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Rome, Italy

EarthWorld, 1880

“Dieux! Where the devil is it?”

The sound of the woman’s voice drifted to him through a grove thick with olive trees. The early October breeze rattled silvery green leaves on gnarled branches, alternately revealing and concealing the meddling female from view. As she moved past in a direction parallel to him, he angled his jaw so his eyes could follow her.

Perfect. Now he wouldn’t have to go hunting tonight.

But he was still in transition, not yet fully in control, and so for now only filed the information of her arrival away to be considered later. Breathing deep of the cool twilight, Dante continued to slowly ease his way into a mind that belonged to another—Dane, his reluctant host.

It’s for your own good, Dante soothed. For your protection. I’ll be gone again come morning. Relax now. Sleep.

But Dane ignored this and fought on with an inner strength that was as admirable as it was futile. Subjugation could not be pleasant for one so strong willed. This changeover was always a strange time and an uncomfortable one, dredging up memories they would both prefer to forget. So Dante treaded carefully, confident he would ultimately prevail. Just as he had on the night of the full moon last month, and during all the Moonfuls that had come before over the latter half of Dane’s life.

In a matter of moments, he’d assumed full possession. He was Dante now. Not a person in his own right, but rather an alternate personality that lay dormant inside Dane and came forth only when required. On occasions such as this one.

Slowly, he uncoiled from his crouch on the forest floor. He shrugged broad shoulders, adjusting himself to the fit of this familiar set of bones and flesh he’d donned. The mind and, therefore, the body were his for the present. He would be master of them only until dawn.

The tailored linen shirt he wore hung unbuttoned and open in front, gleaming white against the shadowed flesh of his sculpted chest. He flexed his hands and found them sore. He noted the ax on the ground a yard away and the felled limbs, the piles of encroaching vines, which had been freshly cut away from twisted trunks nearby.

Ah, yes, he remembered now. When he’d first come into consciousness, they’d been working.

He and Dane.

Two facets of the same mind. Possessors of a single body.

And it was a body women admired, sought, swooned over. Six and a half feet of solid brawn, wide of shoulder, narrow of hip. A strong column of throat, topped by a square-jawed masculine face with a prominent blade of a nose, and crowned with tousled sable hair. A face bearing a distinct resemblance to those of his brothers. It would have been too handsome save for one feature. From below straight brows, eyes of icy silver reflected the world, making him appear otherworldly and strange. Which he was.

Through the fabric of his trousers, he found the feature that perhaps rendered him most aberrant. One he reveled in on these nights. Fondly, he stroked its considerable length with the pad of his thumb as if sharpening a precisely made weapon meant only to give and take pleasure. Already it stood thick and lofty and barely confined within his trousers.

This cock of theirs symbolized the entirety of Dante’s role in things. He was the fornicator—only one aspect of the whole that was Lord Dane Satyr. Brought forth whenever this body’s lecherous need arose. He relished his role. And Dane envied him for it. Craved it for himself.

A thrashing sound reached his ears. The woman. He’d known she was there all along, of course, had been tracking her with a small corner of his mind. Now his eyes found her again.

She moved heedlessly through the grove, thinking herself alone. Now and then, she paused to tug at a branch, plucking an unripe olive or two from it. Holding these small bits of plunder to her nose, she then pocketed them as if gathering samples. The olives would not be ready for picking for another month, so he briefly wondered at her actions. But curiosity was not a failing of his. Dane, however, suffered from a wealth of it. And look where that had gotten them.

Beyond her, the sun had just met the horizon, a huge ball of juicy orange jailed by black cypress spears that marched along the hilltop opposite this one. It turned her pale skin to gold, the shadows of her face to lovely bruises, her dark hair to coal. She was dressed fashionably and well in a prim gray dress that blended with the trees here. Perhaps twenty years of age or a little older. And shapely.

He smiled. They’d only been here a few weeks, but already he liked this new world. A Sickness had killed many of the female species in ElseWorld that usually served as mates for his kind and rendered others unable to bear satyr offspring. Only the members of the Council had the luxury of keeping their own women. Yet here, women delivered themselves right to one’s doorstep.

His prey disappeared into a clearing and he moved after her, keeping her in view. Her head was bent to study something she held. A small book. A page flipped under her lace-gloved hand, a frown creasing the creamy smooth skin between her dark brows as she strained to make out its text in the failing light. Whatever she read on its pages caused her to sigh in frustration.

