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The Major Arcana
ОглавлениеThe Major Arcana cards can set the tone for an entire reading. As the driving forces behind our impulses, thoughts, actions and general behaviour, they are by far the more interesting and complex of the two types of card. They indicate the root causes of all other minor life events, or indeed non-events, and are the lynchpins around which all other events revolve. To understand these cards fully is to understand the general theme and schematics of our life. Most people look to the tarot when they want to make major changes or improvements to their lives, and to make such changes we must first address the underlying cause of the status quo, which is found only in the Major Arcana cards.
0 The Fool 0
‘The only thing I know is that I know nothing.’
Personification – Psychology
The archetypal Fool is a carefree and fearless ‘out-of-the-box’ thinker (KS, QS, KnS) or activist (KW, QW, KnW), who exercises complete and total liberality in everything they do. Their ever-open mind and freedom of spirit make them interested in everyone and, usually, game for anything (World). They’re a flexible, spontaneous, go-with-the-flow type character, whose life can, outwardly, appear distinctly disorderly, detached and distanced.
Those who embody the Fool archetype are often inadvertently complacent, nonchalant, indifferent or apathetic (4C), distracted, unwitting, unsettled, scattered, thoughtless, mistaken or distracted in their behaviour. They often lose things such as keys, wallet, phone, passport, jewellery, people, pets, track of time, etc.
Essentially, they are a dreamer who lacks all forethought. Being blissfully (Sun) ignorant, oblivious, unaware of any potential risks or danger, they rarely look where they are going. Their complete lack of interest in what lies ahead and little or no concern for the future or the consequences of their actions (Judgement) are both their best and worst character traits.
The Fool’s ultra-presence of mind can be seen in their mental disposition towards the short term, which includes all forms of short-term arrangements and agreements or contracts (Justice). Happy in the now, they are unable to see what will bring satisfaction or emotional fulfilment in the long run (2S) – a long run off a short cliff.
They embody a wilful and impulsive ‘What have I got to lose?’ mentality. They are the quintessential young idealist, whose unshaken belief or untested faith in their ideas can seem both crazily naïve (Pages) to some and bravely innovative (Emperor) and creative (Empress) to others.
As a pure, untainted, innocent and unsuspecting spirit, the Fool can be youthful and playfully childlike (6C) or childishly (Pages) self-absorbed (4P, 4C, 4S). They are archetypically characterized by the Greek myth of Icarus, the son who precipitated his own death by ignoring his father’s wise instruction and flying too close to the Sun. Whether the wax in the Fool’s wings melts or not is much dependent on the surrounding and outcome cards.
The Fool’s ultra-present, happy-go-lucky state of mind paradoxically underpins their dangerous inability to see beyond their own nose. So weak are their personal boundaries (KC, QC, KnC, PC), they can temporarily host another person’s energy, be they a real, fictional or projected personality.
As a pure, clean, blank, absorbent surface upon which others can project their own wants, needs and desires (Moon), this archetype’s core self and personal preferences are often tucked beneath a blanket of external influences and persuasions. Unless they learn to excavate this core self, perhaps via quiet contemplation or meditation (Hermit), they will find the wilful ambitions of others can take advantage of their naturally apathetic nature (4C) and easily sway or influence them into making a series of inauthentic life choices (7C).
Unless there are anti-Fool cards present (Hermit, Hierophant, High Priestess, Emperor) and acting as grounding agents to the Fool’s scattered behaviour, this archetype, being prone to the incoherent misappropriations of others’ judgement, awareness, attention and even personality (Sun, 7S), will have trouble finding their true calling or vocation in life.
Due to their weak boundaries, this archetype is prone to saying or doing anything to keep the peace (Empress, Temperance), often at the expense of their own needs (Moon), ethical code, morality (Hierophant), integrity (High Priestess, KS, QS) and even general sense of ‘reality’ (Moon, 7C).
The Fool also obscures, obliterates, dissolves, disintegrates or blurs the boundaries and parameters present in its neighbouring cards, be they physical, emotional, mental or spiritual; the stronger another card’s structure, order or belief system, the more the Fool-ish modus operandi will register as corrupting, trouble-making and contentious, despite the Fool having good intentions.
This archetype often has difficulty fathoming the socially correct response or reaction (Hierophant). Their indirect mode of confrontation, fearless ignorance and disconnection from, lack of interest in or total disregard (4C) for conventional social roles or conformist societal structures (Hierophant), can, when left unchecked, eventually result in conflict (5W, 5S) and suffering, either their own or that of others (3S, 9S, 5C, 5C). However, when handled compassionately or sensitively (KC, QC, Strength, Temperance), some Fools manage to find acceptable ways out of their otherwise encumbering social or cultural obligations.
Spirituality and Philosophy
The appearance of the Fool in a reading can signify a positive and effective phase of spiritual influence and enhancement, often induced via the total abandonment of material or sensual diversions and any falsely held hopes, ambitions or self-concepts.
An ultra-present unburdening of the mind (Sun), induced via the Fool’s complete surrender to the here and now, can confer ever greater healing and the dissolution of suffering (Star, Temperance).
By acting as an executive agent of the Divine, the passive presence of the Fool can crack our most encumbering psycho-emotional habits (Moon), the ones that block the healing and enlightenment process (Star).
The Fool’s inadvertent philosophy on life is similar to that of the Zen Buddhist concept of the beginner’s mind: shedding, eradicating, relinquishing, distancing and detaching from all fixed knowledge and thought forms. The mutable mind of the Fool continually creates space for unlimited learning and understanding and a unified, uninterrupted connection with the all-knowing Divine (Magician, High Priestess).
Combined with learned (Hierophant), wise, mature (Hermit), insightful (High Priestess), enlightening (Sun) or overseeing archetypes (World), the Fool embodies what is sometimes referred to as the Socratic paradox. However, when under the sway of ignorant or undeveloped influences (Pages, Knights), the Fool can project (Moon) a foolhardy, emotionally unstable, ignorant, poorly informed or ‘drink-talking’ individual’s dubious world view.
