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THE fantastic red rock formations around Sedona just seemed to suddenly rise out of the Arizona desert, as startling and as stunning as The Olgas rising out of the desert in the red centre of Australia. Sunny was amazed by what was wrought by time and nature, and the likeness to parts of the Outback.

She had a marvellous view of it all from the plane before it set down at the airport, which was surprisingly situated on top of a hill overlooking the township. They were met by Will Templar’s chauffeur who loaded both them and their luggage into a very plush Cadillac. It was a very scenic drive, down the hill, through the town which seemed to be spread around a T-junction, then up another hill and finally into the driveway of a huge sprawling house built of stone and wood.

It commanded a spectacular view in every direction, and there were big windows and furnished porches to take advantage of it from both inside and out of doors. A large swimming pool occupied one side of the grounds with what looked like sophisticated barbecue facilities under a roofed area nearby. Everything projected a casual lifestyle, not a formal one, which set Sunny more at ease.

They were met at the front door by a middle-aged Mexican woman whom Bryce introduced as Rosita Perez, adding that Rosita ran the household.

She beamed at Sunny. ‘You are very welcome. Very welcome. Such wonderful news!’ Her dark eyes twinkled at Bryce. ‘Señor Will wants fajitas for lunch. It is a good sign.’

Sunny smiled and nodded. She didn’t know about fajitas but the warmth of the greeting helped to calm the butterflies in her stomach.

‘Where is he?’ Bryce asked.

‘On his favourite balcony. I have set out drinks and dips there. Go on….’ Rosita shooed them forward. ‘…he is waiting.’

They walked through a huge living room; big stone fireplace, big furniture in wood and black leather, brightly patterned scatter cushions and rugs featuring Indian motifs.

‘What are fajitas?’ Sunny whispered.

Bryce grinned. ‘Dad’s favourite dish. Spicy meat and vegetables wrapped in a kind of tortilla.’

‘How spicy?’

‘Not too spicy.’ His eyes teased her concern. ‘There’ll be other dishes for you to choose from, so don’t worry. You’ll get fed.’

‘Being nervous makes me hungry.’

‘The avocado dip Rosita makes is great. So is the corn one. Get stuck into them,’ he advised, his eyes positively laughing as he opened one of the glass doors to the designated balcony.

Sunny took a deep breath and stepped out.

It was a very wide, spacious balcony, holding a dark green wrought-iron-and-glass dining table, with six matching chairs cushioned in green and white. There were occasional tables, as well, serving groups of sun loungers upholstered in the same colours. However, the drinks and food Rosita had mentioned were set out on the dining table.

The rustle of a newspaper being put down was the first indication of Will Templar’s presence. She swung her gaze towards the sound and caught the movement of legs being swung off one of the loungers…long legs encased in light grey trousers. Behind her the door closed and she sensed Bryce stepping to her side as the man on the lounger rose to his feet.

Her first thought was, this will be Bryce thirty years from now. The likeness between father and son was striking, despite the older man’s white hair and the illness that had stripped him of extra weight that would have normally filled out his face and powerful frame.

They shared the same impressive height and strong facial features, as well as the air of being in command of their world. Will Templar’s heart condition certainly hadn’t diminished that, Sunny thought, and fancied these father and son meetings could sometimes develop into the clash of the Titans.

‘Sunny, this is my father,’ Bryce said casually. ‘Dad, this is my wife.’

In the face of such an intimidating authority figure, all her sales training leapt to the fore, pushing her into taking the initiative. ‘Hi,’ she said warmly, smiling as she moved forward to offer her hand and focusing directly on his eyes, which to her surprise were a silvery grey, different to Bryce’s. ‘I’ve been looking forward to meeting you, Mr. Templar.’

He took her hand and held it, seemingly amused by her brashly open approach. ‘Impressive. A sunny disposition…’ His gaze flicked to Bryce, one brow lifting. ‘…and the legs of a showgirl.’

‘Ignore that, Sunny,’ Bryce returned dryly. ‘My father has a fixation on showgirls.’

Will Templar laughed and pressed her hand reassuringly. ‘My son made the claim of beauty and brains. Since both are in evidence, I just thought I’d add my observations to the list. A very great pleasure to meet you, Sunny.’

The feeling of being patronised instantly raised Sunny’s hackles. ‘Is this a case of let the fun begin between you two?’ she challenged. ‘Shall I just sit down and eat while you get on with it?’

