Читать книгу Wherever You Are - Elle Wright - Страница 9


Dear Reader,

Some couples don’t get it right the first time. Wherever You Are explores how a second chance at love can be so much sweeter.

A wise person once told me that “God will find a way to sit you down, to make you rest.” Avery is at that point in her life, forced to rest due to a health crisis, and it’s not easy for her. Dr. Elwood Jackson (El) is the man who helps Avery heal. He’s also her first love. Their relationship didn’t end well, but when she needs him—despite the hurt and betrayal of the past—he is there for her.

Wherever You Are deals with forgiveness and understanding, moving forward while dealing with the past. Most of all, it’s about loving another person unconditionally, being willing to see the best in someone and loving them through the pain.

I hope you enjoy the ride!





Wherever You Are

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