Читать книгу Preserving Democracy - Elgin L Hushbeck - Страница 7
ОглавлениеFrom a Conservative
“Preserving Democracy” is one of the most timely books that has been written. Although it has been years in the making it raises the alarm as if it had been compiled from and for current events. It is the very current events that makes this work so well-timed and consequently a most important read; and unlike just any instrument for alarm, it can be used as a handbook, a starting point for significant change or better yet preservation.
As the subtitle (Preserving Democracy - What the Founding Fathers knew, What we have forgotten, and How it threatens Democracy) states, it explores what the Founding Fathers knew from their study of history, their knowledge of the greatest thinkers throughout history, and the wisdom they gained from the teachings of God; it discloses what we as a nation have in large part forgotten, repressed, or intentionally altered as to reasons that we are a great and blessed country; and how the dereliction of our times, the inane zeitgeist, is threatening the very existence of what we hold dear and require for life itself. We are losing the ability to exercise and maintain our form of government, a representative democracy.
"We The People" is not just another political slogan or a blurb we bring to the surface when campaigns flair. "We The People" goes to the very soul of who we are and how we conduct our lives from day to day. Like fish, we seem to be totally unaware of the medium in which we exist. We take our way of living for granted. Only when we see it become polluted do we notice something is not right. Indeed it is the very system of government, the system that is to protect and not trample our God given rights, is now polluting our lives with its particulates and toxins. Fortunately, unlike fish, it is our system. We have the God given intelligence to step back and objectively examine our situation, the choice to correct it, and the power to do so.
“Preserving Democracy” goes directly to the heart of the matter, to wit, the preserving of the most rarified and valued commodity in history - Liberty.
With a love for this great nation, a well rounded education and life experience, coupled with a great sense of humor, Mr. Hushbeck began to put down his thoughts. That began ten years ago, a time when things appeared to be just right for America. No matter one's political viewpoint, it was a fact that America was the one sole superpower left standing in the world; that the dangers represented by its advisories had been mitigated if not entirely eliminated; that the wealth of the world in general had increased, not just for some, but for vast populations throughout the globe. In spite of the good times, Elgin could see, through his unique perspective of theology, history, business, and science, that there were fundamental cracks in the foundation. As the intrepid adventurer, an apt analogy found in the book, are we as a nation on a journey where there may be a point of no return?
If you love liberty and despise equalitarian outcome, then you will love "Preserving Democracy". You will find it a must read.
— Larry, California