“Honestly, Maman! What am I to do with these scribbles? Couldn’t you have done any better than this on so important a matter?” Glancing around, she fanned the gilt-edged book back and forth in one hand with obvious impatience.

Gifted with a natural stealth enhanced by a decade of training and field experience as an ElseWorld Tracker, Dante soundlessly moved in her direction, intent on cutting off her exit to the road. Though she had no way of knowing, she’d come at a most opportune time. Night was falling. A very special night to those of Dane’s kind. Once the moon rose, all would begin.

He made a cursory, visual survey of the grove. It was protected. Dane had bespelled its perimeter himself that very morning. If any humans wandered too close, they would find themselves repelled by forces they didn’t understand. Since she’d managed to trespass, he could only assume she must be of ElseWorld blood.

His eyes swept her again. She was slender but pleasingly curved. Fey perhaps. On this special night, her blood would be stirring as well, though not as high as that of the satyr. Not as high as his own. When one lived only ten hours a month, one was understandably eager.

A light breeze gusted at his back, whooshing past him to ripple over mistletoe, betony, chicory, fennel, rosemary, and saffron that grew low on the forest floor. He watched it make its way toward the woman, carrying with it his scent.

When it ruffled her skirt and pulled at tendrils of her hair, she stilled—a woodland creature made suddenly and acutely aware of danger. Her eyes shifted in his direction, twin flashes of emerald. His own eyes narrowed and he smiled, pleased at what he’d read in her glance. Recognition. Only an ElseWorld creature could detect the scent of another. His blood pumped a little faster at this confirmation of his initial assumption. A female from his own world would make for a far more interesting engagement than a human one might have.

“This is private land.” He stepped free of the forest’s shadows into the small clearing in which she stood. She whirled to face him then, her skirts sending the leaves eddying around her. His nostrils flared, waiting for her scent to ride the air in his direction. He’d know what sort of creature she was soon enough.

When her fragrance reached him, its delicate, delicious impact enfolded him like a physical caress. His senses analyzed and sorted through its nuances, and a new prickle of awareness swept his skin. His body reached a stunning conclusion regarding her origins a split second before his mind did. He could actually feel his eyes dilate, his heart gasp, his blood halt in his veins.

“Gods, who…what are you?” he demanded.

Frozen in place, they simply stared at one another with only a dozen yards of sylvan forest and shocked silence between them. Even the air around them seemed to hold its breath.

Then she pivoted on one dainty, booted foot and hared off. She was getting away!

As abruptly as it had stopped, the pump of his blood resumed, burning through him with its ecstatic gush. His hunting instincts in full force, he loped toward her at an angle, slicing through the forest of Dane’s ancestors with ease. The tangled underbrush aided him, snatching at her skirts and slowing her.

His hand lashed out and caught the front of her waist, low between her ribs, pulling her back against him and stealing her breath. She was slight compared to him; her spine easily molded to the cavern of his broad chest. Her hips were lush against his hard thighs. Her hair a silken sweep at his throat.

All of nature seemed to still within the forest as he gathered her to him. He bent his head to bury his face in the tangle of her hair, inhaling deeply. The rightness—the perfect fit of her—rocked him to his very core.

“Who are you?” he asked again.

“No one. I’m no one.”

Long moments passed and they were alone in the universe, locked together in an intimate cocoon. The birds fell silent, but his blood sang. The gentle music of a nearby stream ceased, but their heartbeats thundered. His massive frame shuddered under a flood of lust. His balls clenched, his cock hardened, his every sense attuned to her.

He felt Dane stirring somewhere inside him, like someone turning over in his sleep. Her pull was so strong that it was affecting even him. Who is she? Dane whispered, but his question, too, went unanswered.

Dante carefully shoved him deeper into their mutual subconscious, where he must remain until this night was done. He’d been protecting him for the past thirteen years and saw no reason to stop now. Not while the danger to them still existed in this world.

Under his palm, he felt the firm stays beneath her gray silk gown. He considered the swiftest way to convince her to allow him to remove them. “Don’t fear us. We’re like you.”

