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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Schematic topology of the major evolutionary hypotheses and siste...Figure 1.2 Phylogenetic diagram showing hypothesised relationships between t...Figure 1.3 Evolution of the heteromyarian form, and ultimately of the monomy...Figure 1.4 Different external shell forms in the family Mytilidae. (A) Mytil...Figure 1.5 Lateral views (A–C) and transverse sections (A1–C1) of (A) an iso...Figure 1.6 Vent mussels and associated fauna are bathed in hydrothermal flui...

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 (a) External and (b) internal shell features of the mussel Mytilu...Figure 2.2 Calcitic fibrous layers of adult mytilids. (a–d) Fibrous layer of...Figure 2.3 Schematic representation of the mytilid shell margin.Figure 2.4 The convention used for the main external shell parameters in biv...Figure 2.5 Shell morphological characters used to distinguish between differ...Figure 2.6 Inner anatomy of Mytilus edulis. The white posterior adductor mus...Figure 2.7 Exhalant (white and smooth) and inhalant (fringed with tentacles)...Figure 2.8 (A) Section of a lamellibranch gill showing the ctenidial axis an...Figure 2.9 Anatomy of the byssus in Mytilus edulis.Figure 2.10 Model of the hierarchical arrangement of a mussel byssal thread....Figure 2.11 Localisation of adhesive proteins in the byssal thread and plaqu...Figure 2.12 (A) The bivalve digestive system. Redrawn from Langdon & Newell ...Figure 2.13 Circulatory system of a typical bivalve. The shaded areas indica...Figure 2.14 Schematic representation of the nervous system in the mussel Myt...

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Layers of small mussels (Mytilus) on barnacle‐covered rocks on a ...Figure 3.2 A cluster of mussels (Mytilus) on a sheltered shore at Lough Hyne...Figure 3.3 Map of the Benguela Current region bordering Namibia and South Af...Figure 3.4 A‘robomussel’ (right) molded from polyester resin and containing ...Figure 3.5 Example of fluctuations in temperature experienced over one month...Figure 3.6 Map of the 10 deployment sites used by Helmuth et al. (2006) alon...Figure 3.7 Photographs of a quadrat from Black Point, Rhode Island Sound, Un...Figure 3.8 Summary of mussel dislodgment in Rhode Island, 2001–2003. Bars ar...Figure 3.9 Photograph of a whelk, Nucella lapillus, flipped on its back by a...Figure 3.10 The sea star Pisaster ochraceus predating on mussels, Mytilus ca...Figure 3.11 The American oystercatcher, Haematopus palliatus, a significant ...Figure 3.12 Socking used for protection of mussels from predatory birds. (a)...Figure 3.13 Performance of three indigenous South African mussels, Aulacomya...Figure 3.14 Stack of four American slipper limpets, Crepidula fornicata, att...Figure 3.15 Global average temperature for the period 1880–2018. While globa...Figure 3.16 Global atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in parts ...Figure 3.17 (a) Relation between performance as scope for growth (SFG) and t...Figure 3.18 Schematic diagram of ocean acidification (OA). The reaction betw...