‘Sassy, too.’ Will Templar grinned, patting her hand in approval. ‘I think I’ll let you entertain me instead.’

‘If you’re not careful, Dad, Sunny may very well eat you for lunch.’

‘I did notice her teeth, my boy,’ he retorted good-humouredly. ‘A smile to dazzle you with before chomping.’

‘Beware the bite,’ Bryce tossed back at him. ‘Mine, too.’

‘I do love a good fight,’ Will Templar confided to Sunny, wrapping her arm around his as he drew her towards the table. ‘Especially when I win.’

‘I’m the winner here,’ Bryce declared, his eyes hotly assuring Sunny she was the top prize to him.

‘I can see that,’ his father conceded. ‘But who spurred you on to take a wife?’

Again the feeling of being a mere cipher between them goaded Sunny into further speech. ‘Actually, Mr. Templar, I took Bryce as my husband.’

‘What?’ He looked flabbergasted at her temerity.

Sunny smiled. ‘You could call it a mutual taking. I did have equal say in it, you know.’

Bryce laughed.

His father looked askance at her. ‘You have a very smart tongue.’

‘Smart brain, too,’ Bryce chimed in. ‘What would you like to drink, Dad?’

‘I’ve got to stick to juice.’


‘I’ll have juice, too, thanks, Bryce.’

‘I had Rosita bring out a bottle of Krug champagne,’ his father pointed out.

‘Lovely,’ Sunny warmly approved, ‘but not on an empty stomach.’

He pulled out a chair from the table and waved her to it. ‘Then sit down and eat,’ he commanded, put out at not having everything go his way.

Sunny grinned at him. ‘Thank you.’

He shook a finger at her. ‘You…are a very provocative young woman.’

‘You mean…not a yes-woman?’ Sunny tilted at him before reaching for a corn chip and the avocado dip. ‘Having a mind of my own has always worked better for me, Mr. Templar. I see no reason to give it up just because I married your son.’

She coated the chip with dip and popped it in her mouth, feeling highly invigorated for having stood up for herself.

‘Here’s your juice, Sunny.’ Bryce set a filled glass in front of her.

‘What about mine?’ his father growled. ‘I’m the invalid around here.’

‘I thought you were fighting fit, Dad.’

‘Two against one is not a fair fight.’

‘You asked for it. Now if you’ll stop assuming Sunny is a walkover, we could have a really pleasant lunch together.’

‘Just testing her out.’ He settled himself on the chair at the head of the table, gesticulating at Bryce. ‘You bring a stranger into the family. How am I supposed to know her mettle if I don’t test her out?’

‘You could try trusting my judgment,’ came the ready advice as Bryce set a glass of juice in front of his father.

‘Huh! Men can get blinded by a woman’s beauty.’

Bryce raised an eyebrow at Sunny. ‘Am I blind?’

She grinned at him, having just tried the corn dip and found it as delicious as the avocado one. ‘No. Just besotted. But that’s okay because I’m besotted, too.’

Will Templar barked with laughter, vastly amused by the exchange. ‘Oh, that’s good! Very good! If you’re not careful, Bryce, she’ll be giving you the rounds of the kitchen.’

‘A novel thought,’ he retorted, pulling out the chair at the foot of the table and relaxing onto it.

‘Novelty wears off,’ came the sardonic reply. ‘She might be compliant now, but…’

‘You know, Mr. Templar,’ Sunny cut in sweetly. ‘Where I come from, it’s rude to talk over a person as though she’s not there.’

His silvery grey eyes narrowed on her. ‘No respect for authority. I’ve heard that about Australians.’

‘Then you’ve heard wrong. We do respect an authority who shows us respect.’

‘Just what position do you hold in our company, young woman?’

‘I do sales presentations. And I work hard at commanding respect, Mr. Templar. I do not lie down and let people steamroll over me.’

‘But you’re married to Bryce now,’ he said sharply. ‘Do you expect to keep on working?’

‘Do you have a problem with that, Mr. Templar?’

‘What about children? Do you figure on having any?’

She flashed a look at Bryce who smiled back at her, confident of her reply and perfectly content to let the conversation run without his interference. His eyes said she was doing fine with his father.

‘Yes, we do,’ she said, smiling her own pleasure in the prospect of having a family with Bryce.

‘Do you intend on working then?’

