Читать книгу Christmas Wishes Part 1 - Линн Грэхем, Elizabeth Rolls - Страница 23


Chapter Four

They were out riding, all three of them plus a retinue of courtiers. The snow was soft underneath their horses’ hooves and the air was sharp. Ekaterina sat stiffly atop her mare, her back ramrod straight and her face neutral. She hadn’t wanted to come, but it would have been impossible to refuse the summons of the Empress. Thankfully, they were on their way back to the palace now. Her aunt rode beside her, a strange smile playing about her lips. Andrey rode behind, his face sullen and brooding.

A fine trio.

‘So, my dear niece,’ the Empress began, her tone conversational, ‘how have you been lately? I haven’t seen much of you since you arrived at court.’

‘Thank you for your concern, Aunt,’ Ekaterina replied. ‘I have—’

‘By the way,’ her aunt interrupted brusquely. ‘Did you hear what happened to Sergei? The baker?’

‘I didn’t realise you knew him,’ Ekaterina said lightly. ‘He is a good baker.’


Ekaterina blinked and tried to remain calm.

‘Was, Aunt?’

The Empress sniffed delicately.

‘He was sent to Siberia yesterday,’ her aunt informed her. ‘Because he was caught stealing bread for his family.’

Ekaterina’s throat closed.

‘And his family?’

‘Thrown to the street, as they well deserved.’

Ekaterina felt numb. The poor man and his family. She would have to instruct her own servants to find the family, give them money and hopefully help them find some means of living. Unfortunately she could no longer help Sergei.

‘Do you know what that means, Ekaterina, dear?’ her aunt queried.

‘That his family will probably perish in the cold?’

‘Yes—but no.’ Her aunt clicked her tongue. ‘That’s not the lesson here, my dear.’

The Empress reined in her horse, wheeling it round so that it blocked the path. She looked from Ekaterina to Andrey and then back again, her eyes narrowing.

‘The lesson is that stealing will be punished harshly,’ Anna said calmly. ‘No matter who the culprit is.’

She let an awkward silence blanket the group before kicking her horse into a trot.

‘Remember that, both of you.’

Ekaterina didn’t dare look back to gauge Andrey’s reaction. It was clear that the warning was meant for them, but why? Her stomach tightened at the memories of them in the field, in the corridor and in the royal wing. Someone had seen. Someone had whispered. And now they were both on thin ice.

When they reached the palace Ekaterina ignored Andrey and dismounted gracefully. She handed the reins to the stable keeper and bowed deeply before escaping her aunt’s oppressive presence. She wandered the echoing corridors aimlessly, her mind whirring.

Danger on one side and unrequited attraction on the other. How she wanted to return to the country, to be with her loving family once again!

‘My lady!’ a page called to her.

Ekaterina halted and waited for the breathless page to reach her. The boy bowed and presented her with a scroll.

‘A missive, my lady,’ he said as she took the letter. ‘From the architect’s apprentice, Andrey Kvasov.’

Ekaterina nearly dropped the letter. The fool! She slid the scroll into her sleeve, feigning complete indifference.

‘You may go,’ she said, waving the boy away.

As soon as he was out of sight she pulled the letter from her sleeve and unravelled it hurriedly. The words were hastily but beautifully scrawled...and they would damn them both if they were seen by another other eyes.

‘My lady,’ the missive read, ‘I must explain. Please come to my suite.’

She crumpled the paper in her hands, her ire boiling over. Jaw set, she stalked to the western wing of the palace. She knew where he was staying; she’d had one of her guards investigate. Without knocking, she threw open the doors to Andrey’s suite and slammed them shut behind her. Andrey jumped up from his seat.

‘You!’ she shouted angrily as she stormed towards him. ‘What were you thinking?’

She shook the ragged letter in the air, and then pitched it into the fireplace. It dissolved in a bright burst of flame.

‘I needed to see you,’ Andrey explained, his palms up.

‘Could you not think of a way that doesn’t involve us both getting killed?’

‘What on earth are you talking about?’

Ekaterina stared at him incredulously.

‘Haven’t you realised the Empress plans to make you hers?’ she asked disbelievingly. ‘Are you unaware that all your hard work has finally paid off?’

