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The climate is affected by both the atmosphere (the part that everyone talks about the most) and the oceans. Changes in the air happen quickly, and changes in the oceans happen very slowly. So, scientists have been able to study air changes relatively easily, but they have quite literally had to wait and see what happens to the oceans. And because the ocean actually affects the bulk of the climate, they’re also having to wait and see what happens to the entire climate. So, scientists need climate models, projected scenarios created by super computers, to help predict major climate changes.

The most complex climate models, such as those used at NASA, look at the Earth in three dimensions. The scientists divide the atmosphere and oceans into square columns for input to the computer models. Each of these columns has its own set of weather information based on the history and current status of the area. This information gives the computer a base to work from. Then, the researcher running the model changes the numbers to see what would happen if one condition changed, such as air temperature. For short-term projections (looking forward a day to a month), an advanced computer can make the calculation in 20 minutes. But making longer-term projections (such as 50 years from now) can take a month or two. A global circulation climate model can take as long as a year to produce results after researchers input all the variables.

Climate Change For Dummies

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