Читать книгу Keys to your home. Ekvilibro I Balance - Елена Львова - Страница 3



Nothing adorns a person more than the presence of consciousness. Men become outstanding thinkers, and women become like living water. There is a thinker in every person who creates thanks to living water.


Humans are created in the image and likeness of the Creator. For each person, there is a Gift. To receive the gift, one must reach adulthood not by passport, but within themselves. Happiness, peace, love, harmony all start from within the person. Once you become the discoverer of yourself, of Consciousness within yourself. And this is the most incredible thing that can happen to you, a simple, imperfect human.


Ekvilibro is balance en esperanto language. Simultaneously stable and fragile equilibro lies at the foundation of everything.

Imagine a room without windows and doors. There is a light switch. The complexity lies in the fact that you need to find it in complete darkness. While you search, you bump into things, stumble, fall, get up, and continue moving forward. Under the influence of psychotropic and other substances, the search system is turned off. The inner human is immobilized. There is no one to find the switch, turn on the light, consciousness within oneself. And yet, it is not enough just to turn on the light, you also need to have time to explore the inner world and manifest your true self.

Keys to your home. Ekvilibro I Balance

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