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I thank my God for His protection, His provision, His love. I would be nothing without Him.

To Jason; my children, Asante, Kaia, Masai; and the rest of my family—I love you all BIG. There are so many of you, I can’t name everyone. But you know who you are. I learned long ago that you don’t have to be blood to be family. That couldn’t be more true. I appreciate the time, the talks, the hugs, the tears...everything. I thank you all for your unwavering support.

To my agent, Sara—I thank you for believing in me.

To Shannon Criss, Glenda Howard and the Harlequin Kimani Family—I feel so honored to be a part of this extraordinary family. I dreamed of being a Harlequin author one day, and that dream came true.

Speaking of dreams, I still have to pinch myself sometimes. This writing journey has been amazing. I’ve met so many wonderful authors and readers. I feel so blessed. Thank you all for accepting me and encouraging me. You all mean the world to me!

It's Always Been You

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