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Introduction to the Second Edition—1999


You know how it is when you do something unusual or different—giving a handmade gift or writing a little how-to book. Everyone says, “Oh, you're so creative!” That's the big word, creative! And, I'm not comfortable with it because I'm something else. I'm not creative; I'm inventive. I'm not an artist; I'm an artisan.

I'm a “fixer” and a problem solver. I can't stand the idea that we might lose the old crafts and so I'm a spinster. I know the tree from whence my basket splints come and I enjoy using a draw knife and shave horse. I began my own church sewing with a major interest in fiber crafts and minimal experience. Oddly, this worked! When you take all this together and stir it up, I'm what you get. And out of this amalgam this book offers you techniques that will help you efficiently construct handsome linens for your church.

Specifically this book offers:

1. Diagrams and instructions whose clarity has been tested in the crucible of many classes and lectures.

2. A method of turning hems that quickly and easily produces hems that are straight and even.

3. A hemming method, convent hemming, designed to support the fine stitches used in ecclesiastical sewing.

4. Good information for beginners about embroidery.

5. Sources and support.

My intent has been to “gather it all together in one place” so that we won't lose this lovely craft. I hope you will find that I have succeeded.

Sewing Church Linens, Revised Edition

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