“Us?” She shook her head and tugged at his hands on her waist, resisting the pull he was exerting on her person and her senses. “What are you talking about, monsieur? I only wandered here by mistake, looking for flowers for my table tonight. I didn’t know the house was occupied. If you’ll let me go—my conveyance is just over there.” She gestured toward the road, then as she drew her arm back down again, slammed the point of her elbow into his rib, struggling.

He frowned, startled, unable to comprehend that she might not want him. “Why do you fight?” he murmured into her hair, his voice hot and dark. “Night comes, and with it the Calling.”

She gasped, whipping her head around. Her eyes were wary, but in their depths awareness flickered.

The backs of his fingers traced her pale cheek. “You know of what we speak,” he accused softly. “Of the Change that will come over us when the sun dies.” Each word was bespelled, an enticement meant to lull her senses.

“No.” She shook her head as if to shake off his touch, his enchantments, and his intentions toward her. He felt her magic dueling his for supremacy, and it sent a prurient thrill through him. But within seconds, his magic had crept into her consciousness, visibly affecting her. Her body remained half turned away, but she’d relaxed, no longer poised to flee. Her expression softened and a flush of pink stole across her cheeks. Her fingers rose to lightly brush her lips; then they dropped to the neckline of her bodice, restlessly tracing its lace.

“Gods,” he whispered. “Everyone believed creatures such as you to be only a myth.” He tucked a curl of her hair behind her ear, studying every nuance of her upturned face, wondering about her. Who she was. Why she’d come here.

“I’m fey,” she protested weakly.

He chuckled. “Little liar.”

Dane with his insatiable need to know would have questions for her when they met with the coming of morning. Let him find answers then. Tonight was for pleasure. His palm warmed on her cheek, casting a Calm over her.

“Stay,” he murmured. “Stay with us tonight.”

Her will to fight him—to fight her own nature—faltered. Her shoulders softened and her arms went lax. Something hit the toe of his boot. Her little book. Her head lay back on his shoulder and he felt her go boneless against him. When her lips turned into his throat, he knew he’d won her. But it wasn’t enough that his magic wiles should woo her anymore. He wanted her with him, desiring him with her body and spirit, and would not be satisfied until she begged him to fill her. He brought her fingers up to the fastenings of her bodice and helped her to work the first of them free.

A strange and sudden numbness came over him then, and his own fingers fumbled, becoming uncoordinated and uncertain. His hold on her slackened. Not because she’d renewed her puny efforts to shake him off but because of…something else. Something was wrong.

Dante felt himself waver, felt his consciousness ripple like the waves on a pond that had been disturbed. His hands dropped away from her as the shadow of another presence crowded around the edges of his mind. Dane? No, it couldn’t be. Yet it was.

But Dane had never resurfaced during a carnal encounter. It wasn’t safe. What if they came again and took him back to that awful place? It had driven him into an asylum before. Next time, it might kill him. Dante couldn’t let that happen! Protecting Dane was what he lived for.

Don’t you remember how things were…before? Dante warned. Don’t you value your sanity? You must hide. Sleep, he crooned.

Get out of my head, damn you! Dane bit out. I don’t need you!

Stunned, Dante could only stand there, arms useless at his sides as he faded further still, inexorably losing his grip on…

Dane sucked in a sharp intake of breath, inhaling his own soul back into his flesh. His mind, his very essence, poured back into his body like wine into a goblet. He was himself again. Alone in his own skin.

He opened his eyes, blinking at the world, seeing it at first as if he were under water. Drowning. He was disoriented, his vision blurred, almost losing his balance for a moment before managing to right himself. His hands found an anchor. A woman.

Her back was against him; her body a warm, pliant, delicious weight in his arms. His palms shaped her ribs, stroking the turn of her waist and hips. Somehow he knew he must hold on to her, as if she were his conduit to consciousness. To salvation.

Things swam back into focus as disconnected flashes. He was in the grove, just as he last remembered himself. He’d been working here on his newly acquired property earlier, hacking away vines to keep them from suffocating the trees.

Then that whoreson phantom Dante had come. Had taken control of him, of his mind, his body. Intending to use it to fuck the night away in his stead. Claiming it was all done for Dane’s own good—same as every Moonful. But Dane had interrupted the bastard this time!

How he’d done so was a matter of question. It had something to do with her, this woman who inexplicably stood here with him in the gathering gloom, her head upon his chest, her exquisite body unresisting under his intimate exploration.

