Читать книгу Psysuccess (English Version). Selected poems - Egor Rybakov - Страница 21



The world around you, alas, do not understand,

And your life is not shaping up the way I want,

In the hustle and bustle you its the truth don’t know,

Constantly drowning in a stormy sea.

In the sea of eternal flattery, fear, envy and lies,

And ask me how to be, so as not to drown,

You heart open to the one who it is,

And your enemies again will not be able to deceive.

Take care of your love and trembling feelings,

From the eyes of strangers, from rumors and human ears,

You will enjoy it as an art,

And soon you’ll be rid of the fear of mirages.

From now on, try to live in the real world,

Without fear and reproach, eternal envy, resentment,

Your inner world will become much wider,

Undoubtedly, it will satisfy your heart with passion.


Psysuccess (English Version). Selected poems

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