* * *

A look of abject horror passed over Andrey’s usually stoic face. Then, finally, understanding dawned on him and he grew calm. He relaxed his stance and took a slow step forward.

‘I see,’ he said in a low, almost gentle tone. ‘Did you think I’d planned to be the object of her affection?’

Ekaterina’s brow creased, confusion mounting alongside her anger.

‘Of course you had! Why else would you be at court?’ Her voice quietened. ‘Why else would you lure ladies into your grasp?’

‘You are mistaken, my lady,’ he corrected sternly. ‘I am here as an apprentice to plan and construct the Hall of Light.’

‘Ha!’ Ekaterina exclaimed in disbelief, her voice bitter. ‘You are like every other man here,’ she accused. ‘You prey on—’

In three quick strides Andrey was across the room and a hair’s breadth away from her. His hands closed over hers tightly. He captured her eyes with his and her voice faded away in surprise.

‘You are wrong,’ he said, his voice low but intense. ‘You have been at court for far too long, my lady.’

‘You used me,’ Ekaterina said flatly, her eyes hard.

Andrey shook his head and pulled her closer, setting her palms on his chest so that she could feel his wildly beating heart.

‘I had no such ambitions,’ he said seriously. ‘I thought you were a peasant girl. I had no idea you were royalty. In fact, when I found out who you were I thought you were the one using me.’

Ekaterina was silent as she searched his face for any hint of duplicity. But his face, though not expressive, was free of any of the telltale signs of dishonesty. Her brows lifted. He was right; neither of them had known who the other was. It was possible that he had wanted her for herself. It was possible. So...

‘So,’ she said slowly, ‘you do not want to be the Empress’s lover?’

‘I could never touch that sadistic woman,’ he said gravely. ‘Never.’

Then he carefully took Ekaterina’s chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilted her face up to his. His eyes roved her perfect face, from her pouting lips to her earnest eyes. She was beautiful, and in more than just her physical appearance. She was a noblewoman who spurned courtly ways, who decried the idea of using love as a weapon and who wanted nothing more than honesty. He’d never met anyone like her before; she was a pearl amongst wooden beads.

Yes, she was beautiful.

Andrey carefully lowered his lips to her cheek, his breath ghosting over her lashes. She swallowed nervously, and his lips curved at the innocence that lay beneath her sharp mouth—a mouth he would very much like to savour once again.

‘I will never be her lover,’ he murmured against her cheek. ‘But I might like to be yours.’

* * *

Ekaterina started in surprise, but Andrey held her fast. Her heart raced and blood rushed to her ears. She was sure she had not heard him right.

‘Say that again?’ she whispered.

He smiled and nuzzled her cheek, his stubble gently scratching her delicate skin as he dipped lower to nibble at the corner of her lips.

‘I could be your lover,’ he repeated, his voice low and seductive.

With the tip of his index finger, he traced a line from her collarbone to the swell of her breast. She shivered under the feather-light touch. But still she hesitated.

‘But what if my aunt—?’

‘Let’s not speak of her right now,’ Andrey told her, his hands tangling in her hair.

‘But she—’

Andrey swept her objections away by pulling her into a deep kiss, his lips rough on hers.

Ekaterina melted into his embrace, letting him plunder her mouth and relishing the warm ache that was building between her thighs. Her thoughts grew hazy with pleasure as his tongue delved deeply into her mouth, pushing past the wall of her teeth and sweeping her into a delicious dance.

She was barely aware of the workings of his skilful hands until she felt her bodice drop to the floor. She had no time to be surprised, however, as he continued his onslaught. The cotton of her underdress seemed rough against her skin as he moulded his hands to her ample chest, rubbing in an arousing circular motion. Her breathing hitched, and she cried out in delight as he gently pinched the erect peaks.

Fingers twisting in the fabric of his loose shirt, she pulled herself closer to his heat, breaking off their kiss to rest her chin over his shoulder.

* * *

Andrey was merciless in courting Ekaterina’s passion, his hands sliding down her back to cup her bottom. As he elicited another moan from his willing partner he planned his method of attack.