Personal Life
In matters of relating to others, the Fool is led by the heart and body, but not the head. They often don’t realize their mistakes, though innocently or inadvertently made, in choosing a romantic partner until things begin to fall apart (Tower, Death, 3S, 5C).
Being card zero in the deck, the Fool is concerned only with starting afresh (Aces) and carries little or no emotional baggage from previous romantic involvements.
This card either signifies a detached and distanced relationship, the mutual relinquishing of emotional baggage (Judgement) or the undoing of negative emotional ego habits (Moon).
Even when in a committed long-term relationship or marriage, the Fool-ish partner may seek various extra-marital freedoms, without properly considering or caring about the consequences. Due to their inherent detachment and unfixed tastes, they usually don’t have a ‘type’. Instead, they are often serial first-daters, seduced by the idea of love (7C), but turned off by the reality of it (4C). They tend to view all situations requiring a deeper involvement or commitment as wholly unsustainable, and at that juncture will quickly up and move on (KnW).
Their signature move is the innocent dissolution of emotional attachments (KnS, 1S, Emperor), whether they are outdated or not. Due to their innocent, light-hearted, ‘no-strings’ romantic intentions (PC), what begins as a mere dalliance or fling (Lovers) can quickly and easily turn sour (3S, 5C, Tower, Death) when the Fool fails to notice their lover’s deepening emotional attachment.
Due to their unsettled and resolutely non-committal nature, the Fool usually remains emotionally uneducated, with an immature view of committed relationships (Pages). Unless they wish to remain single, or celibate for spiritual purposes (Hermit, Hierophant), a possible solution to their strong resistance to monogamy is the forming of a polygamous or open partnership (Lovers, 3W, 3C).
Professional Life
In a combination reading with those archetypes still under development (Devil, Pages, Knights), the Fool is considered uneducated, unknowledgeable, unwise, unaccomplished, ineffective and unworldly, with a great deal still to learn. They often peak too soon or finish too early, giving up when something needs more time to develop and mature. When left unchecked, they can even be detrimental to matters requiring solid grounding and great maturity of character.
They often take jobs or enrol on courses with little regard for their future trajectory. Remaining oblivious to the part they play in precarious situations often leads to their professional undoing, resulting in job losses or business, project or exam failures (Death, Tower, 3S, 5P, 5C).
Their career or study path is often continually interrupted, like a bad phone signal. Their enthusiastic starts (Pages, Aces) often end abruptly when they discard, destroy or obliterate what they have accomplished. The Fool’s signature move is trying to get ahead via great, ill-considered leaps of faith (Devil), which are often badly misjudged. Unqualified to meet the level of challenge, the overreaching Fool often falls flat on their face (Death).
Self-discipline, self-governance and direction are great challenges for Fools, as are following the rules of a management hierarchy (Emperor) or fitting into any form of organizational work structure (Hierophant). They are often the source of professional indiscretions, by ignoring or disrespecting personal and professional boundaries. For this reason, the Fool archetype frequently suffers through their disconnection from their work colleagues, or even their abandonment by those who would otherwise support their work or career (5C, 5P). Subsequently, theirs can be a wandering, unsettled professional life.
The fragmentation of work or business interests includes no fixed form of work or study, temporary contracts (Justice) or uncontracted work roles.
However, the Fool-ish dissolution of barriers that prevent the absorption of another personality can greatly benefit dramatic actors and performers (Sun, KW, QW) or those acting out a role to feel more socially and culturally accepted (Hierophant) in the workplace. As an underdeveloped, impressionistic, absorptive or half-formed personality, the Fool’s performances as others provide them with an opportunity to feel whole and complete again (World), and thus can be highly convincing.
In addition, the Fool-ishly playful and creative ego, which delights in dissolving order, shape and form, can produce great abstract, impressionist or metaphysical artists and creatives (World, Empress, Magician, High Priestess). Their innocent, fantastical and otherworldly views (High Priestess, Magician, World, Empress) can capture the public imagination (Sun, Moon) by providing a pure impression of what lies beyond the material plane of existence.
Property – Finances – Resources
Carrying little material baggage or travelling light, the Fool often lives a minimalist lifestyle with few materialistic concerns, financial obligations or dependencies. Though they may not be materially wealthy, however, they can certainly qualify for the spiritually rich list.
As the archetype of beginnings, freedom and severance, the Fool can represent starting from scratch (1S, PP) and being materially and financially at (or back at) square one. They often don’t know or care where their next pay cheque is coming from (PP), and unless they are independently wealthy (KP, QP, 10P), this lack of forethought will result in an erratic life, full of financial ups and downs (2P).
The Fool card may also indicate the receiving of severance pay (Death, 1S, 5P). Sometimes it can indicate relinquishing or leaving behind all material possessions (Hermit) and continually moving on from one place to the next, having given up a fixed address (KnW).
Knowing they are at the beginning of their journey, with not much to lose, can prompt this all-in archetype to take a big uncalculated risk with a speculative project or investment (Strength). Whether it pays off or not depends on the surrounding or outcome cards.
Health and Well-being
At their best, the Fool represents youth or youthful energy and the vigour that comes from having an emotionally or physically lightened load. Hence this card is great if you are wanting to lose weight.
Due to the archetype’s wide-open boundaries, the Fool is an adept at mediation practices (Temperance) and can easily find great solace, freedom and liberation from painful or stressful health concerns.
However, their carefree, complacent attitude to health and well-being is often only sustainable in the earlier years of life, and can bring much trouble later on unless it is kept in check by the more health-conscious archetypes (Sun, Temperance, Star, High Priestess, Hierophant, Justice).
