Читать книгу An Endless Quest for Spiritual Truth: A Practical Guide to Everyday Spirituality - Eric Chifunda - Страница 21



How do you turn on a new leaf so as to move forward in life? It is to our benefit to make time to fulfill our life goals. We think about the goals, plan them, but never seem to get time to follow through with them. We plan that we will start afresh some day, maybe next month, maybe at the beginning of the new year. But time never seems to come; we always find something else to do. Divine spirit has time and again showed us time to set new goals and start working toward achieving them. But time never seems to come. There seem to be not enough time. Yet there’s always enough time to fritter away on unproductive things. There is always enough time to chill on the couch under the convenient belief that we need to rest, get some rest after a hard day’s work even when we are not necessarily tired. Or sometimes we sit and think about what to do next instead of actually doing it. Before we know it, it’s too late. Because we spent part of the free time brooding, planning, watching too much TV, making phone calls out of need to fill time. Kill time! By killing time, we are wasting an aspect of our valuable life.

It is in our best interest to attend to our talents, interests, hobbies instead of sitting around and doing nothing productive. Our valuable time goes underutilized, losing it, wasting it. We are left with nothing to show for the time spent in unproductive activities. Little or nothing is gained from unproductive activity or inaction. What is needed is a clear daily plan, daily recommitment to our life goals, doing them well and seeing them through to completion.

We can start with small manageable goals in the initial stages, progressing toward bigger goals and making adjustments as needed. Before we know it, we would have gotten where we set out to go and beyond if we let divine spirit guide us and we stay proactive. So it behooves us to move from planners to doers. With that, doors of new opportunities will begin to swing open. This is due to right action fueled by our selfless goals done for the good of all.

Let us change gears. Turn on a new leaf, waste no more time. If we plan our days and nights well, there will be enough time to fulfill our goals and some time left for leisure as well. Time well planned and spent is time well invested and enjoyed.

An Endless Quest for Spiritual Truth: A Practical Guide to Everyday Spirituality

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