‘Being a mother will have priority, but it does take nine months to make a baby, Mr. Templar. Do you think I should twiddle my thumbs until one arrives?’

He frowned. ‘Got to take care of yourself during pregnancy,’ he said bruskly. ‘My first wife—Bryce’s mother—had a hard time of it. Kidney problems. Shouldn’t have had a child at all. Died when Bryce was only a toddler.’

The brusk tone carried shades of old pain, instantly cooling Sunny’s fighting instincts and stirring her sympathy. ‘I’m sorry,’ she said softly. ‘I really want to have a baby, so you can be sure I’ll take every care when I do fall pregnant, Mr. Templar.’

‘Yes, well, no time to waste,’ he said gruffly. ‘Bryce isn’t getting any younger. He’s thirty-four, you know. Should have started a family years ago.’

‘A bit difficult when I only met Sunny this week,’ Bryce drawled, his eyes mocking his father’s contention. ‘And you can hardly accuse me of wasting time once I met the right woman.’

His gaze shifted to Sunny and she basked in the warmth of it, feeling more and more that she truly was right for him, and he was right for her. A hasty marriage it might be, but she certainly didn’t repent her decision…yet.

‘Got an answer for everything,’ Will Templar grumbled. ‘Sunny, you’re hogging those dips. While I’m happy to see you have a healthy appetite, I like them, too.’

‘Would you like me to spread some on the chips for you?’ Sunny immediately offered.

‘I can help myself if you’ll kindly pass them up.’

‘Not thinking of yourself as an invalid anymore?’ Bryce archly commented as Sunny obliged.

‘I can handle a bit of finger food.’ He glowered at Bryce. ‘I see you’re feeling on top of things, just because you got married.’

‘I generally am on top of things, Dad. I work at it. Which is why you made me CEO, remember?’

‘Well, don’t be getting too cocky about it…counting chickens before they hatch. Damian called me yesterday.’

‘Nice for you that he keeps in touch.’ Bryce slanted a wry smile at Sunny. ‘Damian is my half-brother. Dad’s son by his third wife.’

‘A very caring son, too,’ Will Templar declared, pausing to give the statement weight, and eyeing Bryce with a very definite glint of challenge. ‘Told me his wife’s pregnant.’

Bryce nodded affably. ‘I must call and congratulate them.’

‘Giving me a grandchild before you do.’

Sunny sensed the threat behind the words and instantly felt uneasy. Was Will Templar playing one son off against another, with the position of CEO as the prize? If so, there was a factor in his marriage decision that Bryce hadn’t told her about. She looked sharply at him but discerned no rise of tension in his demeanour.

He smiled, maintaining an affable front. ‘I’m glad you’ll be getting in some practice as a grandfather before Sunny and I have a child. In fact, maybe we should wait a while, simply enjoy having each other before Sunny gets pregnant. I believe a baby needs to be welcomed and loved for itself…’ His lips were still curved into a smile but his eyes hardened to green flint as he softly added, ‘…not used as a pawn.’

Suddenly the air between father and son was so thick with threat and counter-threat, it could have been cut with a knife.

Sunny knew intuitively Bryce would not back off. And she didn’t want him to. What he’d stated was what she believed, as well, although she didn’t really want to wait. Not long, anyway. All the same, she understood that pleasing his father was one thing, being dictated to was quite another. Bryce would not be the man he was if he tamely succumbed to his father’s string-pulling.

She was startled when Will Templar abruptly switched his focus to her. ‘Do you want to wait a while, Sunny?’ he demanded rather than asked.

‘I think husband and wife should be in total agreement on when they have a baby and it’s no one else’s business but theirs,’ she said slowly, keeping her wits alert to the undercurrents. ‘I’m sure Bryce would consider what I want, every bit as much as I would consider what he wants.’

Will Templar leaned forward, boring in. ‘Do you realise I still have the power to strip Bryce of his position in the company?’

Sunny felt her spine bristling. Her eyes locked onto the older man’s and fought fire with fire. ‘I didn’t marry Bryce for his position, Mr. Templar.’

‘What did you marry him for?’

‘I fancied him rotten and I thought he’d make a great father for the children I want.’

‘You fancied him rotten?’

Either he was unfamiliar with the term or she’d knocked him off his power perch. Sunny decided to play her hand to the hilt.