1 The Magician I
‘It is a fine game to play, the game of politics, and it is well worth waiting for a good hand before really plunging.’
Personification – Psychology
The Magician is the master initiator of all opportunity and possibility (Aces). Their mode of consciousness, being ultra-agile, flexible, fertile and growth-oriented, i.e. growing away from the darkness (unless this is a layout crossing card) and towards the ‘light’, allows their experience of life to be positively infinite or unlimited.
The etymological line of ‘magic’, which stems from magus, magi, imagery, imagination (Moon), reveals that the source of the Magician’s power is wholly mentalized. Their extraordinary mental skill (3P), particularly in mastering such internally opposing forces as a rampant and intensive ego desire (Devil), is what ensures their success in all endeavours.
Empowered by their deep intrinsic understanding of how the world’s systems work, the Magician skilfully implements this knowledge with the greatest possible, even magical, effect. Their judgement is even resistant to modern ‘scientifically’ objective conditioning. They don’t allow themselves to be defined, as does the modern psyche, by ‘me, myself, I’ as opposed to ‘it, that, you’. Where the modern psyche likes to ‘know’ where it begins and ends, the magical psyche understands that ‘beginning’ and ‘ending’ are a material illusion; that, regardless of our distinctly different material hosts or vehicles, every living organism shares the same animating life-force energy.
The fully enabled magical mode of consciousness is born of a deep and pervading connection to the surrounding world. Seeing everything as an extension of itself, or more precisely as an energetic metaphor of its thoughts, it assumes personal ownership and ultimate responsibility for all its life events and encounters.
When C. G. Jung shunned the modern cult of sense-perceptible science in his statement, ‘I shall not commit the fashionable stupidity [Fool, Pages] of regarding everything I cannot explain as a fraud,’ he gave us a sense of how and why the magical mentality tends to be misunderstood and misrepresented. Unfortunately, the all-pervasive subjectivity of this archetype is all too often falsely likened to the blinkered experience of a psychological projection, purely because rational and logical thinkers cannot ground it in their concept of ‘reality’. Yet the multi-dimensional magical mentality cannot be bound or limited by the confining presuppositions of third-dimensional ‘realism’.
Spirituality and Philosophy
The Magician’s clock-like hands, in their ‘as above so below’ position, point, literally and figuratively, to the heavenly eleventh hour, the hour of spiritual enlightenment, and the opposite fifth hour, of material Earth challenges. The gesture suggests a divinely timed ‘clockwork’ connection between these two polar positions: that great heavenly gifts come as a result of great earthly challenges, in an infinitely cyclical clock-like motion, pertaining to the cerebral cycles of spiritual development and even reincarnation.
The Magician controls the primitive, enlivening and vital life-force energy that gives birth to all sentient life, whereas the Emperor, who comes second in the tarot’s manifestation hierarchy, manages, directs and channels this energy into finite material and physical ambitions.
Having already learned and mastered their earthly lessons and transcended the drives, ambitions and desires of the ego (Emperor), the Magician works with an all-pervading eleventh-hour state of consciousness to carry out the seemingly impossible in terms of the material and physical world. By reconciling their base and selfish desires (Devil) with this purer, brighter, innocent and selflessly enlightened consciousness, they become a truly clear energy channel and can overcome any material and physical limitations or restrictions. The full clarity of their words, deeds and actions enables a powerful alchemical transformation to take place, leading to full self-realization (High Priestess), spiritual maturation (Hermit), ego transcendence (Temperance) and self-healing (Star). This highly refined, spiritual state of consciousness is the primary prerequisite for the magical skill and ability to physically work ‘reality’ to their advantage (3P).
This archetype also has the singular ability to bring forth shocking and powerful self-transformation. Any conjoining ‘agent’ cards lend fuel to their continually self-instigated process of growth, change and transformation, and by relinquishing the past fully and completely, as if it never happened, they are able to embrace their newly empowered identity wholly and completely (World).
In their full harnessing of the immeasurable potential of a completely freed will, the Magician personifies the most magical of our modern-day privilege empowerments. The intensified concentration of sunlight through a magnifying glass illustrates how their mastered mind accomplishes great things via its expansive, laser-like focus.
The Magician’s position as card number one is explained by the etymology of the word ‘sorcery’, which, coming from the Latin sor, sorstis or sortiarius, means ‘one who influences lot, fate and fortune (by returning to the spiritual source of life itself)’. In returning to the source, the Magician’s multi-dimensional mentality transcends the modern obsession with three-dimensional, sense-perceptible material fact. As an adept of supernatural skills and faculties (High Priestess, 3P), the Magician can enact any passionately desired outcome via their strong psycho-spiritual awareness.
When this card appears in a reading, it is a time to be ultra-careful what you wish for and guard against ungrounded wishful thinking (7C). Projecting negative, harmful or destructive ego intentions onto others in an attempt to control them (Devil) constitutes a truly self-defeating (5S) and self-destructive (10S) enactment of the Magician’s power and influence. Psychically sending negative, harmful or destructive thoughts another person’s way (Devil), even without acting on them, serves only to destabilize your own psycho-emotional health and happiness (Moon), which, paradoxically, then hands your power over to the very person you are seeking to disempower. Impure or negatively motivated desires (Devil) often come with a heavy hidden price attached.
When amongst friendly and constructive cards in a reading, this archetype indicates your actions, words and deeds are wholly aligned, and so magically supported by the higher will of the Divine, the great universal architect, God or the forces of creation (whatever you wish to name it).
Personal Life
The Magician card represents the ‘heaven on earth’ relationship (2C, 10C): that great heavenly gifts (1C, 2C, 10C) result from rising above the challenges of earthly life (Hermit, Tower, Death). It indicates a magically transformative, alchemical union (2C, 10C) that is enlightening (Sun), a highly spiritual romance in which both parties are independently loving and detached from the ego.
