Читать книгу Kids Guide to Learning the Ukulele - Emily Arrow - Страница 7
I’m Emily Arrow. I create songs, stories, and YouTube videos with my ukulele named Bow (get it? Like bow
and “Arrow”!). Being a musician is my way of learning more about myself and sharing who I am with the
world. I love performing with my ukulele at theaters, libraries, bookstores, and radio stations to share my
music with kids all over the country.
Why am I so obsessed with the ukulele?
I started playing the piano when I was seven years old . . . but it was not very easy for me! I already loved to
sing, so my goal was to sing and play songs on the piano. I was impatient and wanted to learn faster. If you
have ever been impatient with something you really wanted, you will understand what I mean.