Читать книгу Innocent Target - Elisabeth Rees - Страница 8


Her heart thudded in her chest as she waited for something to happen.

The first gunshot caused her to jump. As the shots intensified, she heard shouting. She recognized Ryan’s rich, deep voice ordering someone to lay down a weapon.

Kitty moved toward the broken window and peered out. The bullet that flew past her head came so close that it created a breeze and she screamed, dropping to the floor again. The bullets wouldn’t stop coming.

She stood and ran into the hallway, intending to gain a better vantage point upstairs, but pain sliced into her leg like a bee sting, and she fell to the floor. The gunshots gradually ceased.

“Kitty,” Ryan yelled into the house. “Where are you?”

“I’m here.”

He appeared at her side.

“My leg,” she said. “Something hit my leg.”

He inspected her right thigh, where blood was trickling. “A bullet grazed you,” he said. “It’s not serious.”

“When will it be over?” she cried.

“Soon. We’ll get through this, Kitty,” he said soothingly. “I promise.”

As much as she wanted to believe his promises, she wasn’t sure she could.

Only time would tell.

Innocent Target

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