This card marks the divinely magical and synchronized timing by which two individuals come together, encounter each other for the first time (1C), and become romantically committed and entwined (2C). However, this archetype, being primarily concerned with the sacred rather than mundane events of life, can be an inconsistent partner, providing great love-powered highs (Sun, 1C) and great insecurity-powered lows (Moon, Devil, Tower, 5P, 5C, 3S, 9S).
A relationship with the Magician archetype can be enchanting, mesmerizing, fascinating, seductive (Lovers, Devil) and highly sexed (Emperor, 1W). They are often a partner whose words have great power and influence over you (KS, QS). Under the influence of a negatively toned Magician (Devil), you can encounter a highly manipulative or narcissistic individual, bent on controlling others. The Magician can also be the ultimate sexual predator (Devil) who casts their ‘wand’ out (1W) and about in search of quick, self-serving gratification. If this card appears, it may be time for a reality check to ensure others aren’t taking advantage of you.
Professional Life
The modern-day Magician’s work life often deals with matters pertaining to life, death or major transformation. They appear at precisely the right time, as if your life and theirs are magically synchronized, and come in the form of brilliant doctors, surgeons, life coaches, psychotherapists and psychiatrists, or even the executors of a last will and testament that leaves you a life-changing legacy (10P). They are the pivotal movers, shakers and agents who help secure your dream professional role.
By holding all the aces, the Magician represents all new work and career avenues, advances and advantages. When they are present in a work reading, you are likely to be in a highly advantageous position (7W) or in line for a promotion (Emperor, Empress). Using their particular skills and abilities, the Magician also excels in tests, examinations or interviews (Chariot). They often have a powerful voice, which they utilize in the manifestation of their desires. They can be a master spin doctor (Devil) who harnesses the power of the spoken word to their own recondite ends, and they can utilize a vast amount of hidden or camouflaged information (High Priestess), particularly regarding the timing of birth, death or transformation cycles within the work environment. They are a formidable competitor (5W) who holds the professional life or death of others in their hands.
The Magician’s complete self-mastery is what ensures their great success in the external world at large, and due to their masterful reputation, they are also someone people look to for magical solutions (8W). When working for the greater good, they can be key to the miraculous unification (3C, Temperance) of diametrically different groups of people or warring factions of a business sector or company (5W).
Property – Finances – Resources
‘It’s unlimited what the universe can bring when you understand the great secret that thoughts become things.’
Your positive expectations will be happily met, if not exceeded, when the Magician card appears in a finances reading, as, via the power of their mind, they masterfully manifest anything you might require in life. In a home this could be a water feature, pond, river, lake, beach, swimming pool (1C, KC, QC); a traditional, period or ‘des res’ type property or location (1P, KP, QP); action and excitement in the heart of the city or a sporting, activity-based location (1W, KW, QW); and/or an intelligent or cutting-edge property design and mentally stimulating location (1S, KS, QS).
The Magician also represents the settling of any material debts (Temperance) or the liquidating of any jointly held capital or assets in your favour (Justice). They have a magical resourcefulness, a finger in every pie (World). Their acquisitions and investments have infinite possibility and potential (World).
This is the archetype who manifests great wealth and abundance (10P, KP, QP), giving you everything you could ever need in life (Emperor, Empress).
Health and Well-being
The Magician represents the attaining of great heavenly gifts (1C, High Priestess) as a result of great physical challenges, pain and suffering (Hermit). How long you must endure such challenges and difficulties depends; working on philosopher René Descartes’ principle ‘I think therefore I am’ (Moon), when the Magician’s magically creative mind considers itself healthy and happy, it will be – instantaneously.
The Magician has an uncanny ability to heal themselves both physically and emotionally using their infinite energetic reserves (KW, QW, KnW) and strong-willed initiative (Emperor). Their authentic knowledge (High Priestess) of how to maintain their health significantly lessens the chance of their contracting an illness or suffering a period of ill-health.
They are the archetype of ultimate self-liberation from unhealthy habits such as overeating or drinking. They have controlled or balanced energies and hormones (Temperance), with a strong and highly functioning immune system (Strength).
They also have the power to create new life (1W, 1P, 1C) and so represent male (Emperor) and female (Empress) fecundity, fertility and pregnancy, either naturally or via successful fertility treatments (8P).
2 The High Priestess II
‘Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.’
Personification – Psychology
In a similar way to the paradoxical and contradictory Moon, which is both inconstant and habitual, the High Priestess is an archetype concerned with both closure and disclosure, covering and discovering the ultimate or highest truth. They can provide piercing and incisive revelations (1S), while also being a trusted and faithful keeper of secret or hidden information. Good counsel or the true facts of a matter, legal (Justice) or otherwise, can come forth from hidden or not so obvious Priestess-type sources when this card appears. These sources are society’s small or discreet ‘aperture windows’, both revealing and concealing the raw facts of hidden or subtle matters.
The High Priestess often has an exceptional sensitivity to hidden or subtle motivations (Devil, 7S), followed by a reflex tendency for counter-corrective words and actions (KnS), fired by a divinely inspired social transparency agenda (KS, QS).
The archetype is sincere and gracious, high-minded and intuitive in their reasoning, with great compassion for those stuck in a painful cerebral cycle and suffering from their base impulses and instincts. They see and understand what is incomprehensible in material world terms.
The High Priestess can be an inconspicuous force of good, operating behind the scenes (7S) and exerting great power and influence without being domineering. They can exert a subtle or hidden power over a person or situation, akin to how the Moon moves the tides, to bring about great and positive growth, change and transformation. As such, this card reveals by what hidden or obscured forces you are moved to action.
Privately and authentically, without seeking external ego recognition, praise or reward, the High Priestess also helps others reconcile and reintegrate any debased, degenerate, wild, animalistic ego tendencies (Devil) so they can live fuller and happier lives (Sun, 10C).
