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What wonderful women!


                                               It’s amazing what role plays in our lives a woman sometimes:

                                                to abandon her is almost a heroic feat, to win is a great art.

                                                                                                                    (George Elioт, “Middlemarch”)

You noticed that there are women of an unsightly appearance, they are not beauties, their appearance is not unique, about such women you would say “a mediocre person.” However, they always have many admirers and suitors. People look and wonder – “What does he see in her?”

Sometimes an intelligent, beautiful, girl with a model appearance is single. She has no live. She has no a man who would love her. Everyone’s surprised – “What is going on? Why is such a beautiful girl single? Why is she so unlucky?”. Generally, men are unpredictable. They can take their hats off to some women, but for another they can put just their underwear. Poor ladies are trying to figure out which one of them is luckier?

The explanation for this paradox is quite simple. The point is energy! Do you have a lot of it? What light does it have? In other words, what is your soul? The soul is something like a bundle of energy. The more light this energy radiates inside you, the more people are attracted to your light. The point is not in appearance, but in the content, which contributes to the accumulation of your positive, bright energy. These are your thoughts, words and emotions. If you express it in a positive way, you’ll receive light energy, in a negative way – dark energy.

We noticed that it says about some women: “The eyes light up, as if the whole inside is glowing.”

That is why it glows that inside the Golden energy lit up, mixed with positive emotions, words and thoughts. Only love and kindness can ignite the sun in a person, and envy, hatred and anger can extinguish it. Love and be kind to each other. In this case you don’t need to look for anyone, everyone will come running to you like moths at the light.

There are women who left a unique and bright trace in history, and glorified themselves for centuries unconsciously. For many years, they have continued to arouse interest. They are all united by one thing; they are faithfully able to love. They were able to devote themselves to their beloved work, and to accept life in all its manifestations, while maintaining in his soul all the best human qualities. I would like to tell you about some of them, which cause me the most admiration, by telling the stories of their life.

What wonderful women!

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