Her pale gray bodice was partially unbuttoned, revealing the curves of full, white, perfect breasts. He’d long had a particular affection for this portion of a woman’s anatomy. As if in a dream, he watched his hand slip between fabric and flesh, catching on the fine gold chains she wore. Her breast was cool under his fingers, and firm. He found and teased a rosy nipple, dragging the cold metal links over and over it until it drew up tight.

She moaned and touched his wrist, her thighs shifting restlessly against his. His cock surged and he gasped, almost brought to his knees by the sensation. He found its prodigious length with his hand, gripping it through lightweight black wool that could scarcely contain it.

He was hard. He. Not Dante. Was. Hard.

Never in his life had he experienced the hot thrill of his own arousal. Urgently, he turned her toward him, half fearing that she might be a specter herself and fade away. She was comely, with raven lashes and hair, and gently flushed cheeks. His prick was fat and hungry between them, twitching for a taste of her. This was a gift, a miracle wrought by this beguiling stranger.

His arm slanted across her back and his hand met her nape, holding her for his descending mouth. Her fingers threaded his hair, and her kiss met his. She tasted of magic.

He inhaled her scent and found it redolent of ElseWorld. His senses keened, sorting through the soft rainbow of flavors within it. They were unusually complex—a sprinkling of citrus and spice, a dusting of fey glamour, and a heady confusion of other fragrances. But he was a Tracker and would soon have their measure.

Seconds later, his head jerked back. His hands gripped her shoulders and he stared down at her, stunned.

“You’re…No, it’s impossible….” Yet her scent was unmistakable. She was satyr, like him. Never in all of history had a female been born among his species!

“What are you?” he demanded, giving her a little shake. He needed to hear her admit it.

Eyes that were slumberous, the color of spring clover, tangled with his. “I’m emptiness. Want.” Rising on tiptoe, she rubbed her lips over his. “Fill me,” she whispered.

His hunger shot higher, past all restraint. Urgently, he pressed her back against the trunk of a centuries-old olive tree planted by the ancients and covered her body with his larger one. His hands swept over her waist, ribs, and breasts, learning her shape.

“Yes, we will do as our kind must for tonight,” Dane rasped against her lips, his voice rough with need. “But you will answer my questions come dawn.”

“Oui, monsieur,” she breathed, her eyes dark with passion yet oddly evasive.

She wanted him, whether due to an innate desire or to Dante’s magic, he didn’t know—was past caring. He led her hand low between their bodies to the monumental erection that threatened to burst from his trousers, then turned his own fingers to rip at fastenings. His cock surged from its woolen prison, finding the warm cup of her palm.

A predatory growl rumbled from his throat when she encircled his root with fingers that didn’t quite meet around its girth. Through lowered lashes, his silvered eyes glinted with arousal, watching her face as he drew back his hips, moving himself within her hand in a long, voluptuous drag. Then a push, and yet another withdrawal, this one sending her clasp upward along a length roped with hot, blue veins, until finally she held his crown.

His entire body gave a violent shudder at the seductive stimulation. Never prior to this moment had he felt the throb of his cock under an erotic feminine touch or felt the pleasurable burn of viscous precum welling higher to pool in the tiny slit at its crest. Things other men of virility took for granted. She found his pearly seed and smeared it with the pad of a thumb. Her eyes widened, as if this were new to her, too. With a wicked daring quite at odds with her innocent expression, she lifted the thumb to her lips, tasting him.

As if she’d lit the wick on a keg of blasting powder, his ardor exploded. He crossed her wrists under one hand and pinned them above her head upon smooth, silver bark. Her breasts rose, splitting the gap in her bodice and tantalizing him with her every inhalation.

A stockinged thigh slid upward between his to gently nudge his balls. “S’il vous plaît,” she whispered.

“Gods, yes,” he gritted. His mouth fell upon hers, parting soft lips. His tongue pressed inside in much the way his prick would soon breach another pair of lips and mate another feminine mouth. With his free hand, he tossed her skirts higher.

At any other time, he would not have acted so rashly. But it was Moonful, and the urge to cleave himself to her drummed in him, stronger than the beat of his heart or the workings of his curious mind. Though his body had engaged in copulation under every full moon that had passed since his eighteenth year, he recalled none of it. But tonight, he’d conquered Dante. This time, he would remember what he did.