Spirituality and Philosophy
As a pure, exalted, gracious, maturely seeking and awakened consciousness, the High Priestess cuts through any superficial layers of experience and conditioning (1S) to reveal the true self, and thus is a key archetypal figure in the process of major spiritual transformation (Magician).
This archetype starts the psychical evaluation process that is so necessary for spiritual growth or progress via a general illuminating, cleaning and clearing of the dark recesses and corners of the mind (Sun, Moon). Through the Priestess’s compassionate intervention, an individual can become better acquainted with the unknown aspects of the self that keep them locked into ignorance and suffering. ‘Know Thyself’, a phrase positioned high above the main entrance to the ancient Greek Temple of Apollo, was the most highly regarded instruction of the infamous Delphic Oracles. Still pertinent, it invites you to explore your own mind as you would a temple.
The High Priestess has a dualistic, non-judgemental, all-encompassing mentality, rising above the world of opposites and polarities – up and down, true and false, good and bad – and is primarily inspired and instructed by ancient and obscured spiritual wisdom traditions (6C, Moon), and often party to the masonic-style secrets (3P) prohibited by conventional religions. Similar to the Fool, the dissolution of the High Priestess’s ‘I think’ and ‘I know’ ego operations echoes the Socratic paradox ‘The only thing I know is that I know nothing.’
Portrayed in a womanly form, symbolizing the passive female principle, the High Priestess understands that using the masculine ego-fired intellect alone without any input from the liquid-intuitive heart (3S) ultimately limits what you can achieve in life (8S).
By paying attention to anomalous information as it enters the mind, no matter how irrational, illogical and nonsensical, Priestesses know exactly what, when, how and why, as their intuitive mind leaps over any slower cognitive processes.
The key to the success of the High Priestess is in their over-riding of the ego, which perceives their inexplicable intuitions, instincts and gut feelings as a threat to its position in the psychical hierarchy.
Characterized by their far-reaching vision or foresight (3W, Star, World), the High Priestess has a penetrative and omniscient mind. Whether divining the future or understanding the hidden truth of a current scenario, they utilize a wide range of specialist skills and tools to gain greater understanding of the subtle forces at work in any given situation. These skills include claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience; the divination arts: tarot, astrology, psychic work, mediumship; out-of-body experiences, lucid dreaming; and dream, symbol and image interpretation (Empress, KS, QS).
However, under the influence of impure (Devil), imaginary (Moon, 7C), immature, exaggerating (Pages), scattered or ungrounded (Fool) influences, this archetype can indicate being deceived by false, inaccurate or self-fulfilling prophecies.
Personal Life
In a relationship reading, the High Priestess represents a deep, sincerity of feeling (KC, QC) devoid of any co-dependent or self-validating ego attachment (2C). When this card appears, showing your true complete self and sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings with a trusted partner (2C) are paramount. This archetype is often deeply attuned to a partner’s needs (2C) and their unions can feel sacred or tantric, spiritually connected or divinely inspired (1C).
The High Priestess can also indicate hidden or secret relationships (7S), where one or both parties are kept in the dark mentally, emotionally or even physically if there is a proverbial ‘hidden woman’ on the scene.
As is their dualistic nature, the High Priestess can represent either the hiding or revealing of ‘closeted’ romantic feelings, intentions or sexuality. Being ruled by the Moon, they can symbolize cyclical romantic feelings that ‘come and go’, ebb and flow, as the Moon moves the tides (Lovers, Moon).
If you are single and seeking a partner, this archetype can sometimes indicate the meeting of a new love interest (1C, KnC) via spiritual friends and connections (3C).
Professional Life
The High Priestess represents those whose work life is devoted to compassionately bettering the lives of others, helping them realize and actualize their fullest possible potential (World). They often work from home or behind the scenes, working nights (Moon) or undercover, perhaps as super-sleuths, detectives (Justice), in espionage, with hidden surveillance systems (Star), in the intelligence services (KS, QS), in hidden, secretive or sensitive work, or investment speculations (Strength), as futurologists predicting economic or market trends (World), as researchers (KC, QC) or archivists (6C, Moon), in counter-cultural, fringe or taboo-themed industries, as spiritual teachers and mentors (Hierophant), counsellors, life coaches, psychotherapists, spiritual advisers (KC, QC) or well-being or spiritual events facilitators (3C, Hierophant).
This archetype, which delights in highlighting cultural corners and edges, can even work for counter-cultural, grassroots, fringe organizations, or any sector beyond the tight, spotlit sphere of centralized comprehension and experience (Sun).
Wherever it happens to be, whereas the Magician is the active, masculine power behind the throne, the High Priestess works predominantly in hidden or passive power positions. They are the office or employer’s confidante, the person who knows, but never shares, what is going on behind the scenes (7S). Due to their secret partnerships or alliances (2W, 2C) they are often in and out of covert or secretive talks and meetings (3W, 3C).
This ‘left of field’ archetype stays on top (7W) by obtaining their information or ideas via rare, unusual, eccentric, out of the box, unconventional or inaccessible sources or methods. They possess rare skills, talents or knowledge that can either be feared (9S) or celebrated (Sun) and sought after by others (3P). Yet their subtle work efforts can be easily eclipsed or overlooked when they are competing with more mainstream or commanding personalities (Emperor, Empress, KW, QW). However, the sometimes torpid world of work can be shaken out of its stupor (4S, 4C) by the Priestess’s exotic, fascinating, unusual, unconventional and non-conformist approach.
Flanked by high-visibility influences (Sun, World), the truth, wisdom and insight of this archetype, portrayed in obscure, unconventional, private, fantastical, otherworldly (World, 7C), underworld or taboo themes, is likely to celebrated and well received (Sun, 3P).
Property – Finances – Resources
Being spiritually inclined, the High Priestess can signify unmaterialistic living with few financial obligations, commitments or dependants and an impartial attitude to money and resources (Fool).