He would rip away her skirts and push her gently to the lush carpets below. Then, while holding her gaze, he would slowly enter her. He would watch her face change, and then he would bring her to such heights of pleasure that she would come, screaming his name to the ceiling.

Burning in anticipation, he sank down to his knees before her, smiling as she tangled her fingers in his thick hair. She seemed confused at the sudden loss of contact, but it was soon forgotten as he glanced up to meet her curious blue eyes.

* * *

Puzzled, Ekaterina stared down at his chiselled features. But then his fingers found the lacings of her skirt and her heart jumped. Andrey was so tall that even on his knees he was at eye level with her bosom—a fact that suddenly made her flush. It had not gone unnoticed. Andrey smiled devilishly and slowly pressed his nose between her two pert breasts. His fingers worked the closures of her skirts as he began to suckle her through her thin undershirt. Ekaterina threw her head back, her mouth opening to cry out.

Then a familiar voice suddenly cut all activity short.

‘Andrey, my darling!’ her aunt called out from down the hall, her booming voice adopting a playful, singsong quality. ‘I’ve come for a visit!’

The lovers jumped apart and stared at each other in near panic. The Empress was only moments away from Andrey’s suite.

‘What are we to do?’ Ekaterina asked in fright. ‘She will kill you if she finds me here.’ Her hands fluttered wildly over her chest. ‘And my family! What will she do to them?’

* * *

Andrey took a split second to savour the sight of a noblewoman worrying for others before herself. Ekaterina was indeed exceedingly rare and precious. He felt himself fall just a little bit further under her spell. But now was not the time to dawdle in admiration—not when the monster was about to pound on his door.

‘Quick,’ he told her in a calm whisper, ‘follow me.’

He grabbed Ekaterina’s discarded bodice in one hand and took her by the arm with the other. He guided her to the fireplace and knelt beside it. Letting go of Ekaterina’s hand, he placed his open palms on one of the gilded wall panels, his fingers slowly roving over the raised decorations.

‘What are you doing?’ Ekaterina demanded in an angry whisper.

She looked over her shoulder as her aunt began to pound on the door.

‘Are you decent, my darling?’ the Empress called. ‘I’m coming in!’

‘I’ll show you things that only architects realise,’ Andrey said, flashing her a confident grin.

His nimble fingers found what they were looking for. He pressed one raised circle with his thumb and the panel sprang open with a click, revealing a small secret passageway. He pulled Ekaterina down and helped her crawl into the space before getting in himself and pulling the panel closed. It was not a moment too soon as they heard the Empress barrel into the suite a second later.

They didn’t stay to hear her swearing.

Instead, they forged on. The space gradually widened, revealing a very narrow hall. There was barely space for the two of them, so they had to walk in single file. There was hardly any light, and they carefully felt their way along.

‘Where does it go?’ Ekaterina asked in a whisper.

‘If I had to guess,’ Andrey murmured speculatively, ‘I’d bet this widens even farther and joins up with other secret passages. We could probably go anywhere from here. Where do you want to exit?’

‘The kitchens,’ Ekaterina replied immediately. ‘The servants there would never betray me.’

‘Let me lead,’ Andrey suggested, catching her wrist.

Ekaterina nodded in agreement and paused, turning to the side and flattening her back against the wall to make room for him to pass. Andrey began to slide by, but stopped suddenly. They were sandwiched between two walls, their chests nearly touching.

‘Now, this is familiar,’ Andrey murmured, amused.

‘Oh?’ Ekaterina arched a brow. ‘I don’t recall being stuck in a secret passageway before.’

Andrey smirked. Danger was both behind and in front of them, and yet this fierce young woman had the audacity to joke. He felt desire spike down his thighs. The fact that they were skating on the very edge of disaster only fuelled his need to touch her. He slid his palms down her hips and cupped the undersides of her thighs. He pulled her up so her legs were tight around his waist and her back pressed against the wall.

‘Not the place,’ he said in a low growl. ‘The position.’

‘Ah, yes,’ Ekaterina answered with a small smile. ‘I remember now. What were we doing again?’

‘Let me remind you.’