He guided his straining rod past her delicate underthings, and when he insinuated himself between her legs, she shifted slightly, opening for him. Flesh met flesh. Her breathing hitched and a smothered feminine cry of desire perfumed the air. A lecherous rush of answering masculine need sent his fat knob plowing her slick furrow. Unerringly, he found her hot, yearning heart and nestled there, anointing himself with her precious weeping passion. Their eyes caught and clung…

High above them, the forest’s umbrella rustled in the gentle breeze, parting for the gaze of an unblinking moon, which chose that tender moment to observe them. Its luminescence caressed their entwined figures, calling to them.

“Sweet hells!” Dane’s lungs drew up on a harsh, strangled breath as this new divine mistress took him, commanding that he worship her in the way of his ancestors. Demanding that he change; that he engage in the rituals required of all the satyr on this night. His face lifted to her light and he groaned—a dark, carnal sound that threaded the exotic, velvet night.

“Please,” came a desperate whisper. The flesh and blood woman in his arms.

But he was caught in the moon’s snare now, and could only wait as light and sensation washed over him, from his face down the column of his throat, his broad chest, ribs, and finally belly. Under the fabric of his trousers, a soft downy fur sprouted on his thighs and calves, so fine it was scarcely visible. Yet it was the beginning of the Change that would render him freakish, at least to those in this world, if they but knew.

Dane had never experienced the Change for himself and hungered for it now like a starving man. Need coiled higher in him, and higher. In a moment, when the moon’s thrall released him, he would turn the woman he held in his embrace and lift the back of her skirts. Would seat himself at both of her openings. For he would require another sort of mating with her once the moon had its way with him—a dual one.

A moan fluttered from lips that were rosy and moist from his mouth. As if she’d read his mind.

His belly twisted in a sudden brutal cramp, catching him off guard. He gripped his midsection. His other hand released her wrists and balled into a fist on the tree bark. Long moments passed as he was racked by a pleasure so piercing that it was colored with pain.

Freed now, her arms slowly wilted to her sides. In her sweet, clear eyes, he saw fear bloom. Of him or of herself? He frowned. Had Dante in fact bespelled her in some way? Was that why she’d seemed so willing?

“Move. Let me go.” Her voice trembled.

His torso held hers fast to the enormous trunk of the ancient tree. “Haven’t you ever seen the Change come over a male of your species?” he ground out.

She pressed trembling hands flat on his chest. “No! I don’t know what you’re talking about. I—”

“It’s beginning in me now, here,” he interrupted, slicing through her lies. He took her hand and forced it low on his abdomen so she could not help but feel the hard, knotted muscles there. So that she could not deny the truth of what she knew him to be. A male of her kind.

She hesitated and he fought a desperate craving to pick up where he’d left off; to ram himself inside her, welcome or not. “You won’t change in the same way I will tonight, but you must be feeling something. When you turned eighteen, didn’t you—”

“No!” She yanked her hand away and struggled against him, denying what she’d guessed he’d been about to say. “I’m not like you!” she shrieked.

Before he could call her on this untruth, his fingers went suddenly clumsy and uncoordinated. He flexed them, trying to shake off the numbness. “No…Gods, not yet. Not now.”

Dante had returned. And he wanted this woman for himself.

It is how things must be, the voice in his head whispered.

Dane locked his jaw in a grimace, fighting the takeover with every fiber of his being. Knowing it was useless. He studied the woman before him intently, memorizing her every feature. The knowledge that he would not be able to conclude what he’d begun with her was a bitter pill. But he would find her again later, he vowed to himself. One day he would rid himself of Dante and he would have her. Meanwhile, she must be protected. Somehow.

“What’s wrong with you?” Dane saw her lips move, forming the words, but she sounded distant, as if she were floating away from him. She was staring at him with round, frightened eyes. Well, not at him exactly. She seemed to be gazing all around him—to his left, his right, above his head—but not directly at him.

“Stay. You’ll need me soon, between your thighs,” he murmured.

“No! I can’t.”

But she wanted to. He could read it in her face. “Stay,” he rasped again. “If nothing else, you will need my protection. Because of what you are. There are those who would harm you—”

She backed away, shaking her head. Denying him, herself, and what she was.

