on God and Immortality as bearing on Life here.

23. The Rev. H. J. Bulkeley on “James Lee’s Wife.”

24. Mrs. Turnbull on “Abt Vogler.”

The Monthly Abstract of the Proceedings of Meetings Eleven to Eighteen.

First and Second Reports of the Committee (1881-2 and 1882-3).

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part V. Vol. I., 1881-4, pp. 477-502, with Abstract and Notes and Queries, pp. 856-1537, and Report, pp. xvii-xxiii. [1884-5.

25. Mr. W. A. Raleigh on Some Prominent Points in Browning’s Teaching.

26. Mr. J. Cotter Morison on “Caliban on Setebos,” with some Notes on Browning’s Subtlety and Humour.

27. Mrs. Turnbull on “In a Balcony.”

The Monthly Abstract of the Proceedings of Meetings Nineteen to Twenty-six, including “Scraps” contributed by Members.

Third Report of the Committee, 1883-4.

Illustration, Part III. Presented by Sir F. Leighton, P.R.A., etc., Vice-President of the Browning Society. A Woodburytype Engraving of Sir Frederick Leighton’s picture (in the possession of Sir Bernhard Samuelson, Bart., M.P.) of “Hercules contending with Death for the Body of Alkestis” (Balaustion’s Adventure).

[Part VI. of the Browning Society’s Papers, a Second Supplement to Parts I. and II., with illustrations, is in the press.]

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part VII. Vol. II., 1885-90, (being Part I. of Vol. II.), pp. 1-54, with Abstract and Notes and Queries, 18-889, i. – viii., and Appendix, 1-16. [1885-6.

28. Mr. Arthur Symons’ Paper, Is Browning Dramatic?

29. Prof. E. Johnson on “Mr. Sludge the Medium.”

30. Dr. Berdoe on Browning as a Scientific Poet.

The Monthly Abstract of Proceedings of Meetings Twenty-seven to Thirty-three; Notes and Queries, etc.; Fourth Annual Report; Programme of the Annual Entertainment at Prince’s Hall, etc.

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part VIII. Vol. II., 1885-90, pp. 55-146, with Abstract and Notes and Queries, 8910-16411, and Report i-vii. [1886-7.

31. Mr. J. T. Nettleship on The Development of Browning’s Genius in his Capacity as Poet or Maker.

32. Mr. J. B. Bury on “Aristophanes’ Apology.”

33. Mr. Outram on The Avowal of Valence (Colombe’s Birthday).

34. Mr. Albert Fleming on “Andrea del Sarto.”

35. Mr. Howard S. Pearson on Browning as a Landscape Painter.

36. Rev. H. J. Bulkeley on The Reasonable Rhythm of some of Mr. Browning’s Poems.

37. Prof. C. H. Herford on “Hohenstiel-Schwangau.”

Abstracts of all Meetings held, Notes and Queries, Fifth Annual Report, etc.

Reprint of the First Edition of Browning’s Pauline. [1886-7.

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part IX. (being Part III. of Vol. II.). [1887-8.

38. Dr. Todhunter on The Performance of “Strafford.”

39. Mrs. Glazebrook on “A Death in the Desert.”

40. Dr. Furnivall on A Grammatical Analysis of “O Lyric Love.”

41. Mr. Arthur Symons on “Parleyings with Certain People.”

42. Miss Helen Ormerod on The Musical Poems of Browning.

Abstracts of all Meetings held, Notes and Queries, Sixth Annual Report, etc.

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part X. (being Part IV. of Vol. II.). [1888-9.

43. Mr. Revell on Browning’s Views of Life.

44. Dr. Berdoe on Browning’s Estimate of Life.

45. Prof. Barnett on Browning’s Jews and Shakespeare’s Jew.

46. Miss Helen Ormerod on Abt Vogler, the Man.

47. Miss C. M. Whitehead on Browning as a Teacher of the Nineteenth Century.

48. Miss Stoddart on “Saul.”

Abstracts of all Meetings held, Notes and Queries, Seventh Annual Report, etc.

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part XI. (being Part V. of Vol. II.). [1889-90.

49. Dr. Berdoe on Paracelsus: the Reformer of Medicine.

50. Miss Helen Ormerod on Andrea del Sarto and Abt Vogler.

51. Rev. W. Robertson on “La Saisiaz.”

52. Mr. J. B. Oldham on The Difficulties and Obscurities encountered in a Study of Browning’s Poems.

53. Mr. J. King, Jun., on “Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau.”

54. Mrs. Alexander Ireland on “A Toccata of Galuppi’s.”

55. Mrs. Glazebrook on “Numpheleptos and Browning’s Women.”

56. Rev. J. J. G. Graham on The Wife-love and Friend-love of Robert Browning.

Abstracts of all Meetings held, Notes and Queries, Eighth Annual Report, etc.

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part XII. (being Part I. of Vol. III.). [1890-91.

57. Prof. Alexander’s Analysis of “Sordello.”

58. Dr. Furnivall on Robert Browning’s Ancestors.

59. Mrs. Ireland on Browning’s Treatment of Parenthood.

60. Mr. Sagar on The Line-numbering, etc., in “The Ring and the Book.”

61. Mr. Revell on The Value of Browning’s Work (Part I.).

62. Mr. W. M. Rossetti on “Taurello Salinguerra.”

List of Some of the Periodicals in which Notices of Robert Browning have appeared since his Death.

Abstracts of all Meetings held, Notes and Queries, Ninth Annual Report, etc.

The Browning Society’s Papers, Part XIII. (being Part II. of Vol. III., 1890-93). [1891-92.

63. Mrs. A. Ireland on “Christina and Monaldeschi.”

64. Jón Stefánsson, M.A., on How Browning Strikes a Scandinavian.

65. W. F. Revell, Esq., on Browning’s Work in Relation to Life (Part II.).

66. J. B. Oldham, B.A., on Browning’s Dramatic Method in Narrative.

67. R. G. Moulton, M.A., on Browning’s “Balaustion” a beautiful Perversion of Euripides’ “Alcestis.”

Abstracts of all Meetings held, Notes and Queries, Tenth Annual Report, etc.


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The Browning Cyclopædia: A Guide to the Study of the Works of Robert Browning

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