* * *

Andrey kissed her slowly, his lips moving lazily against hers. But his fingers were quick, deftly pulling at the laces keeping her skirt tight around her waist. Ekaterina experimentally rolled her hips against his, smiling when she elicited a low grunt of approval. It was a dangerous game they were playing, and the tension only heightened her senses.

It seemed an eternity before Andrey took a minuscule step back, letting her slide down his chest before offering her a cheeky smile.

‘Ready now?’

He stepped forward along the passageway, but as soon as she began to follow, her overskirt dropped in a heap to the ground. Andrey glanced over his shoulder, a wicked gleam in his eye. Ekaterina grinned, accepting the unspoken challenge. They made their way slowly though the maze of passages, breathing more easily when it widened into a narrow corridor with skylights above to light the way. It truly was an intricate system, and Ekaterina could almost see Andrey mapping it out in his head.

That simply would not do.

They rounded a bend in the passage and Ekaterina suddenly shoved Andrey into the wall, her eyes shining. She grabbed him by the lapels of his shirt and pulled him down for a searing kiss. He responded in kind, grabbing at her plain shift. But Ekaterina would not be outdone; her small hands worked furiously at the buttons of his shirt. She pulled the offending material away, exposing his sculpted abdomen. Her hands wandered over his chest and then over his shoulders and down his arms. The shirt fell to the floor.

And then she pulled away. She looked him over once and then turned and flounced away. Andrey groaned and followed her determinedly.

He caught her at a short flight of stairs, grabbing her by the waist and kissing her from behind. He spun them around and sat, pulling her down so that she was straddling his knees. He laved her neck with kisses while pushing up her underskirts and grabbed her bottom, pulling her flush against his heat. With one hand holding her fast, he pushed up her undershirt and cupped a breast. He teased the erect peak with his tongue, smirking when she undulated above him, lost in the sensation.

He took the opportunity to quickly pull her shirt over her head and toss it down the stairs. He met her playful glare with a grin—now they were both half naked. He wore only his trousers, and she her underskirt. He stood, helping her to her feet.

‘Almost there.’ He smiled.

She inclined her head, the double meaning not lost on her. They continued on their way, their fingers loosely entwined. Every now and again they would cast each other lascivious glances. Ekaterina grew bold, her jaunty gait causing her pert breasts to bounce ever so slightly with every step. Andrey’s nostrils flared with desire, and he unobtrusively flexed his arm and chest muscles while walking...which made Ekaterina stare openly, her jaw slightly slack.

Their game of seduction continued...until they turned a corner to face a final door.

‘I think this is the door to the corridor leading to the kitchens,’ Andrey said, placing his hand against the thick panel.

He turned to Ekaterina, his eyes serious.

‘Shall we finish this?’ he asked.

‘We can’t go outside like this,’ Ekaterina said, gesturing to their lack of clothes.

‘That wasn’t what I was talking about.’

* * *

Andrey pulled her close, his hands slowly travelling down the length of her body until they reached the waistband of her underskirt. His eyes locked on hers, he slowly pushed the skirt down, leaving her last piece of clothing to pool at her feet. Then he stepped away. She blushed beautifully as he slowly looked her up and down, the lusty admiration in his eyes as plain as day. She wanted to raise her arms to cover herself, but resisted the urge. Let him look, she thought resolutely.

But Andrey didn’t just want to look. He closed the distance between them and began showering her with heady kisses. His lips travelled from her face to her neck, then to her bare shoulders. He slowly sank to his knees, worshipping every available inch of her body with his tongue and lips. He painted a story of desire on her body; he was the artist and she was his canvas.

Ekaterina sighed in pleasure, lost for words. Her heart swelled with emotion. Outside, their love was forbidden, and if anyone even saw them exchange a knowing look their lives would be in danger. But here, and only here, they were safe, hidden away in their own private passageway. And so Ekaterina gave herself over to their shared passion, indulging in these few moments they had together. After all, who knew when they would be so free again?

When finally Andrey paused to look up, she was flushed with pleasure, her skin tingling and moist. She eased down to kneel with him and covered his face with soft kisses.

‘Is it my turn now?’ she asked playfully, pulling away.

