Читать книгу The Bee's Bayonet (a Little Honey and a Little Sting) - Edwin Alfred Watrous - Страница 5



O, Mighty Atlas, thou hast borne the load

Of hapless peoples smarting from the goad

Of Tyranny, until thy giant strength

Seems overtaxed and doomed to break at length.

Unless thy vim endures with steadfast force;

Unless thy Ship of State keeps on its course;

Unless thou gird thy loins and stand astride,

Colossus-like, the struggles that betide—

While all the Furies strive, the Turk and Hun,

To sap thy power—undo what thou hast done—

Of what avail will all thy efforts be

Against the tottering walls of Tyranny?

And to what purpose will have lived thy men

Who won imposing fame with sword or pen?

And what, I pray, will all thy thousands slain

Avail thy Empire if they've died in vain?

The Bee's Bayonet (a Little Honey and a Little Sting)

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