They may or may not be materially rich, depending on the surrounding cards, but instead have immaterial or spiritual wealth and riches in abundance (1C, 10C). Akin to the wandering ascetics, nuns or monks, the Priestess often attains unlimited access (Fool) to their spiritual gifts in those times when material resources are voluntarily renounced (Hermit) or involuntarily limited (5P).
Unless influenced by more social (3C, 3W, 3P) or high-visibility (Sun, World) cards, the High Priestess indicates buying land or property in a quiet or largely unfrequented place.
When flanked by other benevolent cards, they tend to put earned material abundance towards altruistic acts of charity (World, 6P), doing what they perceive as the right thing (Justice) regardless of personal cost.
When flanked by a malefic (Devil) or miserly (4P) card, they can represent the concealing or sudden discovery of secretly hidden wealth and resources.
Health and Well-being
As the earthly vehicle of the soul, the High Priestess worships and respects their body and mind as they would a religious house or sacred temple (Sun). However, a person under the influence of this archetype can also lose sight of the true earthly purpose of life, their sacred outlook rendering them blind to the necessary counter-balancing effects of an ordinary life (Moon, 4C).
When influenced by benevolent cards, the High Priestess can serve themselves and others by using their insight and divinatory skills for the purposes of self- or soul-realization: unburdening or ‘en-lightening’ the mind and spirit of mundane concerns (Sun).
Influenced by cards pressing a shadow agenda (Devil), however, the High Priestess can be prone to hidden or secret obsessions and addictions. Their passive attitude to exercise, which ebbs and flows like the tides, can be the cause of any health or well-being issues.
Sometimes this card can indicate a hidden or undiagnosed health issue, but more often it indicates a deep, intuitive understanding of any health or well-being imbalances.
Regardless of whether they are active (Wands, Swords) or inactive (Pentacles, Cups), this night-owl archetype may suffer from a vitamin D deficiency or other imbalances connected to a lack of exposure to sunlight.
Being the archetype of openings, this card can also represent health issues involving the nine aperture windows of the body. It can also indicate the decision to conceal the news of an illness or pregnancy (Empress, 1C, 1W), perhaps only until the end of the first trimester.
3 The Empress III
‘Allow yourself to be beautiful and all the rest will follow.’
Personification – Psychology
The Empress is a vivacious character who personifies charm, grace, beauty, creativity or fertility (Sun). Empresses are dedicated to nurturing and nourishing others and making them feel good about themselves, and so are often greatly valued, loved and respected.
Their social identity can be either the well-regarded or highly creative woman or the primary matriarchal guardian, mother or mother figure, whose self-validation (Sun) or sense of wholeness and completion (World) derives solely from their physical fertility and reproductive accomplishments (Pages).
Mother figure or not, Empresses experience great life satisfaction and often share their good fortune with others, whom they treat with great kindness, love and affection, which is key to the Empress’s inner and outer success.
The Empress’s primary concerns in life are love, happiness and harmony; marriage, love-making, enjoyment, amusement, charm, delights, pleasures, pleasantries, deliciousness, sugary or indulgent food, fine wines, art, design, creativity, music, concerts, dance, dancing parties, sociability, sensual pleasure, perfume, scents, decorations and ornaments, all forms of comfort and prosperity promotion, accumulated wealth, ornamentation, fine clothes and accessories, jewels, gems, precious stones, make-up, beauty, fashion and womanly products and experiences.
The Empress’s complete immersion in the joys of life and unrelenting pursuit of pleasure and sensual fulfilment (9C, 10C) are often experienced in highly civilized or agreeable surroundings (9P, 10P). Unless flanked by destructive cards (Tower, Death, 3S), the Empress is a maker of relationships – one who listens, appreciates, unconditionally accepts, understands and responds to others’ needs (6P).
While some archetypes devote their time and energy to the forceful pursuit of rule and domination (Emperor), the Empress rules and dominates via attraction (Lovers) and accommodation (Temperance). Chinese strategist and philosopher of the Zhou dynasty Sun Tzu once wrote, ‘Success is gained by carefully accommodating ourselves to the enemy’s purpose,’ which gives an idea of how we might effectively apply Empress energy to contentious, difficult or challenging situations. Indeed, the highest, purest expression of this energy, in which the archetype wields the greatest power and influence, can be seen in all the Empress’s loving, kind and tender-hearted words and actions, motives and agendas.
However, if the Empress is all heart and no head, they can overindulge or be too obliging to those around them. Also, sometimes the Empress themselves can be spoilt by having had too much of a good thing, and so be prone to a kind of ‘gilded cage’ syndrome, where lethargy, boredom, laziness and procrastination (4C) rule their thinking.
Undoing any fixed expectation or deeper sense of entitlement (Moon, 1S) often involves much pain and suffering, so the higher the ego climbs (Sun, KW, QW), the harder it falls for this elevated archetype (Tower). If left unchecked, the Empress’s pretentions, pride, prejudice, vanity or queenly behaviour can be their downfall (Tower, Death, 10S). Marie Antoinette, the last queen of France, made such a faux pas, which cost her her life, when she replied to a call from her starving people for more bread with ‘Let them eat brioche.’ Whether these were her actual words or political anti-monarchic spin, the queen’s past vanity, prejudice and pretentions gave the people cause to believe her capable of saying them.
Spirituality and Philosophy
Being primarily concerned with the superficial, material or sensual aspects of life (KP, QP, KnP), the Empress can have only skin-deep spiritual awareness. However, this archetype’s core spirituality can be excavated and expressed via creative pursuits and endeavours.
By remaining out of touch with harsh, unpleasant or obscured realities, such as the poverty of others, the Empress puts themselves at a spiritual disadvantage, though, for their rose-tinted outlook makes it difficult for this archetype to look at or confront their own unlikeable shadow aspects.
