Читать книгу Mystery of the Golden Cat - Eleanor Beatrice Coerr - Страница 10


Chapter Two

A Big Splash

The morning star gradually faded from the sky as the sun rolled out of the east gate of heaven and spread its golden glow everywhere. A slight breeze shook the dew from the leaves. Temple bells softly tinkled.

Bangkok would soon be booming with life. Every child was looking forward to his special day. The whole city would be open to children. They could go anywhere on buses or trams without buying tickets. They could enjoy the rides in Lumbini Park without paying a single tical Movies were free. They could even sit in the Prime Minister's chair and pretend to run the country.

After supper, there might be special gifts from parents.

The delicious, spicy odor of breakfast cooking tickled their noses as Dang and Malee took the cat out onto the porch. They admired the fresh, new day. The greenery that grew between houses and shops was sprinkled with exotic flowers. Over the roofs, the Temple of Dawn gleamed like a magic palace.

Tiny waves made a pleasant "slap-slap" sound as they hit the stilts holding up the house.

"This is my favorite part of the day," announced Malee, picking up a coconut shell and dipping rain water from a large earthenware toom into a washbasin.

"It's great!" Dang looked out over the sparkling water at boats that were already starting out on their daily rounds, loaded down with all kinds of things to sell. "It's even better when there's no school."

He sniffed hungrily as a cook boat drifted by, leaving an appetizing aroma of curry and rice. The man in the boat was frying little cakes over a stove that looked like a giant flowerpot. Dang's mouth watered when the fruit boat came into view, almost hidden by a mountain of bananas. A slim, strong woman wearing a flat-topped, wide-brimmed straw hat pushed the boat with a long pole.

Mystery of the Golden Cat

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