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FBI Terms and Acronyms

ASAC—Assistant Special Agent in Charge. Working directly under the SACs (Special Agents in Charge) who run divisions or field offices, the ASACs run programs.

BAU—Behavioral Analysis Unit. The BAU is where FBI “profilers” (the official name is Criminal Investigative Analysts) work. BAU is a part of CIRG (Critical Incident Response Group) and is located at Aquia. BAU agents provide behavioral-based support to the FBI, as well as other federal, state, local and international law enforcement agencies, including profiles of unknown subjects (UNSUBs).

CIRG—Critical Incident Response Group. CIRG provides rapid response for crisis situations around the country and integrates tactical, negotiations, behavioral analysis and crisis management resources. BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit) and HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) are part of CIRG.

CNU—Crisis Negotiation Unit. Also part of CIRG (Critical Incident Response Group), CNU trains the FBI’s field office negotiators and deploys with HRT to domestic crises. CNU’s motto is Pax Per Conloquium (Resolution Through Dialog).

CODIS—Combined DNA Index System. It describes the FBI’s program for DNA databases, including NDIS (the National DNA Index System), which contains DNA profiles from federal, state and local sources.

ERT—Evidence Response Team. ERT agents are specially trained FBI agents who collect evidence at crime scenes. Being on ERT is a secondary position, so these agents also work regular special agent duties.


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