Читать книгу Undying Hope - Emma Weylin - Страница 7

Chapter 2


Snow kept piling up out there. Vinnie, who’d introduced himself as the owner when Haven and Bastian came into the diner, was the only one left. He had offered to let Haven and Bastian stay and keep soaking in the heat while they lingered over coffee and hot chocolate before having to make the mad dash to the motel a few blocks down the road.

“What about cyber school?” Haven asked as she stirred her coffee for the eighteenth time. “You can’t get into fights there, and the school can move around with us.”

“What about a job?” he countered. “I can pass myself off as an eighteen-year-old.”

“But you’re not,” she said. “All we have to do is get that Donovan guy to help you, and you’ll be glad for an education.” She tapped the side of his mug. “Drink up. We need to get out of here. I have to be up early tomorrow to get ready for my interview.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Bastian said.

He would be an easy kid if he didn’t have his special issues.

The door chime sounded.

Both she and Bastian glanced toward the door when what appeared to be the devil come to life entered the diner. Blood red, glowing eyes assessed everything. A giant of a man with cropped, black-as-sin hair strolled through the diner, heading for Haven. His eyes roamed down her slight form. “My name is Kyros. I will be murdering you tonight.” He gave an eloquent bow. With what seemed like a giant leap, he was across the room, his iron fist clamped around her wrist. “I think you’ll do just fine for my purpose.” His arm extended and slammed into Bastian’s chest, sending him sprawling across the diner. Bastian’s head bounced off the corner of a booth before his body slumped to the floor. Kyros leaned down and took a prolonged inhale of her scent, right at her throat. “Yes, you’ll do just fine. Ever been used as bait, sweetheart?”

Haven twisted and yanked with desperation to get away from this mad man. “Please, let us go.”

His laugh was a gnarled sound of menace. “Do whatever you wish. You’re going to die in agony, anyway.”

Haven closed her eyes. “Help.” She didn’t even dare whisper the words, but she projected the word out. While she knew humans couldn’t hear her, she hoped someone with enough power to take down this madman would. She tried to smile for him again, hoping she could keep fear out of her eyes and voice. “Would you like a cup of coffee? I am sure Vinnie wouldn’t mind.”

He yanked her hard against his muscular body, her breasts mashing against his chest. It was all she could do to keep from gagging when his mouth fastened over hers. “You’re going to do everything I tell you, sweetheart.” The back of his knuckle scraped along her cheek in a gentle manner. “You’re going to give me everything I want.”

Haven saw Vinnie coming up behind Kyros, and she shook her head in warning, but it was too late. Vinnie swung a pan with hot grease, but Kyros moved lightning fast. He grabbed Vinnie’s fist and turned the pan back on him until grease dripped down his arm. Vinnie screamed in agony, and the man holding her only laughed. “Stupid human. Don’t think you’re going anywhere, sweetheart.”

He shoved her down with enough force that she fell back, knocking her head off the counter. She started to crawl toward Bastian. Nothing could happen to him. She’d never forgive herself. It was then she found a treasure. Her hand curled around a broom handle, and she came up swinging. The man caught the handle and brought the broom up, smacking her chin. Her head spun as she staggered backward.

“Stay down, bitch! You’re only making it worse for yourself.”

Haven slithered to the floor. A silver blade flashed before sinking into Vinnie’s throat. Kyros twisted the knife, and when he pulled away, there was a gargle of hot red liquid. Haven shook as blood splattered on her. She yelped when Kyros yanked her to her feet by her hair. The man flicked out his tongue and licked a drop of blood that had settled on her cheek. “I’m not sure which tastes better. You or blood.”

She gagged as she struggled to get away from his bruising grip. He laughed the same twisted sound. “Keep struggling, honey. It makes the kill so much sweeter.” He let out a vicious growl and lowered his head. Haven closed her eyes and clamped her mouth shut. She wasn’t going to be a victim again, no matter what he did to her. She wasn’t going to beg him.

A sound like thunder rattled the window glass, and the floor rolled as the diner door was blown open with a surge of raw, savage power. Ketchup bottles and napkin holders vibrated on tabletops. A deep, rumbling voice filled the diner. “Let the woman go.”

Kyros stopped his assault. A malicious smile curved his demon mouth, and his eyes glowed an unholy red. His head cocked as if to taunt the man who had walked in. He licked the side of Haven’s face. “Your little cry for help wasn’t secret after all.”

He pulled Haven tight against him and turned to face the most terrifying man Haven had ever seen. Kyros appeared small by comparison. The warrior’s muscles rippled and bunched under copper skin. His eyes were aflame with a golden fire. His hair fell over his shoulder in a long, thick braid. His face wasn’t pretty by any means, but it was the most beautiful thing Haven had ever seen. The man exuded menace, and his very presence was power and unyielding strength. One idea crept into her terror-filled mind. She and Bastian were going to live because of the mountain standing in front of her.

The warrior stalked toward them. “Let her go. You want me.” His voice was a deep, buttery baritone. “You think I somehow stole your book. That I took what you had managed to steal all those years ago. You don’t want her. I’m the one you’re after.”

Kyros’s grip loosened, but he didn’t let go. “She possesses an orphan. How do you know she’s not meirlock? Why will you never let me kill naughty girls?”

