Читать книгу Awakened (Book #5 of the Vampire Legends) - Emma Knight - Страница 10



Rachel went upstairs to start putting her room back together. She was puzzled by the fact that everything was in boxes but didn’t want to keep questioning it. She started taking her things out of their boxes one by one. She pulled out old trophies, posters, and her clothing. Her favorite MTV t-shirt was there, in the box with her Dr. Martin shoes that she loved so much. Then, she pulled out some old photographs of Dana and all her friends. She hung them back on the wall in their proper places and continued unpacking. She was happy to see her room take shape again, just as she’d remembered it.

As she reached down to the bottom of one box she found a dusty picture album, blew off the dust and opened it up. She was confused by the photos she saw and didn’t know who these people were. It was pictures of her with a group of girls she didn’t know. Then she saw pictures of a homecoming football game and her sister Sarah as a cheerleader. It didn’t look like the high school she remembered and all the kids were strangers to her. She didn’t recognize one of them. This was all very confusing to her. Maybe what everyone was saying held some truth, she thought to herself. Still, she didn’t want to believe it.

Then, she pulled out her cell phone to text Dana. She missed her; it felt like forever since they’d hung out for some strange reason. She wanted to see what she was up to and if she wanted to hang out.

Rachel: Hey Dana! What’s up? Wanna come over?

Dana: Rachel?

Rachel: Who else would it be!

Dana: Is it really you?

Rachel: Um, yeah! Stop acting weird. What’s up?

Dana: Where are you?

Rachel: Home. You?

Dana: In PA. Where else!

Rachel: Me, too!

Dana: You’re back? When did you come back? Are you just visiting family?

Rachel: What do you mean?

Dana: It’s been a while. I’m surprised to hear from you.

Rachel: What happened last night? Do you know why I woke up in a field?

Dana: What? What are you talking about?

Rachel: What did we do last night?

Dana: IDK. I wasn’t with you.

Rachel: What do you mean? We ALWAYS go out together! Seriously, what happened?

Dana: Rachel? Are you sure this is really you?

Rachel: Yes. It’s me.

Dana: Prove it then. This is too weird.

Rachel: I’ll come over. No actually you come here. I don’t want my dad to get mad at me. He’s already a little pissed I didn’t come home last night.

Dana: It’s late, I can’t tonight. Will I see you tomorrow?

Rachel: Yeah, I’ll see you in school tomorrow. Pumped for our math class together. Ugh, Mr. Malloy is such a loser and that tupe is redic.

Dana: Gotta go my mom’s here to see me. See ya tmw.

Rachel: Bye xoxo

Rachel thought about her text conversation with Dana and thought it was a little strange, but assumed she was in on this whole joke. It was like everyone was ganging up against her to convince her that she’s been gone or missing for a long time. What a strange and odd joke to play on someone, she thought.

She continued to empty her boxes and then found her diary wrapped up inside a towel in the bottom of a box. She opened it up and realized that the lock on the side had been broken and pages were missing. There was an old entry from a few years ago about the Dutch Fair and then a big gap in pages where someone must have torn them out or something. Then, a random half page with the name Benji written on it. She didn’t know why pages were ripped out of her diary or who Benji was, but it was the second time today she’d heard his name. She thought back to the morning, waking up with a Benji, but she didn’t think it would be the same person. She didn’t know that guy. It must have been a different Benji.

It was late and this day was completely exhausting to Rachel. She couldn’t run this mystery over and over in her head one more time. She lay her head down on her soft down pillow, crawled under the covers and quickly fell asleep. She was excited to see Dana tomorrow and finally catch up about what happened to her over the weekend. She had to get to the bottom of her Saturday night antics.

Awakened (Book #5 of the Vampire Legends)

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