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"As a former classroom teacher, superintendent of schools, and America's first Black U.S. Secretary of Education, I have witnessed up close the impact that a quality education, or the lack thereof, can have on the lives of Black boys in this country. This book is a must read for anyone who is concerned about the state of young Black men in America and want to do their part to help strengthen and protect their future."

– The Honorable Dr. Roderick R. Paige, 7th Secretary of the United States Department of Education

"History has shown us that when given an equal opportunity, Black men in America can achieve almost anything. Still Invisible? provides America with a blueprint for truly becoming that shining city on a hill."

– The Honorable Marc H. Morial, President & CEO, National Urban League & 48th Mayor of the City of New Orleans, Louisiana

"We all deal with the stresses of being marginalized because we are not part of an “in” group in various life situations. Mr. Dowling has compellingly described the challenges of experiencing that marginalization continuously throughout the life of a Black male. This is an extremely important book to help us empathize and address the pathology of marginalization of Black males and what we need to understand far more deeply than we do today.”

– Michael Critelli, CEO of MovieFlux Corporation and Former Chairman & CEO of Pitney Bowes

"Be prepared to have a tough conversation within yourself before picking up this book! Still Invisible? will challenge many of the pre-conceived notions you may carry about the issues of race and culture in America, regardless of what side of the color line you fall."

– Kelvin Boston, Host - Money Wise with Kelvin Boston on PBS

"Still Invisible? is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding and addressing the issues and challenges facing Black men in America."

– Lawrence C. Ross, Author - Blackballed: The Black & White Politics of Race on America’s Campuses

"As a clinical psychologist, I understand all too well the impact that continued oppression, hopelessness and anxiety have on vulnerable populations. Still Invisible? sheds light on the urgent need to identify and address the social, emotional, and mental health concerns of Black males in America."

– Dr. Jari Santana, President of Aspira Delaware and an Expert on Acculturation Stress

Still Invisible?

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