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I had a lot of support and encouragement from a lot of people while I was writing this book, and I want to thank everyone who cheered me on. There are a few people who deserve to be thanked by name because they went above and beyond, and I want them to know how important they are.

Lynda—who got me started on this, kept me going, and put me back on the right path.

Sara—who is willing to take time from whatever she’s doing to dissect plot points, run scenarios and trouble shoot with me.

Ande—who’ll shake her pompoms any time you ask, and who was always cheering me on. She also gives great beta.

Amberly—who gave me some great advice and a solid lesson in how to really critique my own work.

My sister Tracy—who was the first to say, “Hey...you’ve really got something here.” And who gave one very sage piece of veterinary advice.

Like Coffee and Doughnuts

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