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Experimental set‐up for direct measurement of filtration rates in...Figure 4.2 Exponential decrease in algal cell concentration as a function of...Figure 4.3 Diagram of the flow‐through chamber (FTC) method. (M), point of p...Figure 4.4 Schematic side‐view of the open‐top chamber for real‐time in situ...Figure 4.5 (a) Exponential decrease in algal cell concentration after repeat...Figure 4.6 (a) Mean and (b) max clearance rate (CR) as a function of species...Figure 4.7 Filtration changing rates (ΔF) of mussels (Mytilus edulis) as a f...Figure 4.8 Mean clearance rates of five pooled replicates for green mussels ...Figure 4.9 Average clearance rate ± SE (l h−1 ind−1) for Mytilus...Figure 4.10 Video endoscopy set‐up used in particle concentration and temper...Figure 4.11 (a) Cross‐section of two gill filaments of Mytilus edulis. lfc, ...Figure 4.12 Scanning electron micrographs (SEMs) of the abfrontal surface of...Figure 4.13 Relationship between capture efficiency (CE) and particle diamet...Figure 4.14 Capture efficiencies (CEs) of microspheres delivered to Mytilus ...Figure 4.15 Capture efficiencies (CEs) of microspheres delivered to the scal...Figure 4.16 Principal pathway of current flow and particle transport on the ...Figure 4.17 (a) Schematic showing the natural position and anatomicaI relati...Figure 4.18 Schematic sections showing anatomical relationships and gross in...Figure 4.19 In situ hybridisation localisation of MeM, a C‐type lectin, in (...Figure 4.20 Section of the digestive gland showing absorption and intracellu...Figure 4.21 Electron micrograph of a cultured digestive cell from the digest...Figure 4.22 Electron micrograph of a cultured basophilic (secretory) cell fr...Figure 4.23 Nonlinear regression of BrdU labelling values (‰ cells) recorded...Figure 4.24 Mean (± SE) number of phytoplankton, microzooplankton (<200 μm) ...Figure 4.25 Seasonal variations of the principal fatty acid (FA) ratios typi...Figure 4.26 Variation in absorption efficiency (AE) and gut passage time (GP...Figure 4.27 Nitrogen (N) cycle in a bivalve suspension feeder‐dominated ecos...

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Scanning electron micrographs (SEMs) of the mature sperm of (a) M...Figure 5.2 Diversity of morphological patterns of spermatazoa in (a) Mytilus...Figure 5.3 Ultrastructure of the ovary of the methane seep mussel, Bathymodi...Figure 5.4 Ultrastructure of the ovary of the methane seep mussel, Bathymodi...Figure 5.5 Protein (filled triangle), lipid (filled diamond) and carbohydrat...Figure 5.6 Monthly variations in the condition index (CI) of male and female...Figure 5.7 Monthly variations in the gonadosomatic index (GSI) of male and f...Figure 5.8 Reproductive effort (RE) of the mussel Mytilus edulis from three ...Figure 5.9 Stages in the development of Mytilus trossulus. (a) Swimming blas...Figure 5.10 Growth rates of Perna viridis larvae reared at different tempera...Figure 5.11 Early plantigrade larva of the mussel Mytilus edulis immediately...Figure 5.12 Mean (±SD) densities of mussel recruits (indiduals m−2) in...Figure 5.13 Mean (±SD) cumulative mussel recruitment per area unit (individu...

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Monthly length‐frequency data (black histograms; 5471 individuals...Figure 6.2 Von Bertalanffy growth curve for a sample of mussels Mytilus edul...Figure 6.3 Photograph of the right valve of a calcein‐marked Loripes lacteusFigure 6.4 The cockle Clinocardium nuttallii, with the most obvious external...Figure 6.5 Acetate peel replicas of shell sections of (A) the ligament scar ...Figure 6.6 Photomicrograph of acetate peel replicas of the mussel Mytilus ed...Figure 6.7 Construction of predicted δ18Oequilibrium calcite record and comp...Figure 6.8 3D surface scan of the left valve of a representative scallop, wi...Figure 6.9 Landmark and semi‐landmark configurations on the outline of the s...Figure 6.10 Schematic representation of energy flows in the standard dynamic...Figure 6.11 Temporal changes from March 2010 to December 2010 in the mean dr...Figure 6.12 Ingested ration, absorbed ration, respiration rate and resultant...Figure 6.13 Sites in southern and central California, United States, where m...Figure 6.14 Mytilus californianus (A) growth and (B) condition mean ±1 SE am...Figure 6.15 Scope for growth (SFG) (mean ± SE) of Mytilus trossulus (black c...Figure 6.16 Doubling time of body dry weight for the mussel Mytilus edulis g...Figure 6.17 Shell increment rates (mm wk−1) of all Mytilus edulis indi...Figure 6.18 Effect of salinity (15, 25, 37, 45, 50, 55 and 60 psu) on the sc...Figure 6.19 Growth rates of South African Choromytilus meridionalis at diffe...Figure 6.20 Von Bertalanffy growth curves in Mytilus edulis populations. NS,...Figure 6.21 Scope for growth (SFG) measured on mussels (Mytilus chilensis) e...Figure 6.22 Relationship of biochemical content as a function of size for la...Figure 6.23 Net growth efficiency (net energy balance/net energy absorbed) i...

