Читать книгу No Hero Like Him - Elaine Grant - Страница 2

Seth held her by the waist and spoke softly in her ear, his breath warm


“I have to say this is a novel way to move a horse, but I like it.”

Claire felt the soft feathering of hair on top of Seth’s hand and the calluses on the underside. He smelled good, of fresh soap and aftershave. Of a subtle maleness that made her breathe faster. The heat of his muscled forearm burned through her thin T-shirt and her skin prickled in anticipation. He made no effort to turn her loose. Her first inclination was to lean against that rock-solid chest and enjoy the moment, see what he would do next. Then Belle snorted and Claire caught herself. She pushed Seth’s arm away.

“Let’s see you do it on your own.”

He narrowed those golden eyes that made Claire think of a mountain lion. “Aw, it’s a lot more fun when you help. I work much better hands-on.”

His gaze slid to the camp logo on her shirt, a smile curling his lip and triggering that deep dimple on his cheek. With a start, she realized her body had betrayed her through the taut T-shirt….

No Hero Like Him

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