Читать книгу The Trail Hound's Handbook - Ellen Eastwood - Страница 7




Does your dog get enough exercise? Has it been weeks since he’s chewed on a good problem? Is he begging for more time at your side? Take your dog hiking! Every shared adventure promises more than just an afternoon of fun.

Chewing, Barking, Marking, Grazing, and General Mayhem

Misbehavior from good dogs (and they’re all good dogs) is most often a sign of loneliness, boredom, frustration, or feelings of neglect.

Ironically, daily exercise and togetherness may be all it takes to squash a host of destructive behaviors.

Good Hike, Good Dog

Treat your dog to a day in the sun, and you’ll appreciate the beauty of it long after you’ve returned home.

A well-exercised dog is eager to please and more easily trained. Tired and content, he or she will have little energy for begging and barking and being underfoot. Finally, dogs who indulge all their senses on nature’s bounty have less of an appetite for the menu at home: the well-oiled baseball glove, those totally kickin’ boots, your orthodontic retainer …

All I Really Need …

If your dog had the words to tell you everything that means anything to him in this world, he (or she!) wouldn’t need many:


Your dog’s world already revolves around you. Expand his orbit to include adventures together outdoors, and the bond between Alpha and animal can grow even stronger. Imagine the effect that would have on your dog’s training.


Even with four legs to stand on, every extra pound weighs heavily on your dog’s health. In breeds prone to joint or heart problems, weight issues or obesity are more dangerous still.

Head for the hills (at your dog’s pace) to shed unwanted pounds and keep your friend fit.


Chow, wow, wow. Your dog never misses a meal. But a healthy diet must include food for thought as well.

The sights, smells, sounds, and experiences of the trail nourish your dog’s gray matter in ways that kibble can’t.

Veterinarians, trainers, owners, and dogs unanimously agree that loved, nourished, well-exercised dogs are healthier, happier, and better behaved. Good hikes make good dogs.

Kids, dogs, and the pack as a whole agree that good hikes are made great with the addition of everybody’s best friend.

The Trail Hound's Handbook

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