A lightning bolt of pain shot through his skull. He staggered, catching his weight against the trunk of the nearest tree. What’s your name? he demanded desperately, but his words were soundless now. He was losing her. Losing himself.

He pressed his knuckles to his forehead, trying to force the usurper back. But it was no use. He felt himself subsiding, his mind sliding away from him like the tide washing out. He was succumbing…being overtaken by…

Dante found himself in control again. He swayed, then shuddered, quickly regaining his equilibrium. He was in pain. His hand went to his belly and felt the hard clench of muscles there. The air in the grove had turned cooler with the night. And the moon had come, bathing him in its glorious light, swamping him in carnal need.

Where was the woman? He glanced up and found her. She’d shaken free of him and his spells, and moved away. Far enough that she might be able to elude him, in his current debilitated state, as the Change overtook him.

As if hypnotized, she watched his fingers in fascination as they smoothed over his belly. In the gathering darkness, the gap he’d opened in the front of his trousers was shadowed, leaving her to guess at what was happening within. Her conflicting emotions were easily read on her face. She was frightened of lingering here with him but could not bring herself to leave.

He stroked himself. “Come here,” he beckoned softly. He was between her and the road, and hoped it was enough to deter her from attempting departure while he was in the grip of the Change.

She stepped back, shaking her head. “How dare you cast your spells on me.”

He lifted one brow, his gaze on her steady, his voice quiet. “You are wet for us, and not because of any magic. And for all your protestations, you’ve stayed for more.”

But he didn’t hear her reply, for a sudden, fierce agony seared him and he doubled over, his hands gripping his thighs to keep from falling. A muscle jumped in his jaw and a raw groan left him as a series of cramps rippled over his pelvis. Long moments passed as he waited for the pain to subside.

He sensed her creeping closer, closer still. Coming to him! He opened his eyes and saw her crouched before him, at his feet. Her pale fingers reached out. He felt her rip something from underneath his boot.

He managed to grab her wrist, staying her. Their eyes locked and he frowned. “Why aren’t you affected?”

“Because I’m not what you think,” she whispered. She yanked loose. He was weak now, too weak to hold her.

And then she was scrabbling away from him, dusting up leaves in her haste to leave him. She was clutching something. The book. She’d dropped it earlier. It had been under his boot and she’d only come closer to retrieve it.

Wordlessly, she backed away, eyeing him as if he were a dangerous viper. Her little book was pressed high to her breast as if she were trying to keep her heart from jumping out of her chest. She looked uncertain and wary of lingering here with him, but utterly fascinated at the spectacle of his Changing. So much so that she was unable to bring herself to leave.

He leveled his gaze on her. “Don’t go. Denying your nature won’t change it. You’ll need us soon, between your thighs,” he said. An echo of what Dane had told her.

Then the moonlight’s drench intensified, leaching all color from his skin and strengthening his lecherous desire almost beyond endurance. His back arched on the primal roar of pleasure–pain that erupted from his throat, shaking the very leaves on the trees as the last physical change of the Calling night occurred in him. Standing in a pool of silver, he felt his arms stretch wide, his hands clench tight. His face lifted to pay homage to the luminous orb in the blackened sky.

Moments later, all was ready. He was changed, poised to begin the night. His palm slipped around the thick shaft rooted in his dark thatch. His other fist found the twin column of newly awakened flesh that was rooted only an inch or so above. Moonful had gifted him with this second shaft of bone and sinew—this second cock ripped from his own belly. It extended high and hard from his pelvis, and jerked with hunger. He stroked upward along all ten or so inches of both pricks until his thumbs found and smeared the droplet of moisture that pooled in the crease at each tip.

In the distance, he heard the woman crashing through the brush. Then he heard the clop of her pony cart moving down the hill. She was escaping. Running from him. And from her own need. Deaf to anything he might wish to say to her. He would wipe any memory of her from Dane’s mind before he departed from it at dawn. Just as he’d wiped the memory of other, far crueler lovers from his mind twelve years ago.

Instinctively, he moved toward the temple situated on Dane’s land, saw it gleaming just ahead. Far below in the valley, he could see the glow of archeologists’ lights as they toiled far into the night. The excavations in the Forum went round the clock, week after week. They were uncovering relics and artifacts that had been hidden for centuries.

And secrets, too.

Secrets that must be kept from Dane.


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