Unless more active and assertive cards are present (Emperor, KW, QW, 10W, KS, QS), this wholly passive archetype always takes the path of least resistance in life. However, in their internal battle to subdue and integrate the ego, their passive approach does have a key spiritual role to play. ‘The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting’ is Sun Tzu’s description of the Empress’s application of the passive female principle to bypass male ego-activated intentions.
Thus the Empress’s influence can help us accomplish great spiritual feats when we allow things to happen by simply tuning into the vital life-force energies that surround us, rather than attempting to own and control them with our ego.
Personal Life
The Empress indicates mature, sincere, unconditional love and acceptance, romance and attraction; a diplomatically balanced and harmoniously allied marriage or relationship (2C, 10C); feeling loved, irresistible, worshipped and adored; having several admirers (8W) or sensual fun and pleasure providers (KnP, KnC, 2P); overflowing with sweet and sincere feelings (1C); providing emotional comfort and security (10C); sweet, deep, true love and commitment in relationships (2C, 10C); someone looking out for you, making sure all your wants, needs and desires are fulfilled; a very pleasant, loving, caring, content or rewarding relationship (9C).
As a partner, the Empress can be highly appealing, attractive, sexual, fertile, delightful, charming, elegant, virtuous, graceful, polished, refined, cultured and liberally minded, with strong, exalted feminine graces or highly civilized feminine values.
The Empress is the agent of magnetic attractiveness, charm, passive possessiveness and incoming energy, used both consciously and unconsciously to draw in a mate (2C) or to matchmake for others (Magician). In its most positive expression, this archetype signifies the wife, the committed mate (2C) and those in counselling and advising roles, such as friends, family or professional marriage or relationship counsellors (High Priestess, KC, QC) who help to strengthen partnerships.
In its most challenging expression, the Empress represents smothering or motherly lovers (Lovers, Moon) or the limitations and restrictions (8S) of searching for a true heart connection (1C, 2C) when moving only in the small social circles of the highly privileged few. When partners fail to meet the Empress’s status, class or wealth standards, this archetype needs to assess whether allowing their emotional comfort to be affected by social or material concerns really is the true path to love and happiness.
As a layout crossing card, this archetype can indicate, for both men and women, the selecting of an ultra-attractive life partner, either due to their looks, wealth or status, as a form of self-flattery. Unless a couple’s love can grow, change and penetrate further than merely skin deep, over time, when this attractive and flattering mirror image of the self begins to show its illusionistic and transitory nature, the ‘love spell’ will fracture and eventually break (Lovers, Tower).
Professional Life
Whether meeting the highest outward standards or keeping up appearances, the Empress indicates great success in the broadly creative industries: home comforts, family planning (3P), parenting, business deals, negotiation, diplomacy, creativity, art and design, literature, entertainment, high-end leisure or luxury services, beauty, femininity, nature, farming and fruitfulness in food, flora, fauna production (7P).
This archetype can indicate a flourishing business or much-admired project, even the best in show or a showpiece. Being the centre of attention, on display for all to see and admire (Sun), the Empress can also represent fashions, trends, image-conscious professions, branding and advertising (8W).
By their highly creative endeavours and infectious passion for their work (KW, QW), the Empress reaches the top of their game and can be rewarded with a vastly upgraded office space or work environment (4W), a highly desired new position (Aces) or the exceptional success of their product (World). Their creative efforts tend to have universal or mass appeal (Sun). They can be super-successful in all aesthetics-based businesses or industries where an appreciation of good looks, charm, an amiable personality, dressing to impress, beauty or style are the keys to getting ahead or commanding the attention of others (Sun, KW, QW). As such, this archetype can also represent ego and vanity projects (Devil, Sun), which exist superficially or only for show (Sun).
When flanked by positive, friendly and harmonious cards, the Empress’s work can bring great joy and contentment to the lives of others. Though it doesn’t constitute a basic survival need, their sphere of work can make people’s lives feel all the richer, as argued by the painter Pablo Picasso when he said, ‘You know, music, art – these are not just little decorations to make life prettier. They’re very deep necessities which people cannot live without.’
Property – Finances – Resources
The Empress can be an excellent provider, both of finances and resources (10P), and this card’s presence in a reading signifies great material success: the proverbial harvest coming in. Being a feminine archetype, this is the card of passive earning: it symbolizes a harvest time, when you reap the rewards of your previous hard work or past efforts.
The Empress can also be charitable and generous in sharing personal wealth and resources (6P), but must remain astute lest their passive and obliging nature is taken advantage of by others (Devil).
This archetype can represent living the ‘charmed’ life of a kept or independently wealthy individual, living off unearned family money, a trust fund or their partner’s income (KP, QP, 10P). If this is the case, look to the surrounding cards to see if this is a blessing or a hindrance to their overall personal happiness and sense of fulfilment. Chronic boredom (4C) can result from being handed everything with little or no effort. Also, if cards of delusion are present, this archetype’s sense of privilege or entitlement can be wholly imagined (Moon, 7C) and unfounded (Fool).
Health and Well-being
Being comfort oriented, the Empress can be prone to laziness or excessive passivity (4S); however, this card is a blessing for those who find it difficult to relax, rest and unwind, and is of particular benefit during trying or stressful times. It often signifies some form of retreat or well-deserved time off (4S), a time of feeling wholly nourished (Star) after a great effort or exertion.
During the passive Empress period, your emotional (Cups), mental (Swords), physical (Wands) and material (Pentacles) balance and harmony can be fully replenished and restored (Temperance). This is therefore the ideal time for natural conception or success with fertility treatments, which will be likely to result in a pregnancy (1C, 1W, 1P) and childbirth (Pages).
4 The Emperor IV
‘The expert in battle moves the enemy, and is not moved by him.’
