Читать книгу Foul Play - Elisabeth Rees - Страница 3


A strange look swept over his face, like a million regrets rushing through him at once.

“Please, Deborah,” Cole said. “Let me take you home. It’s not safe.”

He picked up her bag, his muscles flexing, and she remembered how safe he used to make her feel. Now she felt nothing but regret that she’d allowed him into her life.

She took the bag. “I’ll take my chances alone.”

“You’re letting your emotions override your common sense. You need protection.”

He was right. There was a ball of fear in her belly, telling her to be cautious, but she ignored it. Yes, Cole could provide protection, but at what cost to her heart?

“I’ll take it from here.” She stalked out the door, ignoring her conflicting emotions. Cole’s presence could protect her, but every fiber of her body cried out to run from him.

When she reached the parking lot, she heard them.

Footsteps behind her.

She spun around. “Cole, is that you?”

No reply.

“Who’s there?”

A menacing voice rumbled, “Your worst nightmare.”

Foul Play

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