‘Mmm…’ She gave Bryce a smouldering look. ‘He has a way of inspiring the most terrible lust in me.’

He smouldered right back. ‘The inspiration goes both ways.’

‘Enough!’ Will Templar snapped. ‘You don’t have to prove you’re besotted with each other at my table!’

Bryce shrugged. ‘Actually, we don’t have to prove anything, Dad. We just came to visit.’

‘Fine visit this is…not even opening the bottle of champagne.’

‘I’ll be happy to open it,’ Bryce said, lifting the bottle out of the ice bucket. ‘Ready for a glass now, Sunny?’

‘Yes. Thank you. These dips really are delicious.’

‘Are you always so direct?’ his father demanded of her.

Sunny frowned quizzically at him. ‘Weren’t you being direct with me, Mr. Templar?’

He looked somewhat disgruntled. ‘Just testing your mettle.’

‘Did I pass the test?’

He snorted. ‘It’s plain you and Bryce are two of a kind.’

‘Is that good or bad?’ Sunny queried.

For the first time she saw a flash of respect in his eyes. ‘You can call me Will.’

‘Thank you.’ She smiled warmly. ‘I take that as a real compliment.’

‘So you should.’ He visibly thawed. ‘Just see that boy of mine starts fathering real soon. Can’t wait forever for a grandchild, you know.’

From which Sunny deduced it was Bryce’s child he most wanted to see, not Damian’s.

That thought stayed with her long after the lunch visit was over and Will Templar had conveyed his rather crotchety blessing on the marriage and expressed his pointed hope that their honeymoon would be productive.

The chauffeur transported them to the L’Auberge Inn which was nestled along the bank of a pretty, tree-lined creek and surrounded by towering red cliffs. It had a European-style lodge, supplying luxurious amenities for resident guests, and the secluded cottage Bryce had booked for the night was very romantically furnished in a rich, French provincial style.

‘May I say how delighted I am that you fancy me rotten,’ Bryce tossed at her the moment they were alone.

She laughed and repeated her smouldering look. ‘Your father clearly does not see you through the eyes of a woman.’

‘I’m only interested in your eyes, Sunny,’ he said seriously, enfolding her in his embrace. ‘You handled my father brilliantly, but…can I believe every word you said?’

‘You know the wanting is real, Bryce. How could it not be when…’ She blushed at the memories of her deeply primitive response to him.

He reached up and ran his fingertips over the self-conscious heat, his eyes burning into hers as he softly asked, ‘Did you fancy me rotten before you broke with Derek?’

Her skin became even hotter under his questing touch. The intensity he was projecting seeded a wild thought. Was he jealous of the relationship she’d had with her ex-fiancé?

‘You must be aware of how attractive you are physically, Bryce. I think any woman would fancy you. The saleslady who sold me my wedding dress certainly did. But I didn’t know you in any personal sense…’

‘And now that you do?’

‘Derek belongs in the past. It’s you I want.’

She wound her arms around his neck and kissed him to prove there was no looking back on her part. He was her husband now and she wanted no other.

Bryce stormed her mouth with a passionate possessiveness that swiftly moved into much more than a kiss. They made love in a frenzy of desire for each other, craving an affirmation that their marriage was right and always would be.

It was hours later, when they were dressing for dinner—Bryce insisting she wear the cream lace gown again for the six-course ‘wedding feast’ he planned to order at the gourmet restaurant in the lodge—that Sunny recalled the question raised at lunch with Will Templar.

‘Are you in competition with your half-brother, Bryce?’ she asked bluntly, wanting to know the truth.

‘Damian?’ He looked amused, his eyes mocking the suggestion as he answered, ‘My father cares too much for Templar Resources to ever put Damian in control of it, Sunny. He knows it. I know it. It’s not an option.’

‘Then why did he threaten it?’

Bryce shrugged. ‘It’s simply a measure of how much he wants me to have a child.’

She frowned. ‘You played it like a power game, saying we might wait.’

‘A gift is one thing, a pressured demand quite another.’

‘What would you do if he did give the CEO position to Damian?’

‘Go into opposition. In effect, my father would lose me.’

And you would lose him, she thought.

‘He won’t go that far, Sunny. Don’t worry about it.’

All the same, she couldn’t help thinking it would be best—easier all around—if they did have a child straight away. And Bryce had to be thinking that, too.

A productive honeymoon…

In Bed With...Collection

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