Читать книгу Submerged - Elizabeth Goddard - Страница 3


“We’re not safe here.”

Adam started the boat, then turned his attention to her. “What we have to figure out is who wants to kill you. That’s it. I don’t care why at this point. But odds are that the guy who came into the room and tried to smother you, who stabbed me, is the same man who tried to strangle you to death on the island. Who is it? Who is trying to kill you, Cobie? What does it have to do with the book we found?”

“I’m not sure. It’s hard to stay focused on the details, to remember, when you’re fighting for your life.” Had her father trusted the wrong man? Someone who’d killed him?

And what if Adam had died all because of this treasure someone wanted? Cobie wasn’t sure she could live with herself if that had happened. Nor was she sure she could keep her resentment and continue holding Adam responsible for Brad’s death. The thought of losing him…well, that nearly undid her.

Shivering, Cobie wiped the mist out of her eyes. She had the sense that danger was circling her, closing in on her, and she didn’t know if she would escape alive.


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