Confusion permeated Kyros’s voice, and Haven found herself holding her breath, waiting for the warrior to answer.

“You know what she is.” He paused, and his gaze flicked to Haven before returning to his adversary. “Dare you risk her belonging to me?”

Her mind was reeling from fear and the danger surrounding her and the strange conversation between the two men. “Please, let me go.” She hated her voice when it came out in a whimper.

The warrior’s eyes flashed, and one of his powerful arms snaked out, his hand clamping over Kyros’s throat. “Let her go. We can end this tonight.”

Everything inside of her roiled against the stark words of her savior ending anything tonight. The rational part of her knew this was insane, but the resignation of his tone twisted at her heart. She renewed her struggle to make Kyros let her go. She needed to get to the warrior. Something deep inside of her reached out to him, but Kyros’s grip tightened. She cried out as pain shot through her wrist.

The warrior moved. His body was a symphony of motion. Every muscle worked in harmony during the deadly attack. He sprang forward. With one swift motion, he pulled Haven away before colliding with Kyros. The bruising hands left her trembling body, and she stumbled behind the warrior and toward Bastian.

Kyros went flying backward. The window shattered. He skidded across the salt-crusted concrete sidewalk and out into the snow-covered street. He slowly stood while laughing. “A new pawn is added to our game.”

A violent swirl of air opened directly behind Kyros. Red and black lightning crackled around the vortex. Kyros gave an eloquent bow. “I look forward to it, Cadeyrn.” He stepped back, allowing the twist of angry wind to swallow him.

“Bastian!” Haven turned from the warrior and took one wobbling step toward the boy. A strong arm looped around her before she fell on her face. She shook her head, but that only produced a throbbing. “He’s hurt.”

“He’ll heal in his sleep,” the warrior said. “You need to be still so that I may look at your wounds.”

She twisted in his hold and then shoved her arms up between them. If her sensibilities were going to remain intact after what she’d just witnessed, he shouldn’t be that close. “Who are you?”

“Sit and I will tell you,” he said. His tone was final and commanding.

She ground her teeth together, but she sat. “Who are you?”

A half smile curved the corner of a sensual mouth. He bowed low. “I am Quinn Donovan. Might I have the pleasure of your name?”

“No, you’re not,” she snapped at him. Her head was hurting, Bastian was groaning, and she’d just fallen into a nightmare. “Who are you?”

His glacier blue eyes went fierce. “All right. Then who am I?”

“A figment of my imagination. That man tried to butcher me, and I’m in a hospital somewhere.” She took several controlled breaths to calm herself and give herself a chance to listen to her intuition. It kept her away from the Black Rose for the last three years. She curled her lip. That feeling of wanting to crawl into his lap and make his world right grew stronger. “If you are Quinn Donovan. I need your help.”

“Anything you need, all you have to do is ask,” he said.

He had some odd angle he was playing at. He’d just—well—she wasn’t exactly sure what that just was. She could hear a hum around him, but full words weren’t forming well enough for her to get a handle on them. Quinn appeared to be part of the epic battle her grandfather warned her about, but if her intuition was to be trusted, she wanted to be on Quinn’s side. “I need a warm place for me and Bastian to stay. We need food, and he needs medical attention.” She paused as she tried to figure out what was going on behind that mask of indifference on his face. “And I need someone to tell me what he is so I can help him with the change he’s going through.”

“Done, done, done, and done,” he said with a gentle voice. “He is an orphaned Undying male child. You are not equipped to handle the type of care and training he will need to survive to full maturity.”

“What does that mean?” she snapped as her mama bear hackles raised. “You are not going to take him from me!”

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said with perfect seriousness. “My home has enough room for all of us. I assure you I can be trusted.”

She wanted to believe him—to believe herself. Damn Mason for screwing with her. “What are you?”

“I am Undying. Just like the boy. I can take away his pain, and I can teach him how to use the power given to him.”

Haven focused on breathing to calm the rising panic. She’d said she was going to demand that Quinn Donovan help her. As crazy as asking for help from a stranger was, she didn’t have any other options. They couldn’t go back to the emergency room they’d snuck out of to get more pain medicine for Bastian. “We don’t do doctors.”

“My brother is a healer,” Quinn said. “I will call him when you and the boy are secured.”

“It might not be—” She took a step forward when Quinn walked over to Bastian and lifted him as if he weighed nothing. “You can’t just do that. What if you cause more damage?”

Quinn gave her a fierce look that had her pulling back. “The longer we remain here the better chances we have of being discovered.”

“Don’t you have one of those wind things?” Haven challenged him.

“Of course,” he said, as if trans-dimensional portals were normal. “But then I’d have to leave my Hummer in this neighborhood overnight.”

Haven was sure he was joking, but she wasn’t in the mood to appreciate the humor. “All right. What about Vinnie?”

Quinn glanced at the dead restaurant owner. His head bowed as raw grief emanated around him. “He’ll be given an honorable funeral.”

Haven didn’t like her lack of choices. While she hoped she could trust Donovan, she still wanted options in case something went wrong. However, no one could tell “no” to a man who could make the ground shake with the force of Quinn’s power. She was stuck seeing this out to its end.

Undying Hope

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