Читать книгу Dogtective William and the pirates - Elizabeth Wasserman - Страница 5



Mom immediately started shopping.

“I need something for the evenings. Apparently the dinners are quite formal,” she said. “A new swimsuit, and a sun hat to match.”

My dad could only shake his head.

But only a week before they were set to depart, he came home from work with a very long face.

“Darling,” he addressed my mother cautiously. “May I pour you a small glass of wine?”

My mother immediately smelled a rat.

“What’s the matter, Gilbert? Don’t beat about the bush.”

“Well, you see . . . ” He was clearly in deep water and was choosing his words with care. “We have trouble at work. Wilson, who’s handling the takeover of the Gibbs Company, fell ill all of a sudden. Now they’ve asked me to do it.”

“Oh, but that’s wonderful, darling!” My mother was beaming. “This must mean a promotion for you. And I know how long you have been waiting for a chance like this.”

My dad tried a weak smile.

“Yes, that’s so. If I handle this matter well, it’ll give my career a great push. But there’s one problem . . . ”

My mom’s face fell, as she finally understood what was coming.

“I’m so sorry, darling. I’ll have to start immediately, and it will be impossible to finish the negotiations before next week when the ship departs.” He was now staring at the tips of his shoes, trying to avoid his wife’s scornful gaze.

“I thought . . . perhaps Alex could go in my place?” he suggested.

From the expression on her face I could see a fierce conflict raging in my mother’s mind. She was deeply disappointed. Should she rather stay at home?

I had to act fast.

“Well, if I really have to,” I sighed, as if I was making a huge sacrifice. “I suppose I can go. Mom should see Mauritius. It could be somewhat educational for me, too.”

“Yes!” my dad exclaimed. “You’re leaving early on Saturday. Monday is a public holiday, and you’ll be back the following weekend. Alex will miss only four days of school and it’s very likely that he will learn more on a voyage like that than in ordinary school.”

My mother looked at me. “Perhaps you’re right,” she conceded. “I can talk to Mr Paterson. He may very well give his permission, just this once.”

They continued to thrash out the matter for another half-hour or so, but finally they agreed that the best course of action was for me to accompany my mother to Mauritius.


Dogtective William and the pirates

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