7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Transmission electron micrographs (TEMs) of the haemocytes of Bat...Figure 7.2 Relationship between mean (±SE, N = 5–7) heart rate (HR) and temp...Figure 7.3 Heart rate (HR) variability during a complete tidal cycle measure...Figure 7.4 Mean (± SE, N = 2–7) heart rate (HR) of Perna viridis exposed to ...Figure 7.5 Relationship between mean (± SE, N = 4–6) heart rate (HR) of Pern...Figure 7.6 Mean oxygen consumption rates (OCR; μl O2 h −1) adjusted to...Figure 7.7 Oxygen consumption in the mussel Mytilus edulis acclimated to 5 °...Figure 7.8 Seasonal variation in the respiratory response to an experimental...Figure 7.9 Respiration rates as a function of acclimatisation temperature. T...Figure 7.10 Mitochondrial respiration of cold‐adapted Mytilus trossulus accl...Figure 7.11 Oxygen consumption of small mussels. Rates are standardised per ...Figure 7.12 Combined effects of salinity (15, 25, 37 and 45 psu) and tempera...Figure 7.13 Effect of salinity (15, 25, 37, 45, 50, 55 and 60 psu) on the re...Figure 7.14 Respiration rate of Perna viridis exposed to three different com...Figure 7.15 Median survival times (hr) for Texas Gulf of Mexico coast Perna ...Figure 7.16 Rates of excretion of ammonia (NH4‐N) by the mussel Mytilus edul...Figure 7.17 Ammonia excretion (μmol g−1 h−1) of mussels immediat...Figure 7.18 Ratio of oxygen uptake: ammonia‐N excretion, by atomic equivalen...Figure 7.19 Atomic ratio of oxygen consumed to ammonia‐N excreted (O:N ratio...Figure 7.20 Valve opening/closing behaviour over time of the euryhaline muss...

8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 (a) Example of an analytical method for the determination of poly...Figure 8.2 Sources and pathways for personal care products (PCPs) entering g...Figure 8.3 Photographs of different types of microplastics in bivalves from ...Figure 8.4 Interactions and fate of NPs in the environment: (a) dissolution,...Figure 8.5 Roadmap for the analytical process of sub‐microplastic and nanopl...Figure 8.6 Sulphamethoxazole bioconcentration factors (BCFs; l kg−1 dr...Figure 8.7 Kinetic model simultaneously considering uptake from waterborne a...Figure 8.8 Schematic diagram showing the design of an artificial mussel (AM)...Figure 8.9 Biomarker usefulness in monitoring and assessment.Figure 8.10 Determinands and measurements included in the mussel component o...

9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Comparison of AFLP–Genographer profiles of reference fish samples...Figure 9.2 Perna canaliculus collection sites and hydrographic patterns arou...Figure 9.3 Latitudinal range of distribution of Brachidontes s.l. species pr...Figure 9.4 Positions of Mid‐Atlantic Ridge (MAR) hydrothermal vent fields....Figure 9.5 PCR amplification of the foot protein gene 1 Me15/16 (Inoue et alFigure 9.6 Frequency of the Mytilus edulis allele (black) and the Mytilus ga...Figure 9.7 Map of macroregions and regions of the Baltic Sea (Ojaveer & Kale...Figure 9.8 Frequency of Mytilus hybrid genotypes. Mussels are given a score ...Figure 9.9 Distribution in 2006 of homozygous Mytilus galloprovincialis (bla...Figure 9.10 Gene maps of the mitochondrial genomes of Mytilus galloprovincia...Figure 9.11 Overview of different omics sciences, such as genomics, transcri...Figure 9.12 Midparent–offspring regression of total left‐shell pigmentation ...Figure 9.13 Response to individual (mass) selection. A population of fish ha...Figure 9.14 Steps involved in selection of potential broodstock and phenotyp...