Delight lit Andrey’s face, and he slowly stood. He reached for the buckles on his trousers, but Ekaterina batted his hands away and pulled them open herself. With a quick tug his trousers hit the floor and he sprang free—tall, thick and pulsing with desire. Curiosity overwrote modesty and Ekaterina slowly reached out to touch the bulging tip with a fingertip. She slowly covered his shaft with her palm. Then she experimentally pumped her hand, stroking the velvet skin. Andrey nearly doubled over.

Ekaterina watched as he swelled even more, the taut flesh growing even harder under her touch. But before she could do more, Andrey caught her wrist and pulled her up.

‘Not yet,’ he grunted. ‘I’ve not finished with you yet.’

His mouth was hot on hers, and he pulled her naked body flush against his. He delighted in her passionate sighs and her sweet scent before gently lowering her to her back on the ground. His fingers drew a tantalising path from her chin, stopping to tweak her caramel peaks before circling her navel. Hooking one of her legs over his shoulder, he tenderly planted soft kisses to the underside of her knee, up her inner thigh. Her breathing hitched, her scent becoming heady with need.

Murmuring mindless reassurances, Andrey dipped one long finger lower, coating it in her sweet nectar before sliding it inside her core. Ekaterina twisted in pleasure, her back arching off the floor. Andrey slowly withdrew and then pushed back in, his thumb rubbing small, coaxing circles around the pearl of her body as he did so. When she began to buck in wild, passionate abandon he pulled his fingers away.

Her complaining cry quickly turned into a low moan of pleasure as he positioned himself above her, his tip at her entrance. Bracing himself against the floor, he pushed himself in slowly, marvelling at how she constricted around him. She grabbed blindly for his shoulders, her nails digging into his muscled back as he began to thrust. His breathing grew ragged as he upped his pace, and Ekaterina began to writhe in pleasure beneath him.

They were close, so close...and then there were voices from outside the panel.

They stopped suddenly, eyes whipping round to the panel. Though muffled, they could both hear the sound of maids talking, their voices growing louder as they drew near. Ekaterina was about to slide away from Andrey when she felt him cover her mouth with his large hand.

‘We’re not done, my lady,’ he murmured. ‘But you must be quieter.’

She was about to protest, but he resumed his fervent rocking and her eyes rolled back instead. Their bodies came together with the sharp slap of skin on skin, and Ekaterina could barely focus on keeping the bubbling scream of pleasure down. Her body hummed with ecstasy, and she bit down on the heel of his palm to keep from crying out.

And still the voices grew louder.

Andrey stared down at her with his bright green eyes, his thrusts never wavering. His jaw grew tight and his rhythm grew frantic. He leaned closer, his other hand anchoring her hip to the floor and his eyes promising something more. Their breathing came in short gasps, sweat glistening on their skin.

Finally the voices faded out of earshot.

Andrey pulled his hand away, grabbed her hips with both hands and plunged in so deep that they both screamed in bliss, their voices echoing down the secret corridors. The world exploded in light and pleasure as they rode out the high together, toes curled and backs arched. Finally spent, they collapsed limply in a tangle of moist limbs, Ekaterina’s thighs quivering around his hips.

It seemed an eternity before they could manage the strength to stand, and they had to hold each other tight to ward off the sudden chill.

Ekaterina began to giggle, ensconced in Andrey’s muscular arms. He turned a sceptical eye on her and she laughed outright.

‘We can’t go out like this!’ she said again.

‘Well,’ Andrey said reasonably, ‘I suppose we’ll just have to make our way back to my suite.’

‘Collecting our clothes like breadcrumbs on a trail?’

‘Yes,’ he said, nodding sagely. ‘I suppose so.’

They picked themselves up and slowly made their way back through the tunnels, donning the clothes they had abandoned along the way. They teased and kissed as young lovers would, relishing the amorous attention. It was sweet. It was lovely.

But it couldn’t last.

Ekaterina only allowed herself to realise that fact much later, when she was safely back in her royal suite, alone with her thoughts. No, she told herself, they would never be safe to be together as long as they were under her aunt’s thumb. Andrey was in danger. Her whole family was in danger.

But there was one thing she could do.

Ekaterina pulled out paper and ink. Dipping her quill into the inkwell, she formulated a plan. And then she began to write.

Christmas Wishes Part 1

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