Personification – Psychology
The Emperor archetype likes to be first and foremost or given primacy and priority to retain their leading position (7W). Their primary drive or impulse to arrive first or lead the way extends to initiating, founding, pioneering, newness, novelty, innovation, invention, individuality, originality and uniqueness (Aces). The US Supreme Court Justice (Emperor, Justice) Antonin Scalia, aka the ‘Originalist’, once retold the story of two guys who were out hunting when a bear started chasing them. They started running, but the bear was gaining fast. One said, ‘Why are we running? We can’t outrun a bear.’ And the other said, ‘I don’t have to outrun the bear, I only have to outrun you.’ This is the survivalist mindset of the tarot’s Emperor archetype.
The Emperor’s quest is to find and propound great new theories or potential (Star, Aces), seek new horizons (KnW) and be at the forefront, driving, moving or leading the flock, herd, team, group or troop.
As the archetype of our primary life-force vitality, the Emperor manages, channels, aims and directs it into either material resources (Pentacles), love and feelings (Cups), physical acts (Wands) or intellectual interests (Swords).
In opposition to their Empress counterpart, the Emperor thrives on challenge, and will often take the path of most resistance (10W). They aim for the mark of excellence and the highest possible professional achievement in their personal or work endeavours (World, Sun). As such, their sense of self-worth and ego validation is often solely reliant on their outward successes and achievements. This can, unless consciously processed, set them up for huge blows (Tower) to their self-esteem and confidence (8S, 9S, 10S) when they experience any sort of failure, be it material (Pentacles), emotional (Cups), mental (Swords) or physical (Wands).
A destabilized, negatively toned Emperor who has perhaps received a blow to their pride or self-esteem can display exaggerated masculinity, will-power, selfishness, chauvinism, supremacy and defensive invulnerability (9W, KNW, KNS) or behaviour that is overpowering, domineering, high-handed, oppressive, opinionated, dictating, forceful, controlling, bossy, strict, authoritarian and even persecuting, intimidating, stubborn, unyielding, obstinate and inflexible. Yet in the appropriate context, this archetype’s rigidity can be key to their success.
Under stabilizing influences (Hermit, Hierophant, Empress, Judgement), the Emperor can display solid reasoning and judgement, extraordinary self-control, patience and persistence, a reasonable nature, and astute, intelligent and worldly thinking and decision-making (World, KS, QS, KnS). Under higher-minded influences, they are capable of great self-realization (High Priestess), conscious awareness (Sun), grounding (Hermit) and humility (Temperance).
The Emperor has great organizing ability and knows how to get the best out of others, be they family, friends or co-workers. They have strong parental and authoritarian instincts, born of an inherent capacity for home rule. The cards surrounding this archetype in a reading will indicate whether their parenting style is working for them or not.
The ultimate example of the Emperor archetype is perhaps film director and father of seven Steven Spielberg, who once said, ‘Fathering is a major job, but I need both things in my life – my job to be a director and my kids to direct me.’ Spielberg’s words are a great reminder that behind the Emperor’s throne there is often a strong directive, purpose or person(s) that empowers their otherwise self-directed actions.
Spirituality and Philosophy
Unless a spiritual bent is indicated (Fool, Magician, High Priestess, Hierophant), the Emperor archetype can be devoid of faith or belief in the subtle realms of the lesser known or seen, especially as these challenge their cutting-edge or leading world view based upon the modern cult of scientific materiality and sense-perceptible ‘fact’ (KP, QP, KNP).
Unless neighbouring cards suggest a heightened conscious awareness or sensitivity to the subtle, spiritual and metaphysical realities (Sun, Moon, High Priestess, Magician, KC, QC), that which appears illogical, irrational or materially inexplicable is anathema to the Emperor. They aren’t devoid of subtle perception, for they can read and appreciate fine art (KS, QS), for example, but the deeper spiritual forces (High Priestess) behind creative processes can elude them completely.
As the archetype who most appreciates masculine, tangible, material rewards and achievements (KP, QP), it often takes a great blow to the Emperor’s ego, resulting in the greater self-realization that induces a spiritual awakening (Sun, Magician, High Priestess), for them to overcome their psycho-spiritual blocks and resistance.
Personal Life
A positively influenced Emperor denotes honour, respect, protection, longevity, stability and monogamy in love, marriage and any other relationship (2C, 4W, Hierophant).
As the epitome of the protective male ego, the psycho-emotional well-being of the Emperor archetype (Moon) relies on their not only being needed and useful as a partner, but also worshipped and adored (Sun, KW, QW). Emperors are often dutiful, dependable, responsible, influential and highly regarded by their partners; their final word, on almost all subjects, being generally accepted and followed. As such, the all-knowing, controlling, possessive, domineering, commanding, patriarchal or motive forcefulness of this archetype – telling you what to do and when to do it or setting out what they see as acceptable behaviour – is often behind any long-standing relationship politics (5W).
Paradoxically, it’s the Emperor’s ultra-masculine charm and optimism that first attracts the opposite sex (Lovers). They often make exceptionally virile lovers (1W), even when this card signifies an older partner or significant age gap.
Beyond their better, wiser judgement, this archetype holds rigidly to any perceived challenge or ‘mountain’ yet unclimbed. Their instigating, initiating, prize-winning, ‘me-first’ attitude to romance and relationships finds the initial pursuit, challenge or sexual conquest highly engaging (KnW, KnC, 9C), but then they can lose interest once the ‘prize’ is won (KnW).
For a harmonious love or marital life, this archetype tends to prefer an ultra-feminine and compliant Empress type whose own male energies are especially well regulated, allowing them to bend to the Emperor’s will. For those who enjoy the traditional feminine role (Empress), the Emperor can be the perfect complementary partner. The modern, outgoing, high-achieving Superwoman type, being an Emperor in woman’s clothing, is likely to encounter a ‘battle of wills’ with an Emperor-like partner, which leaves the latter feeling unfortunately emasculated.