10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Steps in the production of algae. Stock cultures (250 ml or less...Figure 10.2 Outdoor algal culture tank at the Victoria Shellfish Hatchery, V...Figure 10.3 (a) Laboratory algae flask culture and (b) indoor algae bag cult...Figure 10.4 Diagrammatic representation of a flow‐through broodstock tank in...Figure 10.5 Broodstock holding tanks at the Victoria Shellfish Hatchery, Vic...Figure 10.6 Broodstock spawning tray at the Victoria Shellfish Hatchery, Vic...Figure 10.7 Embryonic stages in the mussel Limnoperna fortunei. (a) 16‐cell ...Figure 10.8 Larval rearing tanks with flow‐through system at the Victoria Sh...Figure 10.9 Schematic of basic down‐welling system for mussel settlement. Wa...Figure 10.10 (a) Collector rope types. SM, smooth rope; BF, rope with short ...Figure 10.11 Mussel seed‐containing down‐wellers placed in a large flow‐thro...Figure 10.12 Schematic representation of the submerged longline system used ...Figure 10.13 (a) Galician mussel raft with others in the background. Photogr...Figure 10.14 Mussel (Mytilus edulis) culture on bouchots during low tide in ...Figure 10.15 Spat‐collecting ropes covered with Mytilus edulis in the Chause...Figure 10.16 Mussels (Mytilus edulis) laid at an intertidal lease site at th...Figure 10.17 (a) Vertical‐axis flotation system developed for mussel farming...Figure 10.18 Potential multifunctional use of the fixed underwater structure...Figure 10.19 Biofouling of the green‐lipped mussel, Perna canaliculus, by th...Figure 10.20 Schematic view of the EAA planning and implementation process. ...

11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 (a) Typical manifestation of mycotic sloughing periostracum (MSP...Figure 11.2 (a) Mussel beds (Bathymodiolus brevior) at Mussel Hill, Fiji Bas...Figure 11.3 Spherical cysts (11–15 μm in diameter) of Steinhausia mytilovum ...Figure 11.4 Nematopsis sp. infecting Perna viridis. Light micrographs (eosin...Figure 11.5 Marteilia refringens in the digestive tubule epithelia of the mu...Figure 11.6 Tentative Marteilia refrigens life cycle and developmental stage...Figure 11.7 Ultrastructure of Coccomyxa sp. in Modiolus modiolus gonad. (a) ...Figure 11.8 Histological sections through the digestive gland of Mytilus tro...Figure 11.9 Boring sponge Cliona celata evenly covered by tuberculate retrac...Figure 11.10 Generalised life cycle of the majority of trematode species in ...Figure 11.11 Metacestode of Tylocephalum sp. (★) in the mantle of the mussel...Figure 11.12 The copepod Mytilicola intestinalis from the intestine of the m...Figure 11.13 Prevalence and intensity of Mytilicola copepods in Mytilus edul...Figure 11.14 Section (5 μm) of the digestive gland of Mytilus galloprovincia...Figure 11.15 Seasonal variation of the prevalence and intensity of infestati...Figure 11.16 (a) Intermediate stage of gonadal neoplasia in Mytilus chilensi...Figure 11.17 Schematic presentation of humoral and cellular responses involv...Figure 11.18 Antioxidant capacities of Perkinsus marinus upon phagocytosis b...

12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Global distribution of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxin...Figure 12.2 Main elements used to cope with HABs: support of monitoring and ...Figure 12.3 Reversed‐phase gradient elution LC‐MS analysis of a range of tox...Figure 12.4 Small‐scale shallow‐tank depuration system. Cefas.Figure 12.5 Multilayer system. Cefas.Figure 12.6 Small‐scale vertical‐stack system. Cefas.Figure 12.7 Bulk bin system designed specifically for the depuration of muss...Figure 12.8 Percentage concentrations of Escherichia coli (squares), Vibrio ...Figure 12.9 Depuration kinetics of murine norovirus (MNV‐1) for each depurat...Figure 12.10 Critical control point (CCP) decision tree used in